The round-faced fat man was furious and couldn't wait to jump out and curse.

"That is to say, this **** left us at a critical moment and still has the face to come back!"

"Shoot him, you shameless bastard!"

"Leave here, we will die here, you traitor will not be responsible!"

Cursing kept coming, and the faces of those who crossed the border became worse and worse. Obviously, they had believed what the fat man said, and even some people were still angry and pointed their guns at Qi Baishi.

But no one dared to shoot lightly, because as long as the gunfire sounded, it meant that the **** battle officially began.

"You fools!"

Under reproach, Qi Baishi sneered, pointing to those who stared at him and said: "I am in the same situation as you. Life and death are controlled by this mother god. Even if you surrender to Shenlong City, can you live alone?

Do you have the brain to believe what others say?

The cold swept away those who were hesitant. Mr. Qi continued: "Do you know why I am here? This is because I was killed by the dreamer four times. It was not until my fifth rebirth that I managed to escape under the desperate protection of a group of brothers!

Do you know why I was pursued by the dreamer, because I did not agree to forcibly distributing bombs to the elderly, the weak, women and children, which made the dreamer extremely dissatisfied, so I was killed, and then this despicable guy took my place!

Mr. Qi pointed to the fat man with a round face and shouted in a disdainful tone.

"You are talking nonsense. Don't listen to him, he is cheating!"

The round-faced fat man jumped up and shouted. Then he pointed to Qi Baishi and said: "Who can prove that what you are saying is true, but find a witness!"

"I have no witnesses because the brothers who saved me were killed by the dreamer and cannot be reborn. I feel sorry for them!"

Qi Baishi's face was gloomy, with a hint of pain and anger in his tone. "Hehe, you don't use sweet words anymore. Obviously, your brothers discovered that you wanted to avoid the devil. The devil stopped you, but you were killed by a cruel and cold-blooded animal!"

A chubby man with a round face proudly smiled at the passers-by and said that he was surrounded by people.

"You shut up, I think you are a ruthless thing!"

A reprimand came, but it was not Mr. Qi, but Zhang Dazhuang, a simple middle-aged man. He pointed to the fat man with a round face and said in an angry tone: "Mr. Qi is just an ordinary person. How can he kill more than a dozen guards with the same power as a dreamer?"

Before the round-faced fat man could speak, Zhang Dazhuang shouted angrily, "We all know Mr. Qi's behavior. He will never agree to divide the bomb between the old man and the child. Therefore, you must have secretly injured Qi Guo first, and then Do things that only animals like old people and children can do to fight!"

Many cross-border travelers are already full of doubts about this matter. After hearing what Zhang Dazhuang said at this time, they immediately changed their expressions and began to curse the round-faced fat man, hoping to tear him up directly!

The camp of alien invaders that once united in the enemy immediately became anxious, which also made the highest-level face of the dreamer extremely ugly.

"Look at what you did, trash!"

The Duke of Kun Gong glanced at a senior dreamer beside him, and cursed in a bold tone.


I argued with Qi Baishi before, and then the senior dreamer in charge of overseeing and killing the murderer tried to explain, but no one noticed. On the contrary, he received a lot of mocking eyes.

"Damn, all these craps should be killed!"

The senior executive of the dreamer condemned in his heart, glanced at the calm and indifferent Mr. Qi, and quietly gestured to the nearby staff.

The opponent nodded knowingly, quickly found a position to deal with the situation, suddenly pulled the bow and shot an arrow. The goal is for Qi Baishi to stand alone in front of the forbidden ground.

The light of this sharp arrow is golden purple. If it is fast and thunderous, it will be close to Mr. Qi's chest in a blink of an eye.

As long as he is hit by this sharp arrow, Mr. Qi Guo, who has only one life left, will definitely die!

Zhang Dazhuang and others screamed, but it was too late to rescue them. As for the round-faced fat man's hideous smile, it seemed carefree!


With a muffled sound, the sharp arrow was firmly nailed to Mr. Qi's chest, and the tail feathers were still trembling!

Seeing the sharp arrow in Qi Guo's heart, Zhang Dazhuang screamed and rushed out of the forbidden area with a worried expression on his face.

Before he entered the dream world, he was rescued by a big entrepreneur Qi Baishi. The honest Zhang Dazhuang always wanted to repay, but couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

Now I finally have a chance to meet again, Mr. Qi was killed, which is really unacceptable to Zhang Dazhuang!

Just after running a few steps, Zhang Dazhuang felt that something was wrong, because Mr. Qi did not show a pained expression, but walked towards the headquarters of the restricted area with contempt, which was the highest position of the dreamer. "Mr. Qi, are you okay?"

Zhang Dazhuang tried to ask, the worry on his face eased slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

While talking, Qi Baishi drew a sharp arrow from his chest and threw it to a monk in the Three Dragon City. At the same time, he smiled gratefully.

Zhang Dazhuang breathed a sigh of relief. Through Qi Baishi's damaged clothes, he seemed to see a purple light, but it quickly disappeared.

"It turns out that Mr. Qi has been on guard for a long time, but it's not too bad!"

Zhang Dazhuang's hanging heart fell, turning to glaring in the center of the penalty area, obviously angry at the dreamer's sneak attack.

In fact, Zhang Dazhuang is not alone. After learning of the despicable behavior of the dreamer, almost all cross-border travelers were very angry. They didn't expect the Dreamer Camp to do such a sad thing, they would use their lives to protect it?

This sentiment spreads among cross-border travelers like a tide. They knew what they were going to face, but at this time they didn't want to fight anymore, because they couldn't bear to be stabbed from behind by the side they were protecting!

Seeing the excitement of those crossing the border, Qi Baishi shouted: "My companions, wake up, everyone, don't be kidnapped by these dreamers, for the culprit who framed us, and at the same time protect the two **** mothers of God. place!

We have absolutely no chance of winning this war. Shenlong City is definitely not the devil in the dream family, but our true savior!

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