The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1110: I caught you!

A woman sitting on the sofa curled her lips and warned.

"Cut, it's not really dead, what's to be afraid of!"

Hearing the words, the short-haired youth showed a trace of disdain, and said in a cold tone.

"Because our guild has stayed in Sacred Dragon City and has certain experience, only then can we have the opportunity to enter the dream world first, so we must pay special attention.

According to the information I got, there are more than 10,000 civil groups similar to ours in the world, with a total of more than 200,000. In addition, there are military teams, teams organized by major consortia, and some scattered players.

Everyone's purpose is basically the same, that is, to accumulate as many combat points as possible in the Loucheng world to exchange for precious materials, of course, it is not ruled out that someone will exchange them for cash.

"Therefore, battle points are precious and cannot be wasted easily. All transactions can only be carried out with my permission. Do you understand?"

The speaker is a short-haired woman with a delicate face and very capable words and deeds.

"Don't worry, Captain, everyone will listen to you at that time, and will never act at will!"

The short-haired youth seemed to be very scared of this woman, and said with a smile after hearing this.

The same is true for the other members in the room, because women with short hair far surpass them in position and status, not to mention that they are mutually employed.

At this time, the upgrade of the soul transfer module has been completed, and the crowd immediately jumped into it.

As the teleportation cabin slowly closed, the crowd also fell into a coma, and seemed to have entered a long narrow passage in a trance.

When the consciousness is restored, the travelers of the primitive world have entered the dream world!

Welcome to the world of dreams, please go to the mission square to exchange materials!

Hearing a cold female voice in his ears, Li Yang, who had just regained consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth in surprise.

What appeared in front of him was a huge square surrounded by mountains. Tall trees and strange flowers and plants grew on the square, with a fixed painting style.

The square occupies an area of ​​tens of hectares, but it is currently crowded with people of different skin colors. Occasionally, passers-by who have just arrived will appear out of thin air.

Looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, Li Yang couldn't help feeling a little absent, until he was pushed back.

"Hey brother, what are you doing? Don't rush to change your equipment!"

A young man encountered Li Yang apologizing by chance, and then said an AFC language in a strange tone, reminding Li Yang while dancing.

"Oh, thank you, I'll be there soon!"

Li Yang nodded to express his gratitude, and then under the guidance of the sky holographic signpost, he walked through the crowd to the mission square with difficulty.

It is also very crowded, but passers-by are carrying all kinds of equipment, including all kinds of guns that Li Yang has been waiting for.

With a fiery heart, he rushed into the square at a faster speed.

After arriving at the mission square, Li Yang saw strange metal buildings standing around, surrounded by defensive towers, and unmanned aerial vehicles constantly patrolling the air.

The monk of Shenlongcheng was armed to the breath of his teeth, and looked at the crowd with indifferent eyes, murderous.

A glimmer of admiration and admiration flashed in Li Yang's eyes. The main reason for him to enter the dream world is that he hopes that he can have the same powerful power as Lou Cheng, and fight in strange worlds one after another.

As for whether this war was related to killing and plunder, Li Yang never paid attention. Unlike some people in the primitive world, he does not enjoy the benefits of the Loucheng world, while protesting the barbarism and inhumanity of the holy cities everywhere.

Without my race, there would be no humanity. In addition, if there is no Shenlong City, the original world will be invaded by other races and become completely ruins!

In Li Yang's view, the whole world should be grateful to Shenlong City instead of responding to evil.

Just as Li Yang was staring at the equipment of the Dragon City monk and drooling, a reminder sounded in his mind: "Please establish a spiritual connection with the first main god, obtain the materials you need, and improve your combat effectiveness as soon as possible!"

Hearing the prompt, Li Yang did not hesitate to communicate with the first main god.

All travelers in the original world have 500 free points, which is enough to exchange for a simple set of equipment and supplies. If you want something better, you need to work hard to get it!

Because Li Yang was a novice, he had no choice, but he still exchanged an old bolt, an ammunition base, and a food purification card that could last a week at the fastest speed.

After getting the exchanged equipment, Li Yang immediately found a quiet corner and improved the weapon according to the strategy he saw before crossing.

There are many people crossing the road like him. Everyone is racing against time to enter the battlefield as soon as possible.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yang stared at the old rifle in his hand, and the thin and weak mental power constantly seeped into it.

Unknowingly, three days have passed, and Li Yang finally completed the preliminary refinement.

The rifle has been refined to the black iron level, which is the lowest level in the equipment level, but has become a real murder weapon.

In addition, Li Yang refined 50 rounds of ammunition, a bayonet and a military grenade. After moving his somewhat stiff body, Li Yang looked around and found that the team he was working with to refine weapons had left, apparently accepting the task and leaving the base camp.

This is the shortcoming of single-handedly, without the help of peers, many things are difficult to do.

Unlike other organized and background teams, Li Yang was lucky enough to be qualified to enter the dream world because he uploaded physical fitness test data to the talent pool of Shenlong Group.

There are many lucky people similar to him, but most of them have joined the big team, and there are few real lone rangers.

After tidying up the equipment, Li Yang went to another place as instructed because most of the tasks were assigned there.

On the specially cleaned site, several teams have assembled, each with hundreds of people.

Most walkers choose guns as their weapons, only a few walkers use swords and armor. Most of these people are excellent fighters, or are better at using cold weapons such as bows and arrows.

After seeing Li Yang looking around with a rifle on his back, someone took the initiative to say hello: "Brother, if there is no team, please follow us. The task is to clear the mountain of resistance in the city. The score is very high!"

Li Yang, who came to look for the task, refused and agreed, and was taken to a nearby team.

It can be seen from a little bit of discrimination that this team consists of more than a dozen teams, and there are only two or three travelers like Li Yang.

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