The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 29: Gaia's death

"Captain, aren't we going to make money today?"

Walking on the small road, there was a trace of doubt on Chikushi’s cute little face. Although Zifeng wiped out Gaia’s eyes yesterday, it did not affect the lives of Chitong and others. But this morning, Gaia was After the imperial soldiers took them away, Zifeng gathered the six of them and fell far behind the imperial soldiers.

Not only Zhuzi didn't understand what Zifeng did, but even Chitong and others were confused and looked at Zifeng very suspiciously.

"Well, all we have to do now is to follow behind this team of soldiers, and then you will understand a lot of things."

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the six people including Cornelia, Zi Feng lightly raised his eyebrows and said.

"Huh, don't tell me, just pretend to be mysterious...really."

Zifeng's words caused Cornelia to pout her mouth and turned her head to the side to look like "I ignore you". For Cornelia, Zifeng just shrugged helplessly, and the corners of her mouth twitched. There was a helpless smile, and then he continued to lead the six people behind the soldier without saying a word.

There were a total of 20 soldiers who took Gaia. The weak aura radiated from them, even if Zifeng was far away, it could be felt that the weakest of them had the strength of a second-level non-commissioned officer. The strength of the leader among them has reached the pinnacle of the third-level non-commissioned officer.

This kind of strength can be regarded as an elite unit in the imperial army, so in order not to be discovered, Zifeng and the others slowed down as much as possible and followed them all the way. Two hours later...

"Captain, it's almost done here."

"Here... well, then let's solve it here."

"Hey, what are you talking about, why don't you leave?"

Hearing the conversation between the soldier and the captain, Gaia couldn't help but said in confusion, but just after he finished speaking, a violent wind suddenly blew in the back of his head.


Feeling the danger approaching, Gaia couldn't help but startled, and quickly rolled on a donkey on the ground, evading a sneak attack by a soldier behind him in embarrassment.

"Damn, what do you want to do!"

After evading the attack, Gaia could not help but quickly became alert. Although he couldn't see anything in his eyes at this time, which made his combat effectiveness drop a lot, and at the same time his possessions were taken back, but he still has the strength of a five-level enemy with a thousand people. Naturally, it cannot be solved so easily.

However, facing the darkness in front of him and the cold killing intent coming from all around, Gaia still couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

"Oh, did you avoid it? You really deserve to be a kid who can enter the elite assassination team. Can you avoid sneak attacks even if your eyes are destroyed? But... this is the order from above, I'm sorry."

The captain looked at Gaia who had been surrounded by him, the guilt on his face flashed, and then he drew the long sword from his waist and rushed towards Gaia.

"Don't worry, there will be no extra pain, hey..."

Shouting, the soldier captain rushed in front of Gaia in a blink of an eye, cutting off the long sword in his hand, but Gaia seemed to be able to feel the soldier captain's movements, only slightly turned his body sideways, and the sword pressed against him. His chest was chopped to the ground.

"Hmph, die for me!"

At this time, Gaia didn't know what these soldiers were going to do. After more attacks, Gaia snorted, then flew a kick and violently kicked the soldier captain in the chest, kicking him away in an instant.

"This is the darkness of the imperial capital. Although it spends energy, money and various resources to train you, provide you with the best environment, and finally let you serve the empire, ... once it becomes a waste, the empire will not hesitate. Abandon you."

Standing on a high **** in the distance, watching Gaia dodge the soldiers' attacks constantly in embarrassment, Zifeng's face was full of plainness, while the faces of the six people including Chi Tong showed an unbelievable look.

"Why... Didn't the instructor say to send him back?"

Although the facts are already in front of him, the innocent Pony couldn't help but ask, and Zifeng curled his lips in disdain and said, "You believe what he said. It's really naive. I'm afraid these soldiers received him. That’s why the idiot was brought here to solve the problem."

"No wonder the captain hates the empire so much. As expected, the empire is already rotten. If it were not for the captain, we would be the next one."

With that said, Naha Xiu looked at Gaia with a lot of scratches unknowingly on his body. For Gaia, although Chitong and others thought he was pitiful, but...the poor must have hatred for him. At this point, if it were not for him to challenge Zifeng’s bottom line again and again, he would not be blinded by Zifeng, and naturally he would not have the current results, so Chitong and others did not want to rescue him. His thoughts were just watching quietly from a distance.

However, this battle soon ended. Although Gaia had the strength of a five-level enemy with a thousand enemies, his eyes were stabbed and his combat power dropped a lot, and this team of 20 imperial soldiers could be said to be the elite of the empire. Although the army was eventually cut by 7 people by Gaia, it was finally cut in the middle by the captain of the soldier due to a mistake made by Gaia.

"Let's go, you have already seen what you should see."

Looking at Gaia falling in a pool of blood, Zifeng's face did not have any fluctuations, as flat as water, and after speaking, he turned and walked towards Longxi Village, but when he heard Zifeng's words, Chi Tong and others just looked deeply Gaia glanced at Gaia who had been silent, sighed in his heart, followed Zifeng silently and left.

What Zifeng and others didn't notice was that in the forest on the other side, there was still a pair of eyes looking at Gaia who had been cut in half in shock.

At night, everyone who had been busy for a day returned to the castle and appeared exceptionally silent. They did not play around in the usual way. After dinner, they returned to the room with their own thoughts.

"Ha... It seems that the scene this morning has caused them a lot of psychological obstacles. Although it is cruel to them, this fact must be made clear to them. This decadent world... Let them kill their lives..."

Looking at the beautiful night sky outside through the window of the castle, Zifeng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then frowned when looking at his own attribute template. It's all like this. I've learned everything that I need to learn. It's just my first assassination experience,'s time to leave here..."

Thinking about this, Zifeng looked at a dark purple, scented purple round bead that suddenly appeared in his hand, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. (To be continued, to be continued?)

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