The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1107: Rice can be eaten indiscriminately

When the devil came on the last night, a handsome man surrounded by golden light stood up and smiled at the shocked people.

Welcome to the world of dreams, my dear traveller!

The dreamer rescued passers-by in the parallel world, and then selected a representative to negotiate with the dreamer in an attempt to find out what happened.

"So in order to defeat the invading demons, you must all participate. Only by driving the demons out of this world can you regain your freedom!"

"This is the will of the mother god. No one can resist it, including you!"

Looking at the walker representative in front of us, a dreamer said with a smile.

According to you, unless the devil is eliminated, we cannot return to the original world, right?

A potbellied man asked, his thin clothes were a bit overwhelmed and seemed to be torn at any time.

"This is also right and wrong. As long as the devil is defeated, you can all leave, but if someone has enough points, they can also apply to leave, and absolutely no one will stop them!" Mengzhe explained with a smile, But a strange light flashed through his eyes.

The representative of the Pacers was silent for a while. Although they have accepted the fact of the walkers, they still feel uneasy about letting the walkers fight the invading demons.

It seemed to see the worry of passers-by, and the dreamer said, "You don't have to worry too much. The devil is not as terrible as imagined. In a recent battle, we killed more than 200,000 demons!

In addition, you have five chances to be born again. As long as you are careful, you will definitely persist until the final victory!

Hearing these words from the dreamer, passers-by breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the devil was not terrible. Otherwise, how could he be killed by more than 200,000 people at once?

Although five opportunities for rebirth sounds exciting, if you don’t enter the world of your dreams, where can you use them?

Where did they know that this dreamer was just a spun yarn that exaggerated the results several times, let alone lost a major city!

As for the five chances of rebirth, if you don't improve your strength, it won't be long before it will be consumed!

"Next, you will convey this news as soon as possible to stabilize people's hearts, because the devil will come at any time.

In addition, each passerby will get 500 points, which can be used to exchange various materials at the mother's place, especially the food purification card, and then accept the task of killing demons and demons!

After answering questions raised by several representatives of passers-by, the dreamer left in a hurry, seeming to have something urgent to deal with.

The representatives of the passers-by looked at each other, left the restricted area with a heavy heart, and explained the whole thing to the people.

Crying and anger can't solve any problems, so we can only follow the dreamers' requirements, otherwise they will be trapped in this strange world forever!

In fact, not all passers-by are depressed and confused. Many of them immediately became emotional after learning the cause and consequences of the incident. They couldn't wait to run to the two places of God at once to see what they could exchange.

For these travelers, this strange world is more beautiful than before, and their hearts are full of ambitions!


No one thought of it, but in the past night, the entire fantasy world has undergone tremendous changes!

At first, the bare wilderness was full of flowers and trees, and even the river was gurgling.

What used to be a monotonous world with only black and white colors, now it has become colorful and seems full of vitality and vitality. It is no longer as lifeless as before!

But for Zifeng, this is definitely not good news, because his most worried thing finally happened.

Looking at the mountainous city full of plants and vines, Zi Feng, who had just returned from the primitive world, smiled bitterly, looking helpless.

"City Lord, what do you think was the original will?" Tyson looked at the information that had just returned, turned his head and asked Zifeng.

Naturally, it creates difficulties for us and tries to get rid of it!

With a hint of contempt in Zifeng's tone, he said to Tyson: "This guy really laid the foundation for us to drive away. God knows how much origin power this change will waste?"

Having said this, Zifeng showed an expression of pain, as if he was the source of the waste.

"The dream world originally had a harsh environment, but this is extremely beneficial to us, because apart from the accumulation of the city, the dreamer has no hiding place, and even an ambush is impossible!

However, with the transformation of the original will, we have been unable to win other major cities quickly and easily. In the process of traveling alone, we will encounter many obstacles. Dreamers can make full use of the terrain to prevent us from approaching other major cities easily. Especially in this plant-covered environment, it is impossible to find the exact locations of those cities from a distance.

I guess it will not be long before we will be harassed by the "guerrillas", and it is impossible to stop them!

Tyson smiled contemptuously when he heard this. An evil spirit flashed in his eyes and said, "What is this? I will kill as many people as possible until they can't be reborn!"

"Things are not that simple. I always feel that the original will is to do things, and this is also a big move!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zifeng's eyes, but suffering from lack of information, he couldn't figure out what the source would do.

Just as he frowned and thought, suddenly a Three Dragon City monk walked over and handed him a piece of information.

With just a glance, Zi Feng jumped up, his face full of consternation.

Tyson took the intelligence and glanced at it silently, and smiled bitterly. He finally understood why Zifeng was so rude.

"It's still the Lord of the City, this source is really cunning, and he started to equip the broken dream with technological weapons!

The original strength has just been pulled together, but now it has dropped a lot, really frustrated!

Zifeng shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The enemy is not only upgrading equipment. According to intelligence, the nearest Miyagi Kun, the third largest city, suddenly saw more than 500,000 passers-by. I believe similar things have happened in other major cities. Circumstances. This is obviously the work of the original will!

But I really don't understand, why Haraoka still refuses to sleep endlessly so far. What's the secret?

Shaking his head lightly, Zifeng sat back on the chair again and began to think about how to deal with it.

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