The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 98: The limit of tempering

Pharmacy and alchemy are very mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people. Even masters like Zheng Kun find it mysterious. In Zheng Kun's view, pharmacists and alchemists are a group of lunatics, a group of lunatics who dare to think and do anything.

However, an alchemist or pharmacist who has learned dark magic is a lunatic among lunatics. No one can say exactly what these people can do.

The alchemists and pharmacists did it strangely. Many of the most famous drugs were discovered by pharmacists accidentally or from a failed experiment. Therefore, he was not surprised that Zifeng might have drugs to ripen plants.

Zheng Kun didn't think that Zifeng might be an elf at all. You know, elves are nature's darlings. They are born with the magic of life and love life. Because of this, they hate the dark wizard. Although they will not attack the dark wizard, they will not have any contact with the dark wizard, let alone learn dark magic from the elves. Zifeng is a black wizard, which in itself determines that he is isolated from the elves.

Laura also knew the importance of this matter, so she nodded and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa Zheng Kun, I don't know anything, but Mr. Zifeng is really different from ordinary black wizards. If he didn't have that many Undead creature, I really don’t believe he will be a dark wizard. Didn’t the dark wizard be indifferent to life? Why is Mr. Zifeng completely different from those people?"

Kun said with a smile: "Black wizards are not everyone who does not look at life, and light wizards may not be able to see the light go there. If this is really important, light wizards do no less bad things than black wizards, but they do. Covered with a layer of light."

Laura nodded. He has always disliked Garan's indiscriminate attacks on Zifeng. Now that Kun said so, he naturally wouldn't think there was anything wrong with it.

The Ark’s faith is very free. Some people believe in the **** of light, and some believe in the goddess of life. Wizards in different departments believe in different gods. Many people believe in the **** of darkness, and Laura believes in the **** of knights. Naturally, she doesn't think that the light elves must be a good person.

Kun turned to Laura and said, "Laura, you should go to Versailles and tell them this. We can't do this alone. Once someone announces that there is no food production in the Ica Plain, it will cause great panic. Every time. Individuals will buy food and keep it at home. The demand for food will greatly increase. Even with the support of Zifeng, this is only a drop in the ocean. Then we can only ask Versailles to stand up and stabilize everyone's emotions in the name of the nobility. Only in this way can the market be stable."

Laura nodded and turned to Nell. "Nell, let them prepare the car. We will go to Versailles immediately. If done well, Versailles can reduce a lot of losses, and we can definitely become the largest company in the Principality of Versailles."

Nier responded, turned and ran away. Zheng Kun also laughed. He knew very well that Laura had always wanted the flower company on the other side to become the largest company in each of her Principality. Only in this way could she be qualified to compete with Maji. The Del family talked about terms, and now is an opportunity for them to become the largest principality company in each of them.

Zheng Kun also knew that they were very dangerous this time. Large commercial companies have been prepared and invested a lot of money. They are ready to start work. If Laura could really get affordable food at this time, the threat to them would be too great. In order to ensure the success of this operation, large companies may use some improper methods.

This is why Kun asked Laura to contact the Van Sells immediately. In the end, this time, it still opposed the actions of the Van Sel family. The Fansel family is now at a disadvantage. If Laura gives them a chance to play fairly at this time, they will definitely pay more attention to it. Then they will definitely ask their family members to protect Laura from any harm. Although the strength of large companies is very strong, but in every Self in the Principality, and in Laura, everyone is protected by every Self family. There is no way, after all, every Self family is also A large family has deep internal information. There are more than nine powerful people sitting in a row, even if large companies are dissatisfied, they dare not do anything.

Laura took a carriage and headed straight to the Grand Duchy of Versailles, which is located north of Casa, occupying an active land. It is the core of Versailles. Of course, Laura also brought the corn stubble and corn flour that Green showed him. After all, bringing some samples is more convincing.

The Grand Duchy of the Versace family is very magnificent. The outer wall alone is nearly 10 meters high. This huge gate building is similar to the gate. Two rows of soldiers in armor stood on either side of the gate. These fighters have at least six levels of strength. They are tall, strong, and aggressive.

The armor they wear is similar to Green's. They are all in full armor, their faces are blocked. They wore helmets with horns on their heads. The two curved horns on the helmet point to the sky, showing great momentum. They both held long double-edged swords in their hands. The weight of each axe seems to be no less than 100 catties. They are definitely heavy weapons. The soldiers are like moving steel fortresses in the First World War.

A huge running bull badge hung on the gate. The badge is silver. Now, the color of the badge is very delicate. The golden badge can only be used by the royal family. The silver badge can only be used by ordinary nobles. Ordinary nobles use blue badges, and some quasi-nobles use black badges.

Laura's carriage stopped at the gate of the Grand Duchy. A dressed servant immediately ran out of the gate of the Grand Duchy. The samurai is responsible for guarding. They are not responsible for reception.

The servant ran to Laura's carriage and immediately bowed to the carriage. "Welcome Miss Laura to the Grand Duchy. What can I do for you?"

Selma has been following the laborer, jumping off the horse, and said to the servant: "My young lady has something to ask Elder Stern. Do you know if Elder Stern is free?"

Laura and Versailles are both powerful forces in the Duchy of Versailles. Both parties are very familiar. Some servants have known each other for a long time, so Selma didn't say too many kind words.

The servant nodded immediately and said: "The elder has just returned. Please invite Miss Laura in." Then he took Laura's carriage to the Grand Duchy.

As soon as I entered the Grand Ducal Mansion, it became a martial arts training ground. This is almost a common practice in all the great noble residences of the Ark. From this point, I can also see how aggressive the people of the Ark are.

However, Laura did not stop at this training ground, but continued to walk in. In places like the Grand Ducal Palace, this training ground is used not only for training, but also for strategic purposes. If there is a war, this training ground can become a gathering place for soldiers, and it can become a battlefield in an instant. When they walked through the door on the second floor, the parking place was Selma. They stopped the carriage. Laura and Nell got out of the wagon. The servant took them to the living room. Selma followed them.

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