The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1119: A pair of old friends

Many travelers are elites from all walks of life in the primitive world. They enter the dream world with the same purpose, hoping to change their mental state. Currently, the effect seems to be really good.

Slowly searching with the induction of the breath, he smelled a scent, and it was obvious that the other party had been injured.

"Come out, I found you!"

The muzzle locked in a position and shouted in a deep voice.

The same goes for the teammates who followed him. Obviously, they also found traces of hidden enemies and collected them carefully in the past.

"Don't shoot, I'll come out right away, please don't shoot!"

Unexpectedly, the enemy would answer in the language of the alliance. Although the tone is strange, it is completely understandable.

So far, this is the first time he has encountered an enemy who speaks the language of the Alliance.

Just now, he just used words to stimulate the other party habitually, but he didn't expect to have a response at all, so after hearing the other party's answer, he was stunned.

But soon he woke up and replied coldly: "Don't play tricks, otherwise I will sift you!"

In the sound of warning, a figure slowly walked out from behind the pillar. It can be seen that he is a passer-by. He shook as he walked.

Facing the gun pointed at him, passers-by looked calm, but said in a weak tone: "I am the leader of passers-by in Gongkun City. Now I hope to meet your senior officials. I have very important information to submit. "

Hearing this frowned, if the other party is not fake, then they can catch a big fish!

Waved, the two team members rushed up to control each other and dragged him towards the ruins.

"What's wrong with the wound on your body, it seems to have been hit by an arrow?"

Glancing at the captive's thigh, asked casually.

Yes, I was killed four times, and finally I got another shot before running away!

Seeing the suspicion, the supporter of the passer-by leader smiled bitterly and continued: "It was the dreamer who did it. They didn't like me, so they wanted to kill me. As a result, my companions fought to save me, so I have a chance to escape!"

Nodded, he just asked casually, he was not interested in what happened.

When all the people came out of the ruins, the huge army was invisible, only the intensive gunfire came from the city center. Obviously, the battle had developed to the fiercest moment.

After contacting the rear with communication equipment and describing the situation here, he and his colleague were given orders to wait in place.

Less than ten minutes later, the shadows of the two monks from Shenlong City fell from the sky, asked briefly, and recorded the number of people waiting, and then quickly left with the prisoners!

To the enemy, travelers are never polite. After all, there is no mercy on the battlefield. Once the battle is over, either you die or I die. However, the current situation is different. Passers-by faced a group of unarmed men, women and children. Even if they actually close their eyes, they may not be able to pull the trigger.

Although the dream world is not the real world, the scene presented is the same as the real world. Not everyone can bear the **** scene!

However, travelers have no choice. Once they are benevolent, the end result will be to give up all previous achievements and let their previous investments go to waste.

This kind of situation is absolutely not allowed, Shenlong City is not allowed, the boss who crosses the legion is not allowed, and even all crossings are not allowed!

No one knows how many points were invested in this war, and how much money was spent in the original world, except for the leaders of the Holy Dragon City and the Legion, but this is definitely an astronomical figure!

No matter what happens, these contractors can't let the investment go to waste!

In fact, the current situation does not allow people to think too much, because with a loud noise, the broken wall collapsed, just like the deafening roar of the torrent of the Holy Dragon City army, pouring out from the gap in the wall.

Seeing this, the cross-border pedestrians who still resisted can only lament in their hearts, gathering in the center of the restricted area, very reluctant.

Millions of Shenlong City troops completed the siege in a short period of time. The walls were covered with artillery of various calibers, and countless guns were directed at those dignified cross-borders.

They have nowhere to go, and can only act as a human wall again, guarding the culprit Miyagi Kunshen who caused them to fall into a deadlock.

As for those dreamers who have maintained their physical strength, now is the time for them to act. They tried to rely on Sleepless Nights and walkers to consume the power of the Three Dragon City Legion, but the effect they received was not obvious. Now they can only participate in the war in person.

This is also the malice of the original will. It connects the lives of dreamers and walkers with their own duo, making them unable to escape at all and can only defend to the last moment.

Originally it was very effective against magic, because magic was drifting. Although it also caused a lot of casualties to the dreamer, there was absolutely no direct violence like Dragon City.

Hundreds of years of magic has not captured a major city. The Holy Dragon City has been invaded for less than three months and has already put the second major city in jeopardy. There is no need to compare the difference!

Maybe the murderous spirit on the battlefield is too strong. Even the clear sky began to change color. The dark clouds were about to fall, and dense lightning appeared one after another.

You don't need to guess that the source here will also pay attention to it, and may even directly intervene in the war.

He may not be able to intervene in other places, but he can let go of some hands and feet in places where Source is busy, because the restricted area is the backyard of Source's will.

The war is imminent, but neither side has it, because the true protagonist of the Three Dragon City side has not yet appeared.

In this strange and quiet atmosphere, the energy beams that traveled through the world and outside the city suddenly moved, and then quickly moved to the Miyagi Kun Forbidden Area.

Kunduz and others in the palace saw this scene, and there was a chill in their eyes. They knew that God had finally come.

Sure enough, as the light approached, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the sky. They used a huge metal shell to guard the surroundings of the Lord God No. 1 and went straight to the forbidden area with murderous aura. Seeing the black monk flying in the sky, there was a commotion in the dreamer's camp. Obviously, the appearance of Shenlong City made them lose confidence.

Yukayuki, this is the ability of the master-level monk. Looking at the entire Miyagi Kun, there are only more than 20 people who can reach this level. Compared with the Saint Dragon City, the lineup of nearly a thousand monks is not small. !

As for the thousands of monks in Shenlongcheng on the ground, there is no need to observe carefully, because just these monks from the lord of Shenlongcheng can hardly shake the entire city from falling into the wind!

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