The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1116: Big Four

This is also true, so when this beam of light appears on the edge of the day, the dreamer knows that the decisive moment has arrived!


In the absence of conscription, dense artillery shells were launched from the location of Shenlong City, dragging golden light, and surrounding the defense line established by passers-by.

Those who have little experience in war cannot avoid it. They were thrown into the sky one by one, their chopped meat and limbs scattered like rain, covered with flying dust.

In the dream world, the increase in the lethality of golden weapons is quite terrible. The hard gold shell is enough to destroy a five-story building, and the shock wave of the explosion is enough to cover a range of 500 meters in diameter.

If you use a hard golden gun to fire, the range of the shell will become longer, more accurate, and more penetrating!

This also means that any passerby within the scope of the killing is either dead or injured. Even if he barely avoided direct killing, he still loses the ability to continue fighting, and may collapse and dissipate at any time.

The most frightening thing is that this kind of bombing seems to be endless, spreading from the edge of the city to the piling up in the center of the city, and the seemingly indestructible line of defense has been covered by artillery fire.

Watching the golden light flash over the head like raindrops, the top of the Dreamer’s camp looked like a dead mouse had been swallowed, and their faces were ugly and abnormal. "Damn it, aren't their spirits exhausted, otherwise how can they produce so many gold shells?"

A high-level dreamer stood on the wall outside the restricted area and shouted angrily.

"Demon warriors have high mental power, and their number has exceeded one million. As long as they receive training day and night, it is no surprise that they can come up with these golden shells!"

The leader of the walker heard it and said in a weak tone.

"Hmph, I'm ashamed to say, as a traveling companion, why can others do it but you can't?"

When the senior leader of the dreamer heard it, he shouted loudly before and immediately looked disdainful, glanced at the leader of the passerby coldly, and continued: "Since the war has begun, you still intend to maintain your strength. Why not take everyone Sent to the battlefield?"

Hearing the other party’s question, the leader of the passerby frowned and said with a hint of anger: “They are all old people, weak people, women and children, and they don’t even carry guns. How do you want them to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy? "

"Don't move the gun? Well, then everyone will send a bomb, and as soon as they see the demon invader, they will rush to detonate it. Is this always possible?"

The high-level dreamer sneered, and said in a gloomy and vicious tone.


The head of the passerby felt his lungs explode. At this time, he finally knew the position of himself and his companions in the dreamer's eyes.

He originally thought that sleepless nights were cannon fodder, but now it seems that the situation of passers-by may not be very good!

"Okay, stop arguing, now we must work together to find a way to resist the demon invasion!"

The Duke of Kun Gong began to persuade him, and then said to the leader of the passers-by: "What he just said also makes sense. Once the mother **** is destroyed by the devil, your passers-by will not be able to redeem it. It is best to mobilize all of you and do your best to kill the devil. !

I prepared a batch of bombs and you will distribute them later. This is a matter of life and death. Don't be sentimental!

After the passer-by leader heard this, he nodded with difficulty, and then walked out silently.

Looking at the lonely figure of the passerby leader, the senior leader of the dreamer who had previously quarreled with him sneered: "He is still playing with his own thoughts. He does not allow the elderly and children to have weapons. He just hopes the demon invaders will let them go. You Do you really think I can't see it?

Let me say that these walkers, like sleepless ones, can only be used as cannon fodder. They must not be reused, let alone look good!

Duke Kun Gong’s eyes also flashed a cold light, and said in a weak tone: "The line of defense that those passing by must be closely monitored. If necessary, the number of supervisors can be increased, and those who disobey orders will not be spared. !

In addition, someone was sent to stare at the guy secretly, in case there were any tricks behind him. The situation is very special now. We must stop it!

"Don't worry, Duke, let me take care of this. As long as that guy doesn't dare to be honest, I will kill him directly, so that I can't be reborn!"

With a triumphant laugh, the old dreamer who was arguing with the passerby leader walked away with an anxious expression. The dreamer next to him said that they were all thinking. Obviously, the duke was dissatisfied with the leader of the traveler. It is estimated that the guy will soon be unlucky.

But so what, just a group of cannon fodder leaders, this is not obedient, then change to a better one!


The intensive artillery bombardment still hasn't stopped. Looking at this posture, you can know that without finishing the cannonballs in your hands, the Holy Dragon City will never attack.

This is also one of the plans made by the Transgressive Corps. It uses superior firepower to carry out saturation attacks, and the target is the defensive line on the attack route.

Even if the terrain of the accumulation city is special, the enemy can effectively avoid shelling, but the line of defense cannot be moved and it is destined to be destroyed!

With the positioning of the drone, the precision of this shelling is extremely high. Under some kind of bombing, more than half of the defense lines along the way were destroyed.

This kind of high-skilled performance is definitely not something ordinary walkers can do, but it is done by artillery experts dispatched by the former world army. This is definitely a real profession!

The route of the Three Dragon City Legion has been cleared, which excites the travelers and greatly reduces the number of casualties.

The gunmen were also very excited. The dream world is almost the same as the real world. This kind of real battle scene is difficult to appear in a hundred years. No wonder the gunmen blushed with excitement one after another.

Hitting the target is completely different from hitting the enemy, the latter is exciting.

Although I was tired like a dog when putting out the fire, as long as I can shoot a shot in the war, then everything is worth it!

In addition to gunmen from the military, the original partners in the world also sent tens of thousands of elites to participate in this war to accumulate enough practical experience, earn some points by the way, and exchange rare materials with Shenglongcheng.

These fighters include both veterans who have expanded their territory in the field war zone, as well as recruits who have been selected at different levels. They are now ready to launch a general offensive.

In addition to these real soldiers, legions of large and small groups composed of ordinary walkers are everywhere. They looked at Kun Miyagi shrouded in gunfire and smoke, with a boiling fighting spirit in their eyes.

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