The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 78: Someone crying

At first, no one knew what the scroll was. Later, some thieves who were hunted down had nowhere to escape. They tore open the scroll. Unexpectedly, he disappeared in the same place and then appeared in the forest thousands of kilometers away. This saved his life, and people knew the usefulness of the scroll.

Later, news broke that the person who was chasing the thief was actually a great nobleman. The nobleman holds a teleportation scroll in his hand, so he knows and wants to take it away. But in the end he forced the thief to use it.

It was also because of this incident that people knew that the original big family still had this kind of magical items that existed in ancient times. Since then, many mercenaries and adventurers have ventured in places with ancient legends, hoping to find an ancient magic article.

When Laura heard Zifeng say that he was holding an ancient teleportation scroll in his hand, she was no longer curious, but she was even more curious about Zifeng's identity. We must know that there are not many magic scrolls or magic supplies handed down in ancient times. Even some great nobles will regard these things as heirlooms, but Zifeng has one in his hand? What is his identity? Zifeng also saw transfer scrolls and the like from a miscellaneous book and used them today. I didn't expect Laura to breathe a sigh of relief immediately. This makes Zifeng feel funny. It seems that no matter where they are, the old rumors seem to be quite effective.

Laura breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, if I really have such trouble, I will definitely visit Mr. Wang. I hope Mr. Wang will not be sad for his scroll."

Zifeng couldn't help laughing: "I didn't say that my scroll is free. If I really use it, Miss Laura will have to pay a huge price."

Laura couldn't help laughing when she heard Zifeng say this. Things like ancient magic scrolls are priceless. Zifeng was obviously joking with him by saying this.

Zifeng looked at the sky and turned to Laura. "Miss Laura, lunch is ready. After eating, you can go home. It's not that I don't want to leave you. Because I have too many secrets here. You still don't know some things. I'm sorry."

Laura didn't care, but smiled slightly: "It's okay, everyone has his secret. By the way, are there salamanders for lunch today? That's my favorite dish."

Zifeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, today's salamander is made with a special method. I guarantee Miss Laura has never eaten it." Laura was not polite, and stood up and followed Zifengwei's restaurant.

When they arrived at the restaurant and sat down, Merlin immediately served the food. The meal is very simple. The baked bread is placed in a small basket made of wooden strips and placed in the middle of the table. There was a plate of roast rabbit meat and some green vegetables in front of everyone. In the middle of the table is a plate of fried diced fish.

This newt is different from the fish. The newt was steamed with purple wind last time, but today it was braised in brown sauce. No one has ever eaten fish like this on the road.

Merlin sat down with them. Zifeng turned to Laura and smiled. "This is a special way of making salamanders. It's not available anywhere except here. Miss Laura, try it."

Laura looked at the salamander curiously, and finally picked up the fork and put a fish in her mouth.

Dinghuo fish has a characteristic. Except for the main thorn, there are no other small burrs. Its meat is very tender and delicious, so if Laura eats it with a fork, she is not afraid of being pierced.

As soon as Laura put the fish in her mouth, she felt a very special taste, which she had never eaten before. She felt that her whole mouth was full of this smell, and the smell spread quickly.

Delicious and delicious like never before, Laura is also a lover. She likes delicious food, which can be said to be famous food. She has eaten it. However, like the delicious food made by Zifeng, she has never eaten anything. Laura felt that every time she came to Zifeng, she would have some surprises.

Laura put on the fork after a while and turned to Zifeng. "Sir, please pass me the recipe for this dish. This is the most delicious dish I have ever tasted."

Zifeng smiled and said, "Little things, I will prepare them for you when you leave, and I will bring you some special vegetables to try."

Laura smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite to Mr. Wang, but although the food here is good, there is no good wine. Next time I come, I will bring some good wine to Mr. Wang."

Zifeng smiled slightly. "Yes, but I still hope that Miss Laura can give me some ways to make wine. The best is the secret recipe. The more samples the better."

Laura stared at Zifeng and said, "Sir, do you want to run a winery? It seems more difficult."

Zifeng smiled and said: "There is only one such idea. There are mountains on my site. Now only some oily fruit trees can be planted on the mountains. It's too bad. I want to see if I can plant some fruit trees that can make wine, so that the income will be far greater. Much higher than oil-bearing fruit trees."

Laura frowned and said, "Sir, this is not even possible. I know that the land suitable for planting oil fruit trees is not very good. Such land cannot produce good fruit trees."

Zifeng smiled and said: "I just try it. Anyway, it's all my own. My main industry does not refer to those fruit trees. It is worth it to be happy without losing too much."

Laura nodded and said, "Well, that's not a problem. I can also buy some wine-making tools for my husband. He can make wine anytime."

Zifeng smiled and said, "It's great. When Miss Laura comes, she may be able to drink our own wine. Come on, Miss Laura, you are welcome."

Laura likes this meal, not only because she eats well, but also because her cooperation with Zifeng has deepened. Likewise, her relationship with Zifeng has become more secretive.

After lunch, Laura left. Of course, Zifeng packed her radishes while eating, and the gifts were all ready. After dinner, Laura was sent away.

After leaving Laura and Zifeng, they returned to the living room. Green looked at Zifeng and said, "Master, should we start raising blue-eyed rabbits in the mine? Anyway, after these two days, Miss Laura took out the tools from the barrel used to squeeze the oil, and we can start to squeeze the oil. Yes. Then there will be oily residue. Feeding the radish leaves first these two days is no problem."

Zifeng ordered, "Yes, we have a lot of rabbits in our hands now. It is enough to take them out and feed some radish leaves. Let Ann start processing corn with a grinder and treadmill tomorrow. Rice bran is also a good feed. ."

Green nodded and looked at Zifeng and said, "Master, you tell Miss Labor, if there is really a strong man in grade 9 to deal with her, let him come to Shishan. Do you want her to go into space? Do you think Can she really?" Zifeng understood what Green meant, and space was their most important secret and their greatest support. If outsiders know about space, it will be a problem.

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