The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1226: Are you sent by a monkey to be funny?

Of course, this kind of "garbage" is not real garbage, but leftovers made by various high-end equipment in Shenlong City, which cannot be remanufactured. However, due to the scarcity of items, it still has a certain value. After being taken out, it will be competed by many vendors and residents in Loucheng. Zifeng put it in the monster's body, just to use it as a welfare, whoever is lucky will get it, thus inspiring the enthusiasm of immigrants.

The source of the second category of items is somewhat mysterious and has nothing to do with Zifeng. On the contrary, when the main control platform creates a monster, it will classify the surrounding area of ​​the deformed creature and put valuable items into the monster's body.

In addition, in the process of monster transmission, the main control platform will also capture the remaining information of the destroyed objects in high-latitude time and space and store it in the monster's body.

Compared with the first product, it is clear that the second product has higher expectations. There may be priceless treasures, or special items contaminated by aliens, and the coordinates of the aircraft can be analyzed.

As for the third category of commodities, including garbage from wild buildings and relics left by the Mormon and Mangan communities, their value is also high and low.

Most immigrants do not know the difference and cannot make an accurate valuation. However, with identification tools, most items can be successfully identified, and the reference price given is also very reasonable.

After the evaluation is completed, you only need to sell at the price given by the evaluation tool. However, if there are special circumstances, it is not impossible to sell at a higher price.

Under the crowd's onlookers, the identification results of the two objects were quickly revealed, but when the identification results on the holographic screen were clearly visible, everyone was stunned, followed by a hint of ecstasy.

"After testing, the material of item 1 is similar to that of Yuling. It can be used to make special items and was rated as an ordinary treasure. The second item is a relic of demons and mangs. Through rune analysis, it seems to be related to some treasures. The specific value is unknown.

Steve and the others were a little surprised when they heard the sound of the recognition device. Although they cannot fully understand, they also know that these two things are indeed good things.

However, the eyes of nearby bystanders lit up. Compared with these new immigrants, they naturally know more information.

Legends of various treasures have been circulated in the mouths of devils and barbarians, and the residents of Shenlong City have also heard of some of them. So when he heard that one of the objects might be related to the treasure, Qi Qi Qi turned his gaze to the metal shards, obviously interested in the remains of the demonic and barbarian communities.

Although the Demon Empire was destroyed by the three empires and most of its resources were plundered, some materials were still buried at critical moments, just to have a chance to retrieve them again.

However, with the demise of the Demon Empire, these buried treasures have long been ignored. With the drastic changes in the environment, many reference objects on the surface of the earth have disappeared, and maps cannot be accurately found.

Therefore, the value of this map depends on what treasure it is related to and whether it exists.

Regardless of the value of these two items, just killing a scorpion monster to get such a rich harvest has exceeded the expectations of the six-person team, so even if these two items are worthless, they are very happy. He stepped forward and put these two things back in the package. The six people were about to leave when someone stopped them.

Brothers, do you have any plans to sell these items?

A middle-aged man dressed as a resident of Loucheng came over and asked with a smile. Although he knew at a glance that he was not weak, he did not feel overbearing.

Steve and the others were shocked when they heard the news. After the last battle, they have understood their shortcomings. What they want to do now is to improve their strength.

Training is imminent, but the equipment can be upgraded immediately, as long as they have enough points, now some people take the initiative to buy, this is the wish of six people.

The captain looked at each other and said, "Of course, you can sell it. Can you tell me the price first?"

So can you tell me first, where did these two things come from?

"We killed a scorpion monster at the monster hunting ground and got these two items. In fact, even we didn't expect to be so lucky!"

The middle-aged residents of Loucheng nodded. Obviously, he guessed the source of the goods and asked this sentence just to confirm it.

"As far as I know, you are all new immigrants who have just arrived at the hunting ground. You had such a harvest on the first day. I have to say that you are very lucky!"

The middle-aged residents of Loucheng praised this and continued: "If you want, I hope to buy these two things with 1,000 points. What do you think?"

Hearing the offer from the middle-aged residents of Loucheng, the six people were very excited. For them, 1,000 points is definitely a big number, which allows them to change their guns and buy sharper weapons.

I got this kind of gain the first time I killed a monster. This group of six felt like they were favored by the goddess of luck.

Although these two substances may have higher value, they cannot be hydrolyzed not far from thirst. At this time, for six people, 1,000 points can better solve practical problems.

After talking in a low voice, the six people decided to sell these two things to the residents of Loucheng.

However, their bid was 2000 points. After bargaining, they finally sold it for 1,600 points.

After the transaction was completed, the six-person team immediately updated the equipment. By the end of the purchase, the quality of the six-person team has far surpassed that of the immigrants in the same period.

The six-person team greatly increased their confidence and decided to enter the monster hunting ground again. First, it hopes to encounter similar monsters, and second, it took time to be promoted to official monk as soon as possible.

The residents of Loucheng who bought the two items in their hands checked their identities again, and then put the two items in their stores, waiting for someone to buy them.

There is more than one lucky person like the six-person team. In these ten hunting grounds, there are reports from time to time that some people have obtained treasures and exchanged a lot of points. This also greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of immigrants to enter the hunting grounds. However, this kind of thing did not last long. As more and more immigrants enter the monster hunting grounds, people are beginning to see less and less that only a few monsters can be killed and a lot of treasures can be obtained. This happens only when those powerful monsters are killed.

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