The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 27: Gather intelligence

"The punishment is over, and the village is ahead."

Holding Cornelia's hand all the way, Naha Xiu was dragged behind, followed by the jealous Crimson Eye, Boni, Black Eye and Tsukushi, and the Zifeng group came to Longxi without knowing it. Near the village.

After untying the rope tied to Naha Xiu's body, Zifeng said to Chi Tong and the others, "Okay, from now on, everyone will enter the village, but...this time it's a split operation, all I have to say is One point, gather beneficial information and gather here before dark."

"Yes!" X6

Gaia and Green were not included in this mission. First of all, Gaia and Green just joined them yesterday, and because of the newcomers, there will be no mission at all, and the second is strength. However, after receiving the task of Gozzi, he can only practice near the castle.

Besides, yesterday, Gaia and Green had a little conflict with Zifeng yesterday. If they didn't know how to follow it out today, there might be some accident that caused them to die immediately when they walked halfway.

No longer talking about Gaia and Green, Zifeng and the others immediately dispersed after entering the village. Collecting intelligence mainly relies on communication with people or dialogues with others to analyze the information they need.

Obviously, it’s impossible for Aka Hitomi and others to communicate with others. Although they are very strong, they are always in the heart of the child, and they have a year of isolation from the outside world, so they can’t help but feel afraid of living. Personality, if you encounter an enemy, it's okay to kill it, but if you encounter a stranger, you will unconsciously give birth to a feeling of wanting to avoid it.

So just after entering the village, Chi Tong and the others looked at the strange faces around, and unconsciously moved to places with few people. They didn’t collect information at all. They behaved very strangely. They are different. Zifeng possesses the psychology of an adult. Although he was an out-and-out otaku in his previous life, he could still communicate basically, and collected a lot of information at the end of the day.

As the sky darkened, Zifeng and others gathered at the designated location. Bonnie kept patting his chest and said, "Hoo...I don't want to come here anymore, I feel that those people look so hard to reach..."

"Yes, that's right, I feel the same way, but I found out that there seems to be a lot of new shops in the village, which is very short of manpower."

"Yes, I also pay attention. Many shops have job advertisements written in front of them."


Listening to the intelligence of the Chitong people, Zifeng's mouth could not help but a wry smile. Although they did collect some beneficial information, the content of the information was not detailed. If it is really dangerous work, this Not detailed information will kill them.

"But it's only the first time, after all, it's still too small..."

With this in mind, Zi Feng couldn’t help but sighed and said, “Although you have collected very good information, this type of information is not qualified. When collecting information, you must learn to communicate with people and pay more attention to the conversations between others. Although a lot of content is not what we need, we must analyze useful information from it.

Hmm... For example, in the information I collected, in the east of the village, a man named Robert opened a new noodle restaurant, but he was a cook, and his monthly salary was 2 gold coins (there are three currencies in this world, 10,000 Copper coins = 100 silver coins = 1 gold coins), there is a fish market in the center of the village, and the difference is earned by selling at low prices and high prices. For them, each catty of fish is worth 1 silver coin. If it is a dangerous species of fish, then Calculate the price according to the difficulty of hunting..."

"As expected of Captain/Xiaofeng, the information is so detailed..."

Hearing Zifeng’s intelligence, everyone couldn’t help showing a touch of consternation, and Zifeng was helpless. They said at a glance, “Of course, this information is the content of the conversation of the villagers. Listen carefully and extract useful information from it. Remember the news, and then go ahead and confirm it, it’s actually very simple."

"Alright, alright, we know, we will pay attention to it in the future..."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Bonnie said with sloppy eyes, but Zifeng's expression gradually became serious just as she said her words.

"You must know that accurate and detailed information can reduce the burden of our work by half, especially during the assassination mission. If there is no detailed and correct information, it is easy to lose lives in the task!"

Seeing Zi Feng's serious expression, Pony, who originally wanted to sloppy eyes, couldn't help but breathe. A grieved expression appeared on his face and said, "Uh... I see, Captain!"

"Ah...really, that's why you can't help it..."

Seeing the aggrieved look on Bonny’s face, Zifeng couldn’t help but covered his head with a headache and let out a sigh, and then said, “Forget it, it’s just the first time after all. Just pay attention to it later. You can also behave when collecting information. Don't be too abnormal, try to relax yourself, otherwise you will lose your life if you show your feet during the mission."

"Captain is caring about us..."

Thinking about this, Chi Tong and others felt a warm current, and their little faces nodded with a reddish face and said, "I see, Captain!"

"Okay, okay, go back, it's time for dinner."

Feeling the atmosphere a bit weird, Zi Feng couldn't help but said aloud. Sure enough, when he heard Zi Feng's words, a pair of golden four-pointed stars appeared in the eyes of the four of Chi pupil, Tsukushi, Black pupil and Pony, with a trace of crystal clear saliva. Slowly flowing out from the corner of his mouth, the appearance of eating goods is undoubtedly obvious. Although Cornelia is not so exaggerated, it is not better. As for Naha Xiu...Although this food kept his saliva as far as possible and did not save it, But the chuckle chuckle...'s mouth water is too loud.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Zi Feng couldn't help being amused, but he was worried.

"Gaia, Green...Gorzzi, what is your purpose? Now that they are arranged, do you already know my plan... Or is it because I think too much..."

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