The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 5: Can witness the heart

You may not know that in order to shape her, I collected countless samples and consumed a lot of original power. This is definitely the best of the best!

Hearing the words, Zi Feng had a black line on his face. Facing this difficult source of mutation, he was really not interested in continuing to speak.

However, the source of variation is reasonable. After returning to the Holy Dragon City, you can immediately arrange the establishment of Lou City. It is also convenient to have the opponent's subordinates by his side.

Just as she was about to nod her head in agreement, the stunning woman added: "Duke Tang can tell her that she can make decisions on the materials needed to build this city on my behalf. After the city is built, she can also Take my place as the duke!"

When Zifeng heard this, he stopped to say more, and walked towards the door.

The little maid smiled openly, and hurriedly chased Zifeng, her brisk footsteps echoing in the castle.

After leaving the castle, the surrounding scenery gradually disappeared, and finally there was only one passage in front of the two.

Walking out of a light gate, the two of Zifeng appeared directly on the ground of the battlefield, and the original underground passage had disappeared without a trace.

The King of Dreams also uses a similar method. When people leave this illusion, unless someone is responsible for guiding them, they will never return to their original place.

Perhaps it was received a mutated origin order, those who only knew to kill Broken Dreams had disappeared, and only the monks in the Holy Dragon City were cleaning the battlefield.

Taking a look at the number of remaining monks, Zifeng couldn't help but secretly startled, but in just a few minutes, at least 30,000 Loucheng monks died.

If the war continues, it is estimated that the monks of the Holy Dragon City will die soon. Then the war situation will be extremely unfavorable to the Holy Dragon City.

Fortunately, the two sides have stopped fighting and reached cooperation, the aircraft barrier has been closed, and the monks who lost their lives in the battle have returned to the holy city and returned to their original bodies. Those who died in the war have also left, and will leave forever. After returning to the original world, the transmission channels of the two worlds will be completely closed, and the dream world will become the eternal memory of those who participated in the war.

"City Lord, did you just now.?

After seeing Zifeng, the Blood River King and the others stepped forward and asked, apparently they had discovered that Zifeng had disappeared a long time ago.

In fact, after Zifeng entered the underground passage, a brother from Loucheng immediately followed suit to prepare for close protection, but no one thought that the passage would suddenly disappear after Zifeng entered. All the brothers could not enter anyway, but in the end they had to give up.

Now seeing Zifeng return safely, everyone quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the little maid who followed in Zifeng's footsteps, they just looked at it curiously and no one asked much.

"I just encountered the source of mutation, this matter has been resolved. Besides, it is going to join our war zone. This is a messenger sent by the source of mutation with me."

Zifeng introduced the little maid behind him to the public. During this time, he gave Duke Dream a faint look.

I dreamed that the city lord said with a bitter smile, and his eyes apologized to Zifeng. Obviously he had guessed some secrets that Zifeng knew. Although he wanted to explain to Zifeng, it was obviously not the right time.

"My name is Xiaomei, please take care of me!"

The little maid greeted the crowd with a smile, then stood aside and stopped talking.

They nodded, inevitably being a little alert to the messenger sent by the source of variation.

"Get ready, let us return to Shenlong City as soon as possible. As for these weapons and equipment, they will be brought back together, just for the hunting grounds of the immigrants, and save the effort to build!"

The origin of a few variant autumn winds, Zifeng began to deal with the preparatory work before evacuation.

A few hours later, the Three Dragon City brothers began to leave their dream world one by one. When the last person also withdrew, the barren world fell into death-like silence again.

I don't know how long it took, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the wasteland, and the stunning woman who had previously met Zifeng walked slowly among the ruins, looking at the surrounding ruins, her face was full of intoxication.

"It's so beautiful, this silent wasteland world is my favorite place.

It was great to see it built from the ground up and then destroyed at its most glorious moment.

The source of variation muttered to himself, looking like a child holding his beloved toy dancing in the ruins.

In the empty world, its laughter seemed to reverberate constantly, but this laughter, like a silver bell, gave people a weird feeling.

After returning to Shenlong City, Zifeng became busy again.

The end of the Fantasy World War not only means that Shenlong City has once again gained a large amount of world blood, which reduces the disadvantages of multi-line warfare, but also gathers two powerful assistants, which is extremely beneficial to the early development of the Shenlong Theater.

Zifeng is naturally very satisfied with these two unexpected buildings.

After the establishment of Mutant Source Building City, it will have greater potential than Holy Dragon City. After all, it has the support of several worlds behind it, and there is absolutely no shortage of resources and manpower.

One thing is certain, the source of variation of rich wealth is that in order to quickly improve the level of Loucheng, it will definitely spend money on resources. This is the advantage of Krypton players, which is not the same as ordinary Loucheng.

I believe that it will not take long for Loucheng's mutation source to rise to the national level and become the main force in the new theater.

Not to mention the dream of Lou City. It is a pure old Lou City. It has existed for more than a thousand years. If it weren't for the gutter overturned and the insidious guy who met the source of mutation, it might have been promoted to now. Loucheng mainland level!

Although it has been sealed for hundreds of years of power loss, the original foundation still exists, and it can be completely restored as long as it is cultivated for a little time.

Therefore, compared with the origin of the world plundered in the war, these two towers are the biggest gain!

Zifeng clicked on the table twice, pointed to the holographic screen in front of him and said, "These are the cornerstones of building a city. You can choose. You see, I will send someone to prepare it for you!"

The little beauty of the maid standing aside heard the words and quickly walked up to Zifeng to select carefully.

Different from the completely blind situation of Shenlong City when it was just completed, after a large amount of data analysis by architectural city researchers and identification of various auxiliary methods, Shenlong City was able to make a rough survey of the unused cornerstones of the architectural city with an accuracy of 80%. Evaluate.

This is definitely an amazing thing, it can make the construction and construction of the war zone immediately avoid many detours. Few people in 3000 theaters have mastered this technology.

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