The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 251: Javier must be reported


Xiao Yuan's face changed drastically. He never expected that Zi Feng walked over and didn't say a word.

Xiao Yuan quickly reversed his qi to resist, drew his sword, waved it in front of him, and cut down a sword curtain to protect himself.

"Cut off swordsmanship! Seventh style, ten thousand miles apart!"

Xiao Yuan rushed towards him with a sword. The powerful sword hit him.

Zifeng's eyes opened wide and closed wide, revealing a brand new Sha Qi.

Xiaoyuan was shocked. Zifeng's sword fell and shattered his body shield. It fell heavily on him.


Xiaoyuan's desperate expression, Zifeng's sword would kill him.

Xiao Yuan regretted that if he was given another chance, he would not challenge Zifeng.

Zifeng killed Xiaoyuan and took the sword off the cliff.

"Another one is dead!"

"How evil is Zifeng? Can no one cure him?"

"Where did all the masters of the Holy Alliance go? Why didn't the top 100 players in the inner door make a move?"

Many Holy Alliance fighters saw Zifeng within a day, and even killed the two masters of the Holy Alliance. The root of their anger was itching, and they couldn't wait to eat Zifeng's peeling and colic.

When he returned to his residence, Tie Dan saw that Zi Feng came back, and his hanging heart was relieved.

the next day!

"Zifeng, don't fight on the cliff! Don't let the whole family die! Zhang Feng, a member of the Holy Alliance."

"My son of a bitch, I want to kill all your animals!" Zi Feng was both angry and angry. He rushed to the edge of the cliff and killed Zhang Feng with a sword.

The third day!

"Zifeng, don't fight on the cliff! Don't let the whole family die! Holy Alliance warrior Li Yan!"


Zifeng was furious.

For ten consecutive days, every day there will be a warrior of the Alliance of Gods coming to challenge.

Ten days later, Zifeng never returned from the cliff. He just killed a soldier of the Blind God Alliance.

When I returned to my residence, I found that Li Jianxing and Li Qingxuan were coming.

"Gentlemen, when did you come?"

Ten days after Zifeng, the stranger smiled and asked:

When he returned home, Zifeng saw Li Jianxing and Li Qingxuan, and smiled slightly.

"We heard that you have had a hard time recently, so let's see if there is anything we can do for you."

Both Li Jianxing and Li Qingxuan said with a smile.

Zifeng smiled bitterly, using a black thread, he was really annoyed by the soldiers of the League of Gods for more than ten days.

Can not practice meditation, basically every day there will be a warrior of the alliance to challenge!

It stabbed a hornet's nest. Zifeng shook his head and smiled:

Li Jianxing and Li Qingxuan also knew that Zifeng’s situation was very difficult. They said: "The soldiers of the League of Gods challenge you every day. The League of Gods seems to really want to do something with you. The key is that they are challenging every day. And you can’t practice at all."

"Right now, none of the top 100 players in the inner door have taken action. Once they do, you will definitely die!"

Li Qingxuan said lightly.

"What's the inner top 100 list? Why do you think I will die?" Zifeng asked curiously.

Li Qingxuan said: "The ranking of the top 100 inner disciples is the ranking of the most powerful inner disciples under the core disciples."

"Inner disciples are not ranked as good as outer disciples. They also need to compete for rankings. As long as you are strong enough, you can challenge the top 100 players. As long as you beat your opponent, you will naturally take his place."

"Today, there are a total of 100 disciples out of the top 100 in the inner gate, and 90 of them are fighters of the Holy Alliance!"

In addition, among the 100 achievements of Inner Gate, the lowest achievements are 8 in terms of land and weapons! "Tell me, even if the 100th disciple on the Inner Sect Top 100 list challenges you, are you sure you have defeated him with eight times his strength?"

Li Qingxuan asked with a smile.

When Zi Feng heard it, his face was pale.

Facts have proved that the power of the Holy Alliance is so great.

Zifeng was surprised.

There are 100 disciples out of the top 100 in the inner gate, 90 of them are fighters of the Holy Alliance!

If the top 100 players in the inner door initiate a challenge, then Zifeng will truly be in trouble.

"The fighters who are coming to challenge you are all small members of the Holy Alliance. If you kill them, you will kill them. This is harmless." Li Qingxuan said lightly.

But once the top 100 players take action, you are in danger.

Zifeng nodded deeply. For the top 100 players, Zifeng's current strength is not enough, and can't even compete with them.

What is the achievement of the top 100 man Li? Zi Feng asked curiously.

The lowest score in the top 100 is 7 times the power of the earth. Hasn't the first person already broken through the earth's sphere of influence?

"Now the top ten on the top 100 list have broken through to the Tianwumen realm, and the first person Cai Xuan has broken through to the triple realm of the Tianwumen realm. This is just the character of the core disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect."

In the first ten years, all the fighters of the Holy Alliance were Su Cang's henchmen.

Li Qingxuan said.

Did the top ten break through the sky and arms?

Zifeng felt a little stressed.

call out!

At this moment, a hidden weapon suddenly shot in from outside the yard.

Zifeng stretched out his hand and grasped it skillfully, holding the hidden weapon in his hand.

This is a letter of war. In the past ten days, Zifeng has received more than a dozen letters of war, which is so familiar.

When I opened my eyes, it turned out to be exactly the same content: "Zifeng, don't return to the cliff to fight, don't come to the Doomsday Clan, Xiao, the warrior of the God Alliance"

Zifeng smashed the challenge angrily.

"You can't fight like this." Li Qingxuan said.

"This is really not a solution. I have to find a way to improve my achievements." Zifeng said with a sullen expression.

Zifeng’s achievements are now nine times that of Xuanwu. He is still a long way from the top 100 players in the inner door.

The relationship between Zifeng and the Alliance of Gods is now on the edge of a cliff. Once the League of Gods wants to commit suicide, as long as the top 100 players are sent to the list, it will be enough to kill Zifeng!

"Before the Holy Alliance handed me over, I must repair my achievements as soon as possible. In that case, even if the Holy Alliance wants to kill me, I have the power to fight!"

Zifeng's heart was thinking slowly.

"Li Shengda, I want to ask you something."

Zi Feng looked at Li Qingxuan and said.

"Why are you so polite? Just call me Qingxuan." At this point, Li Qingxuan's face blushed delicately.

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