The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 99: Promotion

The door on the second floor is the place to receive guests. Only those very close can enter the third floor through the door on the second floor. Even the internal residences of the Palace of Versailles, ordinary people are not eligible to enter.

As soon as Laura sat down in the living room, the servant immediately sent her to Kenya. Stern came in from outside. Laura stood up and paid tribute to Stern, who quickly responded.

Laura said to Stern, "I'm sorry to interrupt Laura's visit, but it is very important. Please forgive me."

Stern smiled slightly. "Miss Laura is really nice. It is our honor to be here. I don't know why Miss Laura is here this time. Is there any progress on the food issue?"

Laura smiled slightly and said, "The elderly are so nice. Even I guessed it. Yes, the food issue has made progress."

Stern, who had just sat down, stopped when he heard Laura say this. When he went to see Laura the day before yesterday, Laura said there was no way out. Just two days ago, Laura said that things had progressed. This is really beyond his expectation.

Stern looked at Laura seriously and said, "Miss Laura is joking, right?"

Laura smiled slightly. "How can I make fun of all this with the elderly? I did find a source of food, but this kind of food is a little different from what we used to eat."

Then he clapped his hands. Searle immediately took the two bags in. Laura opened the bag and said to Stern, "This is the food I found. This is the way of food. It's very simple." He said, and gave Stern what Zifeng had written.

Stern waited for a while to take the paper from Laura, but his eyes did not leave the bag full of corn stubble and corn flour. The well-informed Stern is the first time to see such food.

It took Stern a long time to return to absolute existence. He looked at the newspaper in his hand carefully. There are not many words on the paper, and the method is very simple. Stern quickly finished reading.

After reading it, Stern put down the newspaper and looked at Laura. "Miss Laura, how much is this food? What is the price?"

Laura smiled slightly. "This kind of food belongs to a friend of mine. He said he just didn't want to see the civilians in the Principality of Versailles suffer. That's why he took it out. The total cost is more than 2 million catties. The price is the same as ordinary bamboo rice."

Stern's breathing was a little short. The point is that he is too excited. He immediately said, "Miss Laura's friend, can I see you?"

Laura looked at Stern and knew what he was thinking, but she shook her head and said, "Sorry, sir, my friend doesn’t like contact with people, but please don’t worry, sir, I can assure you that he There is indeed food in his hand." Stern also knew that he was abrupt, so he immediately said: "Well, Miss Laura is very difficult to accept. Do you know what help Miss Laura needs?"

Laura nodded and said: "Elder Stern also knows that once the situation in the Plain of Ica is announced, the entire Duchy of Versailles will definitely fall into panic. In this case, our businessman has no choice but to invite Versailles to stand up."

Stern nodded and said, "No problem, please don't worry, Miss Laura, but to be honest, Miss Laura, these 2 million catties of food are not enough."

Laura smiled and said: "Don't worry, elder, my friend said that after the 2 million catties of food are sold out, he can provide us with 350,000 catties of food every day. I wonder if this is enough?"

Stern smiled, "Enough, enough, Miss Laura must thank your friend for me."

Laura smiled slightly. "Don't worry, senior. Laura knows how to do it. That's it. I'll go buy some food in three days. But the guard will ask the elder for help."

Stern also understood what Laura meant, and his eyes flashed, "This reassures Miss Laura that no one in the Principality of Versailles can do anything to Versailles."

Laura nodded and stood up. "Then Laura will leave. Don't worry, although my friend has a little friction with the Van Sell family, he is not joking. I can use my life as a guarantee." After giving Stern a gift, she turned and left. NS.

Stern was shocked by Laura's words. He didn't quite understand what Laura meant. After listening to Laura, his friend should have hatred with Versailles, but he seems to have a good relationship with her.

Thinking of this, Stern's face changed. He thought of a man who suffered a loss at Van Sell's house not long ago and still lives outside Casa City.

The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the only one who has enemies with Versailles. Likewise, the only person who has a good relationship with Laura. Laura had a lot of contact with that person not long ago, and she also got a very good quality magic radish from that person. He knew all this, but this man saved Laura's life, and it was normal for the two to have some contact, so he didn't care.

It now seems that Laura’s food was probably given to her by that person. Thinking of Stern not being able to sit here anymore, he immediately stood up and shouted, "Quickly, send someone to check it out. Laura has contacted anyone recently."

After a while, someone liked Stern's comments. Among those who have been in contact with Laura recently, it is worth noting that only Zifeng’s followers and fighters knew that Laura’s food must come from Zifeng when he heard the news.

After confirming this, Stern's face became even more ugly. He understood what Laura had said before. Laura knew he could definitely find out where her food came from, so she said those things to him. But does this really reassure Stern? the answer is negative!

At this time, how could Stern completely believe in the enemy? He immediately told the matter to the Van Sell Presbyterian Church, which was beyond his management.

Laura had long thought that Versailles would send someone to check the source of the food, but she was not worried. Versailles now only has this method. If they don't cooperate with her, they can only watch the merchants cutting meat on them, which is unbearable for Versailles.

The great aristocracy has the pride of the great aristocracy. This time, big companies are joining forces. Although they said that Versailles could not use force against them, they would not let themselves suffer this loss. Now that they have a chance to fight back, how can they miss it?

The decision of the Versailles family did not meet Laura's expectations. Compared with their hatred of Zifeng, these big companies have gone too far this time. Therefore, the Versailles family decided to solve the big business first, and Zifeng's affairs could be put back.

Like the Fansel family, the great nobles have no permanent enemies in their eyes, only interests.

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