The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1111: Show prestige!

Sitting together chatting for a few words, and then waiting boredly, until the leader came over to greet everyone to start action, Li Caiyang knew that the five surrounding teams had received the same task.

When encountering an overwhelming enemy, they can move freely and ask Shenlong City for all kinds of support. Only then will they be deducted certain points.

Just now, Li Yang looked at the map and found that the target was about 30 kilometers away from them. Because there was no vehicle, they had to walk there.

Before reaching the dream world, people already knew the environment here, so no one complained about it.

Due to the transformation of the original will, the vegetation in the entire fantasy world is extremely dense, providing cover for dreamers and causing great inconvenience to walkers.

There is no need to say anything during the parade. After a difficult journey, when everyone felt that they would lose support, the leader finally ordered the parade to stop.

As soon as Li Yang's heart bends, he subconsciously began to observe the surrounding environment. Judging from the distance they traveled, they should have been close to the city where the dreamer is located.

Sure enough, as he expected, the enemy's gathering place was right in front. The military leaders asked people to hide as much as possible and not to be spotted by the enemy too early.

Although they have not experienced any real wars, most of them have only received simple military training, but the obedience of passersby is very good. Hearing the leader's request, they immediately moved forward slowly under the cover of plants. After seeing this scene, the military leader nodded secretly, and his worries were alleviated.

The reason why Three Dragon City did not mobilize the troops of the primitive world was because the spiritual strength of many soldiers did not meet the standard. Even if they enter the dream world, they cannot refine their weapons.

Zifeng had to. This was the spiritual standard selected in the world. It had gathered enough of the first batch of special "mercenaries". As for why he didn't summon hundreds of thousands of Saint Liuzhou soldiers to fight, it was actually another reason.

Covered by dense vines, the appearance of this mountainous city is not much different from those that appeared overnight, and it can only be distinguished when it is close.

With the help of trees, Li Yang's team is carefully approaching the piled city, and can already see the numbers in the piled city moving.

Other teams enter from other directions, not only have small targets, but are more conducive to encircling and destroying the enemy.

It is said that in addition to the Pacers, Dragon City will send a team of monks to fight against the dreamers in the mountainous city. However, Li Yang had not seen them from the beginning.

Maybe they are hiding nearby, quietly observing the actions of passers-by, waiting for the best time.

After careful observation for a while, Li Yang saw several sleepless people standing guard on the edge of the city with simple weapons, their bodies shaking like corpses.

In order to fight Shenlong City, dreamers began to win over the sleepless. Under their coercion and induction, many people with insomnia joined the camp of dreamers one by one.

They were given simple weapons as cannon fodder and were responsible for patrols and guards.

Most of the rest of the sleepless nights that didn't want to fight escaped into the endless dense forest. In any case, the number of edible items is now greatly increased, and magic items are scattered by the constantly changing terrain. As long as you are careful, you will not worry about life.

After confirming that there were only a few people with insomnia on the edge of the city, Li Yang's heart relaxed slightly.

Since the weapons are in the hands of the walkers, these restless guards are not worth mentioning at all. What we really need to worry about is the dreamers hidden in the piled cities. If they find something abnormal, the sneak attack will fail.

The group leader waved his hand and ordered people to hide carefully, then touched them quietly with a few people, and approached with the cover of plants.

After a while, the crowd could not see the leader, but the sleepless sentinels still chatted silently.

At this time, a sturdy figure jumped out of the grass. First, one hand presses the mouth of the insomnia sentry, and the other hand pierces his back with a dagger.

The insomniac shivered and fell gently to the ground.

Several other people also acted at the same time. Everyone rushed to an insomnia sentinel and solved it.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Li Yang was full of admiration. The former special forces are different. No wonder they were hired as captains in large numbers by people crossing the border. After the sentry settled down easily, the crowd continued to approach the gathering place, becoming more and more tense.


A passerby accidentally stepped on a stone when entering the piled city and made a lot of noise.


In fact, there is no need to remind people that they have been lying on the grass and making noises. After waiting for a while, they can see that there is no abnormality. Then they get up and move forward.

In order to avoid the obstacles ahead, Li Yang cautiously sneaked into an upside-down building, preparing to pass through it.

But as he walked into the building, he heard a gunshot in his ear, and then a bullet flew over his neck.

Feeling a numb scalp, Li Yang subconsciously raised his rifle and pulled the trigger at a figure in the corner.

After the gunshot sounded, the figure in the corner fell down with a "plop", and lost interest after a few convulsions.

Just after Li Yang shot, gunshots erupted throughout the mountainous city. Countless people emerged from abandoned buildings and used various methods to attack passers-by.

Hurry up, hide yourself and fight back on the spot!

As the leader roared, he raised his hand and hit the two closest enemies, then hid behind a broken floor.

Other walkers either lie on the grass or enter the nearest abandoned building, aim at the enemies like groundhogs, and start counterattacking!

Looking at the prepared enemy, the hiker could not guess where they fell into the trap. Perhaps the insomniac sentry just stayed there on purpose to wait for death to induce the hikers to be careless.

In fact, if Li Yang did not accidentally encounter a hidden enemy, passers-by might directly enter the center of the ambush circle, in which case they would suffer terrible casualties.

Li Yang accidentally smashed the enemy's tricks, and he has not recovered from the panic.

The hint in my mind relaxed Li Yang's heart a little, confirming that the enemy had been killed by himself.

Due to the origin of the world, Mother God 1 can monitor almost the entire dream. When passers-by are at war with the enemy, Lord God 1 can lock it inside. When the enemy is killed, the Lord God 1 will promptly give kill and reward prompts.

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