The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1109: Absolute speed

"Retreat quickly, their reinforcements are coming!"

On the other side of the river, an alarm sounded suddenly to remind the dreamers who were fighting to evacuate as soon as possible.

"Brothers, let's go!"

Hearing the warning from the other side of the river, the rest of the dreamers stopped hesitating and retreated to the other side of the river.

"Grandson Tortoise, this is going to slip away, don't ask the uncle to answer no!" It's just that the patrol team also suffered heavy casualties at this time. A dozen team members can only fight a few people, and the rest have been injured or died.

Although they were covered in blood and bruises, the patrol captain and others were full of fighting spirit, biting the enemy and refused to let go.

It is a pity that the captain of the patrol has only a few people, and can't leave the remaining twenty-odd enemies.

Seeing that the sneak attack was about to successfully evacuate, he heard a roar from the air, and then saw several back-winged holy dragon monks rushing over, followed by more than a dozen milky white unmanned patrol aircraft.

"Brother, we will take care of the choppy. Fuck them!"

With a burst of wanton laughter, more than a dozen unmanned patrol planes opened fire in the air at the same time. The dense barrages stirred up a column of water. The retreating dreamers fell into the river one by one, soaking the clear water to red.

When the gunfire stopped, the dreamers who attacked were all wiped out!

As the patrol captain and others said, Qi Qi sat down paralyzed, lying on the beach full of dead bodies with a long, silent smile.

General Miyagi was once a forbidden zone for dreamers.

Under the **** of many Loucheng monks, hundreds of Loucheng residents were busy around a metal building. Over time, this strange metal building was finally assembled.

The residents of Shenlong City have their own division of labor. As long as they look at their clothes, they are all technicians in the city and do not participate in the battle.

Although it looks like a scholar, this does not mean that their hands are powerless. If the enemy despised it, he would definitely die miserably.

The technicians in Shenlong City are different from the original world. From the beginning of its establishment, Zifeng began to collect elite talents from all aspects. As long as you have a certain degree of attainments, whether it is rune or forging, you may be included.

Many monks who thought they were very educated did not find that this profession seemed more suitable for them after joining them, so they simply stopped participating in the war and began to do research. As a result, many strange things occurred.

Even the king-level monk Ling Xuzi was unwilling to be alone and always participated in it.

Travelers from the primitive world and locals from the Loucheng world, together with talents brought back from other worlds, finally formed the current technical team of Shenlong City.

With their cooperation, the task of replicating the two places of Mother God was completed. After everyone forgot to eat and sleep, they finally entered the final testing stage.

With the release of the opening order, a replica of the goddess statue similar in height to the three-story building slowly began. A huge beam of light rose into the sky and suddenly penetrated the space barrier of the dream world, connecting with the distant Dragon City.

Although the beam of light will be exposed and not conducive to hiding, it can complete the transfer of items in a short time. After the transformation of legal power, Loucheng World's articles can be used in "The World of Dreams".

It sounds simple, but without the power of the dream world, everything is impossible. "City Lord, Mother God 1 has been activated, do you want to test it?"

Ling Xuzi looked at the well-functioning equipment, with a satisfied smile on his face, turned his head and asked Zifeng.


With a smile, Zifeng walked into the No. 1 Main God Mission Hall, which was entirely made of metal, and chose the exchange function.

Zifeng was surrounded by holographic projections, which showed all his views and various exchangeable items, which seemed clear at a glance.

If Zifeng has any questions, he can also ask questions and get answers.

Unlike the dreamers who cannot escape from the dream world, the points of the Brothers of the Three Dragons can be exchanged with the points of Loucheng, so as to ensure that the points can still be used after the war.

Zifeng exchanged his points for a gun, fiddled with it twice, then refined it into gold, and gave it to a Three Dragon City monk beside him.

The test work progressed smoothly and fully achieved the expected results. The dissatisfaction of the monks in Shenlongcheng with the equipment finally subsided.

However, due to the limitations of the fantasy world, any weapon needs to be refined before use, especially those complex weapons, so it is impossible to use large-scale weapons of war in a short period of time.

Most dreamers use crude single-shot rifles, which is actually the reason, because their barren souls cannot support the refinement of complex weapons, let alone the bottomless pits waiting for their ammunition to be consumed.

There is no hardened solid bullet and no killing effect. This is the biggest consumption!

The existing armed robots in Shenlong City once wasted Zifeng's time and energy. He doesn't want to repeat this kind of boring work.

With the end of the test, the Main God No. 1 also began to officially operate. The monks of the Holy Dragon City who had been waiting for a long time immediately lined up to communicate, and then smiled and held the appropriate equipment.

The next step is to improve all the equipment and fight the dreamer on the battlefield.

An important task was completed, and the second task that was in progress at the same time began to count down.

After the transformation of the soul transfer matrix of Shenlong City, the souls from the original world can be transferred to the dream world through the "smuggling" channel opened by the dream note.

The Lord God 1 will open a special network to record the behavior of the original world travelers throughout the process to ensure that they can get the points they deserve.

Compared with the overbearing will of the origin of the dream world, the residents of the parallel world are directly brought to the dream world as cannon fodder to resist the monks of the castle, while Zifeng uses a relatively mild method to choose to hire the residents of the primitive world to participate in the war with economic benefits. .

Even if "death" will cause a certain amount of trauma to the spirit, there will still be countless people in the original world who are interested in it and eager to participate!


The primitive world, a big city.

A group of young people gathered in a building, watching the upgrades of many transit cabins with all their attention, looking forward to it. "Hehe, after waiting so long, we finally have a chance to go to the battlefield. It's exciting to think of this!"

A young man with short hair turned red, obviously in a state of excitement.

"I can remind you that if you die in a dream, you will have to suffer mental trauma and it will take at least a month to re-enter!"

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