The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1227: God memory

Obviously, this is also the result of deliberate control by the main control platform. After all, only when the real interests are before us can the enthusiasm of immigrants be aroused. When immigrants actively participate in these matters, this small welfare loses its necessity.


The world of the dead is in the middle of a dead wood.

Great changes have taken place here due to the emergence of aircraft passages. The dead trees became luxuriant, bringing this place back to life.

However, the appearance of this tree is strange. It looks like the tentacles of some kind of creature, giving a **** and sticky feeling. It is slowly shaking with the breeze.

These resurrected trees have become the guardians of the aircraft passages, but any nearby creatures will be intercepted and strangled by the trees, turning into piles of bones.

However, in the past few days, the bones here have piled up, and the strange trees that have gained nourishment and vitality have become stronger and stronger.

After all, the sight here aroused more monks in the corpse clan. They all went to the location of the dead wood, trying to find out the reason for the change.

In this case, the Airplane Channel could no longer hide things, and soon the experts in the corpse clan world received the news, and they all rushed to the location of the dead wood.

The world of the zombie family is constantly decayed. It may not take long for the creatures of the zombie tribe to become real walking dead.

In order to solve this problem, the eight resin kings in the resin industry have been looking for a solution to the problem, not only for the resin creatures, but also for themselves.

Unfortunately, after repeated efforts, the final result was failure, which also made the Eight Corpse Kings even more worried and urgent.

When I heard about the changes in the dead tree, the eight corpse kings immediately realized that this was a chance to change the crisis. After all, in today's resin world, there is no such strong vitality at all. The only possibility is from other worlds!

Especially the Soul Brain Corpse King, who had been trying to invade the world of Loucheng, immediately put down everything in his hands after learning the news, and drove from the territory all night.

Under normal circumstances, the eight corpse kings have always been inviolable and will not easily enter the territory of other corpse kings, but this time no one will take care of them. After all, this matter is too important for them.

Even if the dead king in the area where the dead tree forest was not satisfied, he couldn't face the pressure of the seven dead kings, so he just let them into this country.

At this time, the dead trees around the forest have been tightly guarded, with corpse cavalry on the outside, and heavy armored corpses more than three meters high inside, enclosing the place.

After the eight kings arrived, they immediately explored the dead tree forest. For the king of corpse-level powerhouses, the mutant trees in the dry forest could not stop them from moving forward. After a few attacks, these strange trees were cleared, exposing the flat passage that was still expanding.

The eight corpse kings of the corpse clan are powerful enough to approach the monks. Any changes around them cannot escape their perception. Therefore, the expression of the Soul Brain Corpse King has just changed, and it has been seen by other Corpse Kings.

As the only master of space magic among the eight corpse kings, it is obvious that he has more say at this time, and the expression he revealed at this time immediately made other corpse kings alert.

Ling Nao King Stone, is there any problem here?

It was the owner of the land that was asked. He is three meters tall and covered in blood and bone armor.

Although they have not dealt with before, this happened in their own territory. The person who wants to know the situation most is Wang Ershi. It's normal to ask him first.

"This matter is serious. If you find something wrong, you must not deceive me!"

After thinking for a while, the corpse of the Bone Erosion King said to the corpse of the Spirit Brain King.

When the other corpse Wangwen spoke, they also looked at the Soul Brain Corpse King. Although the other party had some guesses, they wanted to hear his views on the counterpoint channel.

Ling Nao Wang Shi looked at the aircraft passage again and solemnly said: "Through the overflowing vitality, we can be sure that this anomalous area must be connected to a vibrant world. I believe I didn't say that you all know what this means.

As long as it can increase the spread of vitality and maintain it, it is estimated that in less than ten years, thousands of miles of death nearby can be completely exhausted!

Wang Wen, who suffered from bone erosion, became more cheerful. After all, this is his territory. After being expelled from death, it was him who benefited.

With the help of these vitality, his brother's strength will definitely be greatly improved, and it is not difficult to become the leader of the eight corpse kings.

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime good thing for the King of Bones.

But he hadn't forgotten the facial expression of the Soul Brain Corpse King just now. Obviously, the other party had such a shocked expression when he saw an inappropriate place.

"Then why did you change so much expression just now? Is there anything else here?"

This is related to the safety of his own territory, and the King of Bone Erosion must be treated with care.

The body of the Soul King did not hide it. He hesitated for a while and said, "According to my observations, this should be a flat channel. It is estimated that it will be fully opened soon. Then either alien creatures will enter here, or we will pass through here to reach the alien world!

However, according to my judgment, the former is more likely!

The eroded Wang Wen's face suddenly changed when he spoke. If this is the case, then his territory must be the first to lose.

This is definitely not a good thing for him. Once he suffers losses in the battle with the invaders, his territory is likely to be coveted by other corpse kings. Under the conditions between Thira and Khyber, it will erode. The corpse king of bones doubts whether his territory can be preserved?

The faces of the other corpse kings were not good-looking. Although the airplane passage did not appear on their own territory, if there were cross-border biological invasions, they would inevitably be harmed. If the invaders defeat the queen, they will definitely attack their territory, and war will be inevitable.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with them, but now it seems necessary to actively participate in it.

Ling Nao King Stone, are you sure there will be alien invasion?

The King of Bone Erosion looked serious and confirmed this again.

"I have told you everything I know, as for you, believe it or not, as long as you don't regret it in the future!"

The Soul Brain Corpse King answered coldly, and then walked to the aisle of the airplane, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

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