The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1108: It's impossible to talk nonsense

This dream world was built by primitive will. As long as it follows certain rules, it cannot interfere with how it wants to play Zifeng. In addition, Zifeng had anticipated these changes a long time ago, and even adopted corresponding countermeasures.

Don’t you have millions of walkers? It's ok. I can get it too. It's just a little trouble at best. During this period, not only the soul transfer matrix needs to be reformed, but also the dream notes. In fact, for the nearly 10 billion people in the primitive world, it is not difficult to bring millions of travelers into war.

Zifeng also has solutions for equipment and logistics supply problems.

With the joint efforts of the monks in Shenlong City, the operating principles of the two places of the mother **** were revealed at the same time. After all, it contaminates real objects with the power of its origin, thereby obtaining the qualification to enter the dream world, and then it can only be used after the spirit is refined.

The quiet and clear river beach suddenly became a battlefield!

Dozens of dreamers quickly crossed the knee-deep river and immediately surrounded the patrol team. On the other side of the river, dozens of enemies kept shooting under the trees.

Watching this, the restless fishermen rushed into the distance, worried that they would be killed by the battle.

Despite the surprise attack, the monks of San Liuzhou did not panic. The hands of several knives and shields immediately leaned against each other to protect the archers around him. He also took this opportunity to dive into the woods by the river.

Although the captured sniper rifle has just arrived, the archers are very relieved. The whole person seems to merge with the gun. With every shot, one of the enemy's gunmen is bound to be killed.

Only relying on the sniper rifle, the archer completely suppressed the gunman on the other side!

The other brothers in Loucheng got a chance to breathe and immediately let go of their hands and feet to fight the besieged dreamer.

Not all the dreamers I met this time were equipped with weapons, and most of them still used cold weapons, such as swords. Compared with uncontrolled bullets after shooting, dreamers are more willing to use cold weapons, such as weapons!

Today, more than 90% of dreamers who fight with guns are people who have just entered the world of dreams and passed quickly. Although there are experts, most of them are just miscellaneous soldiers.

The same is true for the Three Dragon City monks, because although firearms and weapons have many advantages, they are still not as reliable as the sword in their hearts!

However, for the Liuzhou monks who are accustomed to using firearms and weapons, once they trade bows and arrows for hard crossbows, they are really not used to it. A sniper like an archer is as clumsy as a broken arm, and their true power simply cannot be used.

Fortunately, I just captured a sniper rifle, otherwise the patrol team will suffer a huge loss today!

As for the Loucheng monks who used to use individual machine guns, it is estimated that it will take a long time to equip such a big killer, after all, they can't even bow and arrow.

In the open mountainous areas, the fighting became more and more intense. The dreamer relied on a large number of people, coupled with the long-term harassment of firearms and weapons, and gradually suppressed the monks of the Holy Dragon City, and the situation was precarious.

In such a dangerous situation, the archers in the patrol team were possessed by the gods. He fired a sniper rifle brilliantly, one after another at the gunmen on the other side of the river.

The situation suddenly changed, and the pressure on the patrol team suddenly eased.

"Brother, good job!"

The gunshots on the other side became less and less, and the patrol captain was overjoyed. At the same time, he brandished a knife and slashed at a dreamer.

As the monk's skills improved, a few strange snake ghosts suddenly appeared on the arm of the patrol captain, staring at the prey with cold eyes, as if he was choosing people and biting.

The skills of the Lou Cheng brothers are very strange, he has absorbed many essences of the invaded world. Although there was a lot of chaos, the lethality was not affected at all. This strange and unpredictable effect makes the enemy feel terrified.

"Die for me!" The captain of the patrol roared, and the golden sword, like tofu, cut off the silver shield of the dreamer across the street and kept cutting off the enemy's weapons.

At the same time, when the sword passed through the enemy's broken arm, the strange snake attached to the patrol captain's arm turned into a streamer, and the wound that went directly into the broken arm disappeared.

The face of Broken Arm Dreamer was terrified, and his entire face was immediately covered in blue and gray, looking like a zombie.


A deep voice came, and the dreamer's head suddenly split, and his body fell backward in the river, drifting slowly along the river.

The giant snake circled several times, and went straight to the patrol captain who killed another enemy. It quickly disappeared in his body. After a short period of dormancy, it reappeared and killed another seriously injured dreamer.


The captain of the patrol was killing here, but a strange roar came from the side. A monk from Shenlongcheng was in crisis and finally successfully used his monk skills.

With his roar, his body suddenly soared to more than three meters high. The slender body covered with scales also resembled a lizard, and the four pairs of eyes with erect pupils shot cruel rays of light.

No matter from that perspective, this is a pure monster!

I don't know why, Lou Cheng's skills can exert 100% power in dreams. This is also the reason why dreamers often suffer huge losses in close combat.

But in the eyes of dreamers and walkers, this is conclusive evidence that the intruder is a real demon!

"Brothers, kill this demon for me!"

The leader of the dreamer is nearby. Seeing the horror behind the scenes, he immediately shouted.

Upon hearing this, the dreamers who participated in the siege roared loudly and attacked the deformed monk with full of hatred.

"Haha, reckless guy!"

This refining monster Xie Jing·Loucheng monk has completed the transformation, and his strength is close to that of the main monk, and his mind has become ruthless.

He spit out a long letter with a grinning smile, and immediately waved his scythe-like paws like a **** of death, cutting off several broken dreams around him like a lawnmower, and then roared and killed the other enemies.

However, all the enemies he attacked were eventually crushed!

Due to the sudden outbreak of teammates, coupled with the harassment of no sniper firepower, the remaining patrol members let go one by one, and the monks' skills continued to explode, knocking the dreamers to tears.

The meeting lasted only a few minutes. The dreamers in the ambush suffered heavy casualties, and the floodplains were full of broken bodies.

Although the monks in Loucheng suffered casualties, they are becoming more and more courageous to kill, one by one, like lunatics!

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