The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1120: Crowned

Who is strong and who is weak is clear at a glance.

This is not because the dreamer's power is too weak, but the original will is too cautious and suspicious. According to the information collected, most of the owners of the dreamers are mobilized to Miyagi to protect the original will, and only a small number of people are responsible for staying in the main city.

When dealing with magic, the number of these high-level dreamers is enough, but as a soldier of Shenlong City, it is impossible to become an opponent!

Today's First World War may be doomed to failure!

Just when the dreamer felt a little sad, the monk Shenlongcheng in the air slowly stopped, and then he saw a dozen terrifying figures flying out, but only a few flickered, appearing in all directions of the forbidden area.

Every monk's breathing is like the deep sea, unfathomable!

Behind this scene, the Duke of Kungong smiled bitterly. He finally saw the true strength of the demon invaders, which was a level they couldn't reach!

After thinking about it for a while, the Duke of Kun Gong floated into the air, and there were more than 20 complex-looking figures behind him.

I’m Gust, Duke of Kun Palace, what’s your name?

Looking at the opposite side of the Holy Dragon City camp, the Duke of Kun Gong said loudly, without a trace of cowardice in his tone.

I am Zifeng, the lord of Shenlong.

The purple wind in purple and golden armor swept across the street to the Duke of Kun Gong, and said in a weak tone: "Since the matter is over, will Duke Gust continue to fight?"

"What if we don't fight? The duty of our dream buster is to resist the invasion of all foreign enemies, surround the dual body of the main god, and protect it from encroachment, even if it will die!"

These words of the Duke of Kun Gong are sonorous and powerful, showing his determination.

When Zifeng heard this, he smiled disdainfully, and his voice spread all over the forbidden area. He said coldly, "I am willing to do anything to die. Loyalty is incomparable, but is the mother **** really worthy of your loyalty?"

Duke Kungong heard this, frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Master Tang Zhen, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, Duke Kun Gong, do you know where you come from and why you are trapped in a dream world?"

"Of course, we know that we are all proud fighters chosen by God to fight to protect God and our motherland!"

The Duke of Kun Palace replied in a clear voice, proud.

"Then if your home becomes ruin and the whole world is lifeless, what is the point of protecting you? Even if you really have a dream world, you can only continue to sink into this illusory world. The real world will never Stay with you! The fact is that you were all killed by the mother god, and then taken to the dream world, erased your initial memory, and acted as its mob.

In the final analysis, you are just a child abandoned by God, including those who do not sleep. You will never leave the dream world. If this world is destroyed, you will disappear completely!

Having said that, Zifeng shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm talking about these meaningless nonsense, just to make you understand that it is the saddest thing not to be regarded as a fool by the mother goddess."

The Duke of Kungong was waiting here, his body trembling all the time. If what Zifeng said is true, what's the point of what they are doing now?

Can never escape from the world of dreams, but this is not true immortality. Instead, it will be resurrected from death in pain, until the sky is gone one day.

Even if the situation of the insomniac is worse, where can the dreamer become stronger? This is just a toy for the mothers of the gods.

"No, what you said is not true. You are the devil. You were bewitched and shocked us!"

The Duke of Kun Gong shouted loudly, obviously unable to accept this statement.

"Believe it or not, I gave you a chance. You can die if you want, but it's best not to involve innocent people!"

Zifeng snorted coldly, waved his hand gently, and then saw a man slowly walking out under the gaze of everyone.

After seeing this man, the dreamer's high-level face changed, but the initially desperate passerby suddenly became a commotion.

"Mr. Qi, is that you?"

Looking at the man standing in front of the Three Dragon City camp, a simple-looking passerby hesitated and shouted in a tentative tone.

"Yes, it's me, you are Zhang Dazhuang!"

The man named Mr. Qi smiled and asked the middle-aged man with a smile. He looks very kind.

"Yes, I am Zhang Dazhuang. I didn't expect Mr. Qi to remember me!"

Zhang Dazhuang flushed with excitement. Obviously, Qi Baishi was honored to remember his name, but he quickly showed shock and looked around the Brother Three Dragon City with an angry look.

"Mr. Qi, are you captured by these demons? Don't worry, I will save you with my brothers!"

Sure enough, following Zhang Dazhuang's roar, the cross-border walkers around Qi Qi let out a roar, preparing to rush out of the restricted area to save people.

"You all shut up, Qi. You hide in the devil, dare to come back. You have no shame!"

A fat man with a big belly and a round face stood up and shouted. His face was full of hatred. Following his scolding, passers-by immediately echoed loudly, and filthy language came out one after another.

When Zhang Dazhuang and others heard this, they immediately became confused and did not understand what was going on.

"Listen to me. This kind of anger was afraid of death and suddenly killed our companion at the beginning of the war. He planned to avoid the devil. Does this cold-blooded thing have a face to come back?" The round-faced man stood up again. , Foaming at the mouth and cursing loudly, his face suddenly changed when he heard the words across the border with a blank face, and his eyes were full of disgust and hatred when he looked at Mr. Qi.

Qi Baishi's name is hardly known among the hikers in Gongcheng, because he is the leader of all hikers and has been fighting for the rights of hikers, so he is respected by many hikers.

No one thought that Mr. Qi Guo, whom they respected so much, had become a devil. This is a blow to desperate travelers.

"Mr. Qi, is what he said true?"

Zhang Dazhuang asked in a trembling voice. He didn't believe the **** round-faced fat man, because he led the dreamer before the war. When they met the soldiers of the San Liuzhou Army, they forced all the elderly, the weak, women, The child and the bomb detonated!

The reason why women and children who were frail for so many years were reborn in the restricted area is because of bombs.

"Ask what he is doing, he will definitely not tell the truth, this kind of cruel and cold-blooded thing!"

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