The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1115: Dinner

"I've heard. I heard that the demon army is getting closer and closer to us, and the team responsible for blocking the front may not be able to stop them..."

When Joseph spoke, his tone was trembling and his eyes were in a trance.

Seeing her son's expression, the mother seemed to understand something. She sighed softly and said, "It is estimated that your father and them will be back soon. This is the third time they have died..."

The mother's words are not finished yet, but Joseph knows what they mean, because if they are killed twice, they are completely dead!

"Don't worry, although the demon army is very powerful, we are not bad. If we are really defeated, we should be able to escape..."

Before the words were finished, there were heavy footsteps, and several tired figures crept into the ruined house.


Seeing a few relatives suddenly appear, Joseph is not happy at all, but his mood is getting heavier and heavier.

"Our sniper failed, with heavy casualties. It won't take long for the demons to reach here. I don't know if the Dreamer can stop their attack?"

The father sighed and slowly sat down beside Joseph, with a trace of worry on his face, obviously not optimistic about the dreamer.

Joseph glanced at his younger siblings and did not see the smiles on their faces. At this moment, he was sitting in the corner of the room, staring blankly forward.

Their initial life was simple and clear. Although they cannot be without anger and sadness, at least they will not worry about their lives.

But when they were brought into a dream by that **** God, they fell into a nightmare that they couldn't wake up. Not only are they forced to participate in the war, but they also face death threats at any time. I don't know how many travelers are desperate because of this, but in the face of difficult dreamers and the need to survive, they finally have to choose to compromise, not only to face cruel wars, but also to endure the fear of death again and again.

Many travelers cannot withstand this pressure and become crazy or even on the verge of collapse.

Even the will of the source cannot prevent this collapse. If this step is really achieved, the ultimate fate of passers-by can only be lost!

Those who have not crossed the border will feel sorry for the unfortunate because their situation is not strong enough. If the city under their feet is occupied by the devil and the goddess' dual body is destroyed, they will completely lose the chance of rebirth!

In order to survive, travelers must win this life-and-death war!

The whole family got together and had a reunion dinner in silence. Joseph walked out of the house with his father and sister-in-law. Of the seven members of this family, five will set foot on the cruel battlefield.

Joseph's mother and grandmother stood at the door, silently watching their relatives leave, tears streaming down.

In this crowded city, there is more than one similar sad scene. Those who are incapable of fighting can only use this method to say goodbye to their loved ones, hoping to get the good news of victory soon.

The decisive battle is about to begin. The interior of this mountainous city is full of tension. The fully armed team of dreamers took over the patrol mission, guarding the perimeter of the restricted area like an iron wall.

Outside the restricted area, there is a series of defense lines composed of passers-by, guarding the restricted area in the form of a ring. Weapons such as heavy machine guns and mortars can be seen everywhere, and they all shine with golden light and look very conspicuous.

More than 300,000 hikers are deployed here, including men and women, waiting for the decisive moment.

The sleepless people who joined the dreamer camp also carried weapons and used crude swords to guard the outskirts of the piled city. They will be the first to be affected by the Three Dragon City Legion.

At the same time, information about the Three Dragon City Corps was continuously sent to the command center of the second largest city. The dreamers and walkers in charge of the battle looked serious.

"According to the information we have, the total number of the Demon Legion is at least one million. Their weapons and equipment far exceed ours. The quality of the fighters is only high or not low. This can be seen from the previous strikes."

A leader of the passerby said in a serious tone. Seeing everyone watching him, he continued: “According to the latest information, the Demon Army will not only attack Miyagi Kun this time, but even the base will move with them. Including their mother goddess No. 1 control platform.

I have an idea, can we send our elites to attack the Lord God 1?

As long as the No. 1 Lord God is destroyed, the demon army will be completely paralyzed and no longer pose a threat to us?

Speaking of this, the leader of the passerby looked at a strong man, the No. 2 main city lord.

"You probably don’t know the strength of the demon invaders. They have much more things than us. With the cooperation, even the mother **** dual body can control and destroy. The so-called demon invader’s number one main **** is actually The main **** member of General Miyagi. It was only changed by their evil means and turned against us!

Speaking of this, the Duke said majesticly to the leader of the passer-by: "Although the total number of devil monks is only tens of thousands, this is not something we can resist. Now they are guarding the No. 1 Lord God and cannot participate in the siege. In fact, , This is the best result!

So as long as they don't do this, we must not provoke it!

Hearing the words of the Duke of Kungong, the leaders of the past can only show a helpless smile. Although he knows that the other party's words are true, no matter what the monk of Shenlongcheng is, it is just that the past legions are not the object of their resistance.

Regardless of the opponent's numerical advantage, according to intelligence, the passerby army not only possesses basic weapons such as machine guns, even light tanks and armed robots, but also a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles used for reconnaissance and combat, and it has reached the Silver level. God knows how they are refined.

In fact, from here we can see the gap between those who have traveled through the primitive world and those who have traveled through another world. Compared with the one-pot end of the primitive will, every passer-by in the primitive world has been screened and possesses high spiritual power. This is why he is far ahead in weapon refinement.

Destroying the No. 1 Lord God, Kun Miyagi may still have a chance, but if you abandon this sneak attack plan, Kun Miyagi will definitely fail!

The route of Shenlong City is easy to recognize because the light beam excited by Mother Goddess 1 penetrates the sky and can be seen from far away.

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