The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 36: Redeemed!

Because of this, he immediately reacted, and with a thought, Zhaozui and the others immediately appeared in their predetermined position, and Green and the others were released.

No one needs to say that Zifeng also knows that Garan put a light warning magic in his tent. When did this magic appear, but Zifeng didn't see it.

With this noise, the entire camp became lively. First of all, the wizard tent, a white road instantly rushed to the sky, illuminating the entire camp. At the same time, a yellow light lit up, surrounding their tent.

The three senior soldiers rushed out of the tent immediately, but when they saw the situation outside, even their frozen faces changed color.

Now their entire camp has completely changed. There are huge undead creatures everywhere. There are more than 1,000 kinds of these undead creatures. A person is like a crazy bison, as long as he sees a living person, he keeps running around in the camp.

Many of those with ordinary mercenaries were trampled to death by undead before they got out of the tent. Even those who came out were obviously not opponents of undead. There were only 300 people in the team, and only left. Less than a hundred people.

What surprised the three senior fighters most was that these undead creatures were very toxic. As long as ordinary Bushmans encounter these undead creatures, they will be immediately poisoned. They must work hard to curb the spread of toxicity. If it is not restrained, the whole body will turn green, fall to the ground, and die in a blink of an eye.

Only in their stupidity, more than 20 samurai died of natural causes, all poisoned. The lethality of these undead creatures is too great.

What made the three senior warriors even more shocked was that the dead who were arranged around them did not find any trace of these undead creatures. So far, they have not been able to rescue them, even if they are in trouble.

When they were speechless, two blue water pipes rushed towards them. The three soldiers woke up immediately. The three men started drinking at the same time and drew their personal weapons. Their weapon is not a large sword common in mainland China, but a fine-grained sword. This fine-grained sword is not usually held by anyone on the mainland as a weapon, but is used by nobles to decorate their waists.

But the swords of the three men are obviously different. Their swords are pitch black, with a hint of red light. The whole sword is not as sharp as a traditional sword, but like a large cone. The blade opens only 10 cm above the front. The rest are plump and round. Just look at them and you know they are a strange killer.

Two of the three jumped into the two hoses, while the other walked towards Merlin, apparently to catch the king first.

At the same time, the three of Meg and Wood were also with the ordinary mercenaries. The duel between the masters of nature was nothing to them, and they did not dare to participate in it. If they did, they didn't even know how to die.

Although the three people have no war experience, they still have strength. Those ordinary mercenaries are now desperate, and the tenth level has reached the seventh or eighth level. How could they be three opponents.

At this moment, only a loud noise was heard. The tent where the three of them lived in Garan split open, and two huge masons stood up from the tent.

The two masons are very tall, each of them seven or eight meters high, as if they were made of huge stones. On the round head, they have vague human facial features. Although their big hands are like hands, they are also made of huge stones, big and small, standing there like a mountain.

Obviously, these two stone giants were summoned by the Shi Ling Shuangjie brothers. They are worthy of the name of Shiling Shuangjie. It is difficult for these two stone giants to sell their images separately.

Now Shi Ling Shuangjie is standing on the left and right sides of Jia Lan, while Jia Lan is holding a magic wand in one hand and a magic iron scroll in the other, watching the undead running around coldly. He said coldly: "Shameless villain, do you think there is a chance for a sneak attack?" After speaking, he pushed away the magic iron scroll in his hand, and a cloud of white light shot directly into the sky like a cannonball, bursting out in the sky, turning into A larger group of white light slowly fell. The white light fell like a substance, and did not spread, but fell like a huge lid.

Merlin was shocked by this situation and his face changed. "Here is the holy light. Damn it, it's this kind of magic that he sealed in the magic iron scroll."

The arrival of the holy light is a kind of light magic, but this kind of magic is really not an attack magic, but a large-scale healing magic, belonging to the 6th level of magic. Although this kind of magic does no harm to humans and monsters, it has a great impact on undead creatures. Although it cannot kill high-level undead creatures, it can cause damage to them. The magic that Kalan released this time can be said to be the most effective, because this magic can greatly affect the fighting power of undead creatures, which not only affects the undead creatures in the swamp, but even Zhaozui and them will have a great impact.

Zifeng played so actively outside, he was pleasantly surprised by another thing in space. He just thought that Zhao Qian had been killed when Zhao Qian was attacked. It was not until Green was released that he felt that Zhao Qian's spiritual contact with him was not interrupted. Although he feels like he is injured, he can still fight. But now that his whereabouts are exposed, this attack is impossible. He had to hide his body again.

At this moment, the magic power of Garan's holy light fell from the sky. Zhao is humorous, even though he wants to hide. Zifeng looked worried in space, but she could do nothing.

Just when Zifeng was in a hurry, a space warning sound came out: "Radioactive light is found and absorbed light. This kind of light is radioactive treatment light, which is harmful to robot-like objects in space. Improve robot-like objects and improve their success."

As the tone disappeared, he saw all the undead in the camp suddenly flashed green, the bones of all the undead were more crystal clear, and the undead who appeared to be very painful just now, but once they jumped alive, it seemed that the holy light had no effect on them.

Zifeng stared at all this blankly. He didn't know what was going on. Ordinarily, only the space was exposed to light to absorb this improvement. Now that he hasn't opened the space cracks, how can space improve those undead?

When Zifeng was confused, he suddenly felt Zhao Qian moving. He was shocked when he felt Zhao Qian's actions. Then, he immediately understood why the space of those undead creatures could be improved. Because Zhao Qian and Zhao Qian still carry Evil Wands with them, they can use all the functions in the space. Naturally, they can also accept this light magic, so the space can naturally be promoted for those undead creatures.

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