"Oh, boys, you got up so early."

In the early morning, Gozzi, as usual, walked into the restaurant with a meal, and looked at the people eating in the restaurant with a satisfied smile on his face.

"The instructor is here again. Is this really good?"

Seeing Gozzi's arrival, Zifeng's face was still as plain as water, and he glanced at Gozzi with a deadly eye.

But Gozzi didn't have that self-consciousness, and sat directly in the Lord. At the banquet, I ate the breakfast prepared by Zifeng, and at the same time he finally said bluntly, "What's the matter? Anyway, don't you prepare it every day? It would be a waste not to eat."

"Yes, but the instructor... you know?"

Seeing Gozzi starting to wipe out the food in front of him, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of Zifeng's mouth, and when he heard Zifeng's words, Gozzi's hand suddenly stopped, and he asked suspiciously, "What do you know?"

"There is a kind of poison that is incredibly fragrant, but it will become colorless and tasteless when it blends into food, but... he can gradually dissipate the strength of people in a very short time."

Having said this, Zifeng stretched out his left hand, and a dark purple round bead exuding a strange fragrance appeared in his left hand.

"This is... um..."

Looking at the beads in Zifeng's hands, Gozzi couldn't help but stunned, and then he only felt that the strength in his body was decreasing at a steady rate, and at the same time the muscles of his body continued to recede.

"You...you fellow...did you do it..."

Feeling the abnormality in his body, Gozzi couldn't help showing a touch of horror on his face, then the figure flew back and pulled out the imperial equipment on his waist: one cut will kill Cun Yu.

"Oh oh oh... You guessed it, the scattered element beads are non-toxic, but after mixing with water, they can mutate and drink the water, their own strength will slowly pass away, and finally become an ordinary People, of course, for this thing, I spent a lot of effort. After all, someone with the strength of your level, if they poison you, they will probably be detected immediately, so I can only choose this kind of least. Way of the way."

As he said, Zi Feng slowly stood up from his seat, a silver-gray light flashed with his right hand.

"Recovery, form three, sonic mode!"

As Zifeng's voice fell, the alchemy steel in Zifeng's right hand instantly turned into a azure blue sword. At the same time, the red pupil and others who were eating breakfast also left the table and took out themselves. The weapon, looks ready to fight.

"Ha... sure enough, has the collective betrayed..."

Seeing the appearance of the seven people like Zifeng, Gozzi's face was somber that could not be described. Feeling the speed of the power passing by, Gozzi's face couldn't help becoming gloomy.

"Damn it, I can't just sit and wait anymore. At this speed, it won't take long for my strength to fall back to the Rakshasa level..."

Thinking of this, Gozqi's feet slammed into force, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Zifeng. At the same time, the village rain in his hand found Zifeng to cut his head.

"Choke..." Although Gozzi's speed is very fast, this speed is not a big deal in Zifeng's eyes. He just raised the sword in his hand over his head and blocked his attack.

"Yo, instructor, how long can you maintain your strength? One minute? Five minutes? Or ten minutes?"

Blocking Gozzi's attack, Zifeng did not rush back, but said to him with a ridiculous expression on his face.

"Hmph, don't try to delay, as long as you get rid of... as long as you get rid of you, the six of them are not afraid."

Seeing the smile on Zifeng's face, Gozzi's face became gloomy, and then he took a step back slightly, and the village rain in his hand suddenly turned into countless reflections and struck Zifeng from all directions in the west.


With a series of crisp symphony, Zifeng's right hand holding the knife suddenly turned into a shadow, constantly defending Gozzi's attack, and the only battle between the two could only be seen in the eyes of Chitong and others. Countless afterimages and sparks flying around.

"Cut, it deserves to be a powerhouse beyond the Rakshasa level..."

Although the realization of Zifeng is extremely easy, but the defense is not easy. Although the attack speed of Zifeng has increased a lot after switching to the sonic mode, but even so, facing Gozzi's attack like a storm , He could only barely defend Gozzi's attack, and could not find any chance to counterattack at all.

"Cut... Damn, it can't go on like this! If this continues, it must be me who reveals the most flaws!"

Thinking about this, Zifeng slammed the knife up and flew away with the knife-like pick of Gozzi. He quickly retreated a few steps and got out of the range of Gozzi's attack.

"It deserves to be a powerhouse beyond Raksha's level, and also possesses the nicknamed'One Slash Must Kill' Tegu Mura Yu, which makes me jealous."

Looking at the village rain in Gozzi’s hand, Zifeng’s eyes flashed with dignity. Although Zifeng could elementize his body, he could not guarantee that when he was slashing against Gozzi. When the knife falls on his body, it elementizes the body.

When he heard Zifeng’s words, Gozzi couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows lightly and said, “Is that right? I didn’t expect you to know my emperor well... But what about it, as long as you get scratched by my knife, you It's over..."

As soon as the voice fell, Gozzi's figure rushed towards Zifeng again, but at this moment, the corner of Zifeng's mouth suddenly evoked a sneer.

"Idiot, go to hell... Ice Blade!"

I saw a cone of ice suddenly rushed out of Gozzi's back and pierced Gozzi's heart, but it was impossible for this kind of attack to kill Gozzi, only a ding sound was heard. The ice cone that jumped out was chopped to pieces by Gozzi.


A **** arrow blasted from Gozzi's right shoulder, and saw Gozzi's right hand that had just chopped the cone of ice flew up and fell to the side.

"What... how is it possible!"

Looking at the flying right hand, Gozzi couldn't help but his eyes widened. After turning around, he saw Zifeng holding a blue sword, maintaining an upward posture. Obviously, his arm was picked up by Zifeng.

All this looks very long, but it only happened in the blink of an eye. Gozzi, who was planning to continue chasing Zifeng, suddenly felt a sense of danger coming from behind, and quickly turned around and slashed with a knife, and the ice thorns that would hit him. Shattered, and as Gozzi turned around, Zifeng suddenly jumped behind him, with a knife in his hand, and immediately slashed his most dangerous right hand.

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