The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 35: No harm without comparison

After more than two hours, Green and his family were able to truly stabilize their emotions. However, the excitement one after another made Zifeng very impatient.

At this time, the screen was dark, and they lit up magic lights in Garan's tent. While the mercenaries outside were cooking, several people were still chatting.

As soon as he saw the mercenaries cooking, Merlin remembered that he hadn't cooked yet, so he got up to cook. Meg and them also arranged for the slaves to eat.

Slaves were used to staying in space, so they knew what to do without looking. Now they don't need Zifeng anymore.

After dinner, Zifeng asked Zhao Qian to take the evil spirit rod out of space. Zhao Qian's goal is to find the other dead. When he later launched an attack, he could not let the deceased escape.

Zhao Qian carefully fumbled around the canyon. Fortunately, he is an undead creature. He can see things almost without eyes. As long as the soul fire is there, he can feel the situation around him. Therefore, whether it is dark or not, it has no effect on him. More precisely, if it gets dark, it will be more beneficial to him.

The dead appeared on the screen one by one. Obviously, the deceased also received professional training. A group of two formed a huge defensive network in the camp. If someone wants to enter the camp, they will definitely be found.

After measuring the positions of the 100 soldiers who died in battle, more than an hour has passed, and most of the mercenaries in the camp have fallen asleep. Even the three men in charge of the mercenaries and Garan took a break. Only three senior soldiers were still sitting there motionless.

Green's face turned gloomy when he saw these three people. He found that these three people were very murderous, and he was good at assassination. Such people are the most difficult to deal with.

Zifeng glanced at the camp again. Obviously, the people in the camp are very pleased with their camp. Except for the dead on the periphery, there is no guard in the entire camp. All the mercenaries are sleeping in tents. This is a great opportunity for Zifeng.

However, Zifeng would not attack these people at this time. Now these people have just fallen asleep and will fall asleep as soon as there is a sound, which will make their attacks more difficult.

When Zifeng looked at the camp, he turned to Green and said, "Grandpa Green, let us rest and wait until midnight when they attack. At that time, they were sleeping and they were dead. Our attack was the most appropriate." Green looked at the camp and nodded. "Okay, then go take a rest." After saying that, he stood up and followed Merlin to rest, but Zifeng called Zhao Qian back again, and asked Zhao Qian and the others to look at Jialan and the others in the living room, and immediately give him any changes. Call, if he hasn't gotten up at midnight, Zhao Qian will also call him. After confessing these things, Zifeng returned to his room.

Zifeng was lying on the bed, but some people couldn't sleep. Today this space gave him another surprise. He has the hope of learning magic and quarreling, which makes Zifeng very excited.

Zhao Qian replied, Zifeng turned her head and looked at Zhao Zui and said, "Zhao Lian, Zhao Qi, you have brought 500 undead creatures to the periphery to deal with the dead. Remember, don't let them run away." Zhao Qi and Zhao Lian also responded.

Zifeng turned to Green again and said, "Grandpa Green, let us do everything that is left in this camp."

Green nodded and said: "Aliens and Zhao Zui are their six masters, and they mainly deal with Shi Ling Shuangjie. With the spiritual magic attacks of aliens, it should not be difficult to deal with Shi Ling Shuangjie. The remaining three high-level soldiers will be handed over to me and Merlin. Those little soldiers will be handed over to the undead. Master, you don’t have to go out and wait in space."

Zifeng didn't object to it. His mental age was over 30 years old, so naturally he would not be as impulsive as a young man. He knew that he was nothing but the big killer of space, or to be honest.

Green breathed a sigh of relief when Zifeng agreed not to go out. He was really afraid that Zifeng had to go out. Green turned to wood, stone, and Meg and said, "The three of you are also going to participate tonight. A good soldier and a powerful wizard are growing up in constant battle. Tonight is a good opportunity, but you should also be careful. Don't be aggressive." All three answered.

After explaining everything, Green turned to Zifeng and said, "Master, everything is ready. Let Zhao move out first." Zifeng nodded and sent Zhao Qian out. Then he asked Green to mark out the main points of our offense this time. In a short while, he will be able to release the undead directly from these points.

This is also the newly discovered ability of Zifeng. He found that the screen can display everything within 500 meters in diameter centered on the point of entry into space. However, when he wants to go out, he can randomly choose a point within 500 meters and go out instead of going in from there as before.

This was also discovered by Zifeng accidentally, but this attack was very convenient, so Zifeng asked Green to mark the main points they were about to attack. After a while, he could make undead creatures appear at these points immediately and attack the enemy.

At this time, Zhao Qian had already sneaked into the camp, and it was obvious that Zhao Qian had already used stealth technology. Zifeng, they could only see a red dot on the screen sneaking into the camp, but they did not see Zhao Qian.

This invisibility is not necessarily magic. Both black magic and white magic are invisible. The dead with special training also learned to be invisible. However, the invisibility they learned was a kind of invisibility that would quarrel and change back to the original, not magic.

Although this kind of invisibility is magical, ordinary senior magicians and warriors don’t care. Advanced magicians and warriors are not so close. Although invisibility can make people unable to see your body, your magic or fighting energy energy The volatility is hidden. But a professionally trained dead person can completely hide his breath, even a high-level wizard is difficult to find.

Green, they are all staring closely at the black spot that represents Zhao Qian. As long as Zhao Qian slipped into the wizard's tent, they would act immediately.

Since Zhao Qian had already dived outside the tent where they lived in Jialan, he was about to enter the tent, and suddenly a white light flashed in front of the tent. The white road exploded like a bomb with a loud bang.

"not good!"

Green and Merlin exclaimed at the same time that Zifeng's reaction was very quick. Now he looks at the screen like watching TV. He always feels not so real, but at the same time, it also allows him to look at the problem from the perspective of a bystander and stay in a state of absolute peace.

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