The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 6: Difficult choice

More than 30 building blocks are displayed on the holographic screen, all of which have been carefully selected to be enough to build a new architectural city.

The maid, Xiaomei, takes this very seriously, and occasionally asks with a smile, asking Zifeng to choose one for her.

"You have enough resources behind you, so there won't be too many requirements for the properties of the building cities' cornerstones. The cornerstones of these building cities should be fine."

Having said that, Zifeng pointed to a building cornerstone on the holographic screen and said: "This building cornerstone is called a ring, and its appearance should be a huge circular building. It is supported by nine huge pillars, and its main The attributes should be physically enhanced, which should be useful to you..."

Xiao Mei listened carefully. After Zifeng finished speaking, he nodded affirmatively and said, "Then choose the city cornerstone of this building. Lord Duke, when can we build a building city?" "In addition, I want to remind you at any time, in this building city. Before you are promoted to the national level, the number of residents you enter into the war zone must not exceed one million, and the aircraft transmission array will be monitored. Don't play tricks!"

"My lord, don't worry, we really want to build Loucheng, we will definitely not cause trouble!"

Xiao Mei smiled sweetly and raised her hand to Zifeng, assuring him that she seemed to be afraid of Zifeng's suspicion. She added: "In addition, this is the territory of Lord Duke, especially after becoming residents of Loucheng. If we dare to make trouble, you will definitely not let us go!"

Zifeng nodded, the repair of this mutation source was similar to his own, but if he did it, he would definitely die in the end.

As for the world it controls, it is a low-energy aircraft and will not pose a threat to the Holy City.

If the mutation source really dares to play tricks, Zifeng is fighting the previous refining progress, and he has to dig three feet to kill this guy out!

"It's nice to know. Now that you have chosen this cornerstone, then contact your host to establish a plane channel for transporting materials. As for the location of the building city, it is temporarily set here!"

Zifeng reached out and clicked on the map. This was a plain area hundreds of kilometers away from Shenlong City.

As the order was issued, the area selected by Zifeng immediately became lively. First, thousands of people were stationed nearby, and then a large number of engineers arrived and worked overtime to build an aircraft transmission array.

At the same time, in the world controlled by the source of mutation, this guy who likes to do things began to jump up and down again. This time it was targeting a planet similar to the original world.

This is just a sleep, and the world has changed drastically. Some monsters appeared inexplicably, one after another attacking the place where the population gathered.

While panicking, some ordinary people began to feel physical abnormalities. They suddenly found that their strength soared, their movements were agile and flexible, and their thinking became clear.

Due to the improvement of physical fitness, these self-proclaimed awakened people began to appear, killed a large number of monsters, and won the admiration and support of the public.

Compared with ordinary people, these awakened people have a higher survival rate in the face of disasters. As the number of monsters increased, the number of awakened people began to gradually increase, and their hands gradually controlled certain powers.

Unconsciously, these awakened people began to become arrogant and claimed to be the savior.

They began to use their power to benefit themselves. Awakeners of different powers also attacked and killed each other, making the chaotic situation worse.

This situation lasted for more than three months, and then a major event happened that scared people awake.

After the monster appeared out of thin air, the black tower appeared all over the world out of thin air. There are mysterious runes on their surfaces, and their bodies are constantly shining. At night, you can even see dazzling light beams rising into the sky, connecting with the vortex in the sky. Outside these huge towers, stone steles were erected, and the surface of the steles was carved with primitive characters.

When the awakened person approached and saw the text on the stele, he was immediately stunned, not knowing what to do.

According to the inscription, the power of awakening is limited to the same level in this world. To change this situation, you must enter this huge tower and teleport it to the new world.

If you dare not enter this huge tower because of fear, your power will decline rapidly, and eventually even ordinary people will be worse than you and die of torture.

After mastering the superhuman first-class power, the awakened people have long been accustomed to the benefits obtained. If they lose this power, it will be worse than killing them.

However, no one knows the specifics of the new world. If a person goes there lightly, his life may be in danger.

The awakened people worry that their power will decline, but at the same time they are full of fear of the new world, which makes them feel uneasy all day long and do not know how to choose.

However, there are also some awakened people who are pursuing power. After careful consideration, they resolutely choose to enter this giant tower and prepare to continue to strengthen their power in the new world.

As a result, all these people never came back, nor did they return any specific information, which frustrated the awakened people who were watching.

This situation lasted for about half a month. The thing that worries the awakened people the most has finally happened. They began to notice a drop in strength, and their bodies became more sluggish, like a rusty machine lacking maintenance.

Panic spread rapidly among the awakened crowd. At first they were still skeptical, but now no one dares to doubt the content of the stele. Instead, they racked their brains to find ways to avoid disaster.

Once felt like a fish-in-water awakening at the end of the world, now there is a feeling that the end is coming, and I am in constant panic.

Shenglong City, the location of the new construction city.

After some overtime work, the huge plane transmission array is finally completed and standing on the vast plain.

For Shenlong City, this is the first time this kind of planar transmission array has been established. Its success is vital to the future development of Shenlong City.

Only by mastering this cross-plane transmission technology can the coordinate acquisition method of the Zifeng experiment be successfully implemented, and Wanjie Shopping Center can also establish connections with more planes through this method.

Zifeng attaches great importance to this matter and has participated in the construction of the planar transmission array almost all the way. He is afraid of any mistakes.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly from beginning to end, without accidents.

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