The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 77: Don't stop me

Laura paused, not that she had never heard of tasks like Zifeng. On the contrary, many people in the mainland have issued such a task. However, those people are not dark wizards. Most of them are alchemists or pharmacists. Whether they are alchemists or pharmacists, they usually have their own botanical gardens where rare magic plants are grown. These things can be used for alchemy or medicine extraction, but for ordinary wizards, these things are not very useful.

Laura wanted to know why Zifeng was looking for these things, and he was obviously a black magician. Does he still know alchemy or alchemy?

Laura looked at Zifeng in confusion and said, "What do you want those magic plants to do, sir? If you need less, you don't have to do any work. I will find it for you."

Zifeng smiled slightly. "No, Miss Laura, I need a lot, the more the better. Of course, this refers to a lot of samples, not a lot, which is useless. What I want is a lot of samples, not just Seeds of magical plants. If some magical plants can grow plants through branches or roots, they can also bring back heels or plants. I just want to build a magical botanical garden for myself."

Hearing Zifeng’s words, Laura couldn’t help laughing: “Well, I’ll go back and give this task to Mr. Wang. I’ll go back and find someone who knows the price to discuss the reservation. Mr. Wang, please rest assured, you will not be Deceived."

Zifeng smiled and said, "I believe Miss Laura. This matter is very important to me. May I ask Miss Laura."

Laura smiled slightly. "You are so kind, sir. This little thing is nothing. Please don't welcome me."

Zifeng smiled and said: "In the future, there will be many opportunities for our cooperation. My farm has just opened, and now there are only blue-eyed rabbits. In the future, I still want to have scales, and maybe there are some more special or advanced monsters. I I really hope that Miss Laura can open a meat processing factory, haha." Laura smiled and said, "I really have such a plan, but the meat processing factory is not so easy to open. We have no experience, so we don’t. Participate in this business."

Zifeng smiled slightly: "Ms. Laura, have you ever thought that the business you are doing now is the hotel industry with the largest number of entities, and the others are some shops. This kind of business is too single. You should still develop into A real industry. For example, you can produce your own products instead of what I brag about. Miss Laura, if you want to build a meat processing plant, the World of Warcraft provided by my farm must be of the highest quality. You have eaten and I raise Do you have blue-eyed rabbits? Isn’t it great? If you want to do meat food business, I can sell all my blue-eyed rabbits to you. I believe that with your sales network and the quality of Warcraft in my ranch, I There will be more achievements."

Laura’s heart moved, and Zifeng’s words were very likely to come. She had eaten the blue-eyed rabbit he produced here. It was really delicious. Not only did it taste great, but the magical elements in it were also better than normal. There are many more blue-eyed rabbits. If it can be mass-produced, it may be tricky.

Zifeng looked at Laura with some excitement and couldn't help but smile. "This time I let Ringer ride a wildebeest to Casa City, not only to do business, but also to let Miss Laura see my wildebeest. This *is carefully raised by me and is better than ordinary wildebeests. Many. Miss Laura can go back to see the wildebeest before making a decision."

Laura smiled. "I believe in Mr. Zifeng, please rest assured, Mr. Zifeng. I will discuss this with my family when I come back."

Zifeng nodded, then looked at Laura and said, "The last time Miss Laura was attacked, it was not that simple, was it? Don’t worry, Miss Laura, we are now allies. If you need anything, you can come to me. . If you can help, I will help."

Laura stopped and was moved. She helped Zifeng a lot, firstly because Zifeng saved him, and secondly because she wanted to use the power of Zifeng. Now Zifeng tells her clearly that if there is any trouble, she can come to him. This is too important for Laura.

Laura knows that the strong in Shanghai take their promises very seriously, as long as they say so, they usually do it. In addition, these contacts with Zifeng also made Laura discover that Zifeng is a smart person, and he is also a good person. Although he is a black wizard, he is indeed a good man. People like this usually respect what they say.

Laura stood up solemnly and said to Zifeng, "Thank you, sir. If you have a gentleman, Laura will rest assured. Please don't be polite to me. This is Laura's request."

Zifeng smiled and gave Laura a prosthetic hand. "Of course I will not be polite to Miss Laura. Otherwise, I will not ask Miss Laura to do so many things for me. Don't worry, Miss Laura, I can solve the general trouble you will encounter in the future. If you can't solve it, I will try my best to help you. Even if you are chased by a ninth-level strong, as long as you escape to Shishan, I can protect you." Laura was taken aback, she did not expect Zifeng to be bold and want to know a ninth-level strong, then How strong is it? Those who only exist in the legend of the strong are more accustomed to calling them gods. In other words, they are only a little worse than the gods. In the face of such a strong, Zifeng dare to say that he can protect himself. ?

Zifeng looked at Laura and knew what she was thinking. He dare to say that he can completely protect Laura because of the existence of space. Even if the ninth-level powerhouse comes, as long as he hides in the space, the ninth-level powerhouse is powerless.

Zifeng smiled and looked at Laura: "I can only protect you completely, not help you too much. I can't deal with the ninth-grade strong. To be honest, I have a teleportation scroll handed down from ancient times. When you came. , I can start the scroll to take you away, but I don’t know where to send it."

Laura breathed a sigh of relief when Zifeng said that. There are many legends about ancient wizards circulating in Ark. According to legends, wizards at that time were extremely powerful. There were ninth-level powerhouses at that time. Either one can be unstoppable, powerful and unparalleled, and it is also known as the age of the gods for a while.

There are still many legends about ancient times, and some big families still have magic items handed down from ancient times. These magic items, even if they are not good, are much stronger than ordinary magic items, and the teleport scroll is one of them.

Things like teleporting scrolls do exist. More than a hundred years ago, a thief found a teleportation scroll in the tomb of an ancient wizard. What he got was also an indeterminate teleporting scroll.

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