The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 252: majesty

Li Jianxing saw Li Qingxuan blushing like an apple beside him, and smiled secretly. He had never seen his sister before. He had never seen this before.

She is as shy as a loving girl. But Zifeng didn't expect to see the blush on Li Qingxuan's face. His face was blue and he said, "Please tell all the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect for me."

"what news?"

Li Qingxuan asked curiously, she felt that Zifeng was about to make a big move again.

"Tell them: in three months, I will accept the challenge of all the fighters in the Lingjian faction territory. I will not refuse!"

A cold light flashed in Zifeng's eyes:

I will not accept any challenge in three months!

"After three months, if I don't return to the cliff, I will stay for three days. Within three days, any warrior in the land of the spirit sword can come up for a battle!"

Li Jianxing and Li Qingxuan listened.

This is not a challenge, but a declaration of war on all the disciples of the Spirit Sword faction.

"Zifeng, you are crazy." Li Jianxing exclaimed.

"Do you think you can compete with the nine heavy fighters in the area in three months?"

Li Jianxing said suspiciously.

"I can't help it. If they continue to challenge like this, I can't practice. By then, the kingdom will be moved further and further away by them."

"This is the best way."

"Since they want to challenge me, I will give them a chance!"

Zi Feng said lightly: "Qingxuan, please spread this news. It's best to let all the soldiers of the Holy Alliance know. Let them wait for me on the cliff in three months."

"Are you sure?" Li Qingxuan asked.

"Yes." Zifeng said firmly.

"Well, I will spread the news." Li Qingxuan smiled:

Later, Li Jianxing persuaded Zifeng for a while, but Zifeng had already made a decision and would not regret it.

Seeing this scene, Li Qingxuan and Li Ji'an Xing left one after another.

Half an hour later, the news caused a sensation in the entire tribe.

"Is Zifeng crazy? Even after three months, accept all the challenges under Tianwu conditions on the cliff, don't look back!"

"Haha, this man is dead!"

"Today, many fighters of the Holy Alliance are trapped in the territories of the earth and martial arts. Even some fighters still have the power to defeat the territories and martial arts of the earth"

"Zifeng, this is suicide!"

Three months later, the news that Zifeng did not return on the cliff to accept all the military environmental challenges of the Spirit Sword Sect, as soon as it spread out, it immediately shook in eight directions, and it spread to the net!

The inner door, the lesser master mountain.

"Hahaha, Zifeng is dead!" When Su Cang heard the news, he leaned forward with a smile.

"Does he really think he is qualified to win the first place and become a spiritual swordsman?"

"Hmph, since he is going to build a challenge arena, then my alliance of gods will meet with him in three months."

"Order, let all the inner sect disciples form a sacred alliance, and all the martial artists in the local martial arts field will come back within three months. I don’t believe that such a large Spirit Sword Sect’s inner sect can’t find one. People who can kill Zifeng!"

Su Cang laughed wildly, and said with a new killing intent in his eyes.

"In three months, we must let Zifeng's soul fall off the cliff!" Su Cang said firmly.


In the law enforcement hall.

The second elder sat with more than 30 other spirit sword elders and listened to Li Qingxuan's return.

The second elder asked Li Qingxuan: "Qingxuan, do you think Zifeng has a chance to win the championship in three months?"

Tour is not sure, but Zifeng said he is sure. Li Qingxuan replied respectfully.

Li Qingxuan is a disciple of the second elder!

Within three months, it will be difficult for him to break through from the Xuanwu domain to the martial arts domain, but it will also be difficult for him to control the spirit sword domain.

"Yes, this man is a genius, but this is too much."

"I don't agree with him doing this, otherwise, you can convince him again. After all, he is now in our Sword League camp. When he grows up, he may be able to compete with Su Cang, then our winning rate will be high. Much."

All the elders present were not optimistic about Zifeng's ability to rule this territory within three months, so they asked him for help.

The second elder said: "I understand this man, he is a proud swordsman, and the decision he made will not be taken back. His sword points out the direction, either to destroy his opponent, or to be destroyed by his opponent. ."

"This is the fate of Jian Xiu."

The second elder smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "He is too much like a sword declaration."

He is exactly the same as Jian Xuan, and has a sharp blade!

"Forget it, since he is sure, let him go to war. Even if he loses, I can save him."

The second elder thought repeatedly, but did not let Li Qingxuan persuade Zifeng.

"Yes Master."

"Master, didn't you just say that there is the whereabouts of your brother?" Li Qingxuan asked curiously.

The second elder took a deep breath and heard Li Qingxuan ask. There was also a look of excitement in his eyes: "Yes, it has been 100 years, and finally there is news from him."

We gather here to discuss this matter.

According to reliable sources, Jian Xuan escaped from the Spirit Sword Sect 100 years ago and went to the Great Moon Kingdom, where he eventually disappeared.

"If we didn't guess wrong, Jian Xuan should be hidden somewhere in the Great Moon Kingdom."

"Just in time, Qing Xuan is here. You should go to the mission hall to take over the next mission to the moon country, take over the reason for completing the mission, and then go to the moon country to explore. It is best to find the trail of Jian Xuan."

The two elders said to Li Qingxuan.

"Yes, Master, the disciples will leave soon." Li Qingxuan nodded.

"This matter must be kept secret. If Su Cang and the elder know about it, I am afraid they will be caught in the net." The two elders warned.

"Yes Master."

Li Qingxuan replied solemnly.

Jian Xuan's trail is too important. Once the news spread, I am afraid that Su Cang and the elders will immediately kill Jian Xuan.


Baiyun Peak.

Li smiled and walked to Ling's study.

"Shan Qing, is there anything you want to tell me when you come to see me?" Ding Lingzi asked, still looking at his book. "Master, I just got news from Ling Jianzong, and the younger brother has already released the news. Three months later, he will accept the challenge of the Ling Jianzong warrior on the cliff. No matter who he is, he will not refuse!"

Li smiled and said, "Master, my brother is crazier than me."

"Oh! Really?" Ling Ye looked at Li with interest.

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