The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 26: Jie Cao Jun was eaten by himself

"Ha...I'm free now, and I will enter society from tomorrow!"

After the dinner, everyone walked out of the castle and lay on a familiar boulder not far away. They looked at the stars in the sky with an indescribable smile on their faces.

Although some unpleasant things happened during dinner, this did not affect their excitement, because during dinner, Zifeng and the others also received the latest task to make money.

Yes, it is to make money. As a killer, the first thing you must learn is to hide your identity and be able to adapt to the surrounding environment very quickly.

In order to hide their identity, you must first adapt to different professions and make money. This is to exercise the disguise ability of Zifeng and others. At the same time, through social experience, they can sharpen their water chestnut and let them learn how to communicate with others. Of course, The most important thing is to learn how to gather intelligence and hide yourself.

You can know from the original sect chapter that as a killer, Lubbock collects information on the street, but because he can't hide himself, he is easily discovered by Zhutian and Matou, and he is finally in danger. , So as a killer, how to gather intelligence with a degree is very important.

However, for the immediate access to humans, Chi Tong and the others couldn't help but feel a little excited. Compared with Chi Tong and others, Zi Feng was not happy at all. Looking at the endless starry sky, he slowly said, "Don't be too happy. It's early, that village...but it's man-made."

Zi Feng, who has read the original comics, clearly remembers that there is such a village in the prequel. The names of the villages were transferred to this village by the empire using their relatives as a threat. The reason for their existence is that In order to help the growth of Chi Tong and others, the whole process also included his own death, and everything was the plan of the imperial capital.

However, Chi Tong and others obviously didn't understand a trace of Zi Feng, and they looked at Zi Feng with doubts, obviously not knowing the meaning of his words.

"This... you go and explore by yourself."

As he said, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Zifeng’s mouth, but then there was a trace of solemnity on his face. He looked at Gaia and Green who were standing at the gate of the castle and whispered, “Gozzi took them both at this time. What is this arrangement for us? Surveillance? Or is it exactly what he said?"

"We should pay more attention no matter what, after all, the two of them are not ours."

Hearing Zifeng’s words, Nahasio showed a chill on his face, and Cornelia also frowned. The cute little Qiong nose said, "Yes, yeah, and that Gaia is not a good thing, just used Looking at me with that kind of squinted eyes, hum."

"If I get the chance, I will get rid of both of them."

Chitong’s words are very simple, and at the same time, her voice is full of endless chills. Although Cornelia is, they are their rivals, but she is Zifeng’s girlfriend after all. Zifeng’s heart has long occupied the most important thing, and Zifeng’s reverse scale is their reverse scale, so in their hearts, Gaia has been included in the'blacklist', and in his Green around him also suffered a disaster.

One night's time passed in an instant, and because of what happened during dinner, Gaia and Green only dared to watch Zifeng and the others play from a distance, and didn't dare to get too close.

Regarding the performance of Gaia and Green, Zifeng was also very happy. After all, the first time we met, Zifeng’s impression of Gaia was not very good, and so far Zifeng has not figured out that Gozzi has brought them together. People are still vigilant towards them in their hearts for the purpose arranged by them.

"It seems we have to start as soon as possible..."

Holding Cornelia by the hand and walking on the way to Longxi Village, behind him were four little tails full of jealousy, Zifeng said. (Nahasiu: Hey, what about me? Where did I go?)

"I said Nahasiu, this is a punishment for you. Gozzi's strength is not 100% that I can beat him. You guy wanted to assassinate yesterday. Fortunately, I ran into him. , Otherwise you don’t know how you died."

With that said, Zifeng violently kicked the person who was trapped like a zongzi behind him (something?).


After being kicked by Zifeng, Naha Xiu could only let out a dull grunt because of his zui at this time. Pakistan was blocked by Zifeng with smelly socks that hadn't been washed for a long time.

"No protest is allowed. This is punishment. As our instructor, Gozzi is naturally very strong. At least I am not an opponent in the sense of it, and the knife on his waist is an imperial tool, as long as the knife is wiped out. A small wound can be instantly deadly."

As he said, Zifeng violently pulled the rope, lifted Nahasio up from the ground, looked at him with dangerous eyes, and said, "If I hadn't stopped you, you wouldn't know how you died, and you would still Because your actions involve all of us."


Looking at Zifeng's dark, agile black pupils, Naha Xiu's forehead instantly shed a row of cold sweat, and he nodded quickly, with an imploring look in his eyes.

"Huh... Forget it, you should lie down..."

Seeing Nahasiu's appearance, Zifeng couldn't help but curled his mouth and gently pushed him. In an instant, Nahasiu fell to the ground again, being dragged forward by Zifeng.

"The captain is the devil!"

This scene fell in the eyes of Chitong and the others, and they couldn't help but make their young hearts tremble fiercely, and they thought to themselves, but they had already understood this well before. Zifeng's devil character is more than that. That's it.

In the six months of living in the jungle, Zifeng used Nahaxiu as bait for food, tied it up and threw it in the lake where the super dangerous species of fish live, the purpose is to eat a meal of super dangerous species of barbecue. .

I once hung red eyes and black eyes on a tree as bait, tempted carnivorous advanced dangerous species, etc. Of course, these behaviors seem dangerous, but there are no complaints from the red eyes and others, because all of them are In order to enhance their strength.

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