The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 47: Imperial capital

After thousands of years of development, the empire, although it looks extremely powerful on the surface and has a deep background, it has long been decayed inside, especially the nobles in the imperial capital, which are basically some monsters in human skin. Some are super dangerous and scary.

Especially since the death of the predecessor two years ago and the ministers taking charge of internal affairs, the nobles in the imperial capital have completely exposed their disgusting side...

"Ha... Is this the imperial capital? It's spectacular..."

Chelsea looked at the tall city wall in front of her and couldn't help but let out a sigh. At this time, she had been separated from Chitong and others for a month. After this long journey, Zifeng finally took Green, Nahasiu and Che. Erxi and the three came to the imperial capital.

Hearing Chelsea’s feelings, Zifeng just rolled his eyes helplessly. Since the mother stone and the red pupil and others were used to chat too late last night, the current Zifeng is particularly lacking in energy, so he has no energy to fight. He yawned and said, "Let's go, we are going to live here for a while, so... Nahasiu, you first buy a house in the slum, and then you go to find a job with Green."

"Hey, boss, you are too cunning, why are you looking for a job with Nahasiu, and you and Chelsea?"

Zifeng’s words immediately drew Green’s protest, but his protest did not have any effect. It only drew one of Zifeng’s eyes and said, "Chelsea is a girl, of course, needless to say, and she still has to Training, as for me... I'm your boss, why, is there anything you don't agree with?"

With that, a trace of black gas came out from behind Zifeng, and a terrifying ‘Karrakala’ sound came from the knuckles.

Seeing Zifeng's appearance, Green closed his mouth obediently in an instant, and shook his head quickly to indicate that it didn't make any sense, but still couldn't help but spit out in his heart, "Really a boss who is ignorant, why do I have to ask someone like this to do it? Boss..."

"Well, you go quickly, remember to collect some information about the imperial capital by the way."

As he said, Zifeng pulled Chelsea, who was still looking at the imperial capital, and walked towards the imperial capital. When he heard Zifeng's words, Nahaxiu looked at Green helplessly and shrugged his shoulders. It was also walking towards the imperial capital with a companion.

"Hey, villain, what are we going to do next?"

After entering the imperial capital with Zifeng, Chelsea showed a trace of doubt on her face, and Zifeng shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, "Next...Of course it’s shopping. To be honest, I’m going to train you. At the same time, I opened a shop in the slum, but I haven’t decided which shop to open, so I’m going to take a look at the Imperial Capital first..."

Before Zifeng finished speaking, a long-lost reminder of the Palace of the King suddenly sounded in his head.

"Ding...Detect the host entering the imperial capital, and start a special task: collect evil, the thousand-year imperial capital, the heart is sinister, kill the malicious person, the completion progress is 0% (hint: the host kills the host's contractor or treaty person kills On average, the more malicious you have, the more progress you can complete. This task has no time limit. After the world ends, the total reward will be settled. If over-completed, there will be additional rewards.

"Um... It seems that there is no way to live a stable life in the imperial capital..."

Hearing the sound of the prompt, Zifeng couldn't help but raised his head a little helplessly, and feeling the abnormality of Zifeng, Chelsea's cherry-colored pupils couldn't help revealing a trace of doubt.

"Hey, badass, what's the matter, why did you stop talking all of a sudden?"

"No...nothing, just thinking about what type of store is better, let's go..."

Was awakened by Chelsea’s questioning, Zifeng scratched her cheek awkwardly after she recovered, and quickly changed the subject, but for Zifeng’s words, Chelsea remained skeptical, and hummed dissatisfiedly, "Cut. , Don’t say it, don’t say... I lied to sign the contract last time, it was really not sincere at all."

Chelsea’s words naturally passed into Zifeng’s ears, and she couldn’t help making Zifeng’s face flush, haha ​​quickly and said, "Ah... by the way, Chelsea, do you think we should open a restaurant? Where is a medical clinic?"


"This, although I am not boasting, but my medical skills are definitely not bad..."


"Ah... forgive me, this is the only thing I can't say..."

Being stared at by Chelsea’s gaze, Zifeng couldn’t help showing a bit of bitterness on her face. Regarding the King’s Temple, whether it was Chitong or Cornelia, Zifeng didn’t tell, so she just knew After Chelsea for a month, Zi wouldn't say it anymore, at least not so far, of course, although she and Chi Tong and others also signed the contract on that contract.

Seeing the embarrassment on Zifeng's face, Chelsea couldn't help feeling bored, and she couldn't help but curl her lips and said, "Cut, it's boring, don't ask..."

After searching, Zifeng took Chelsea around the entire imperial capital, and was basically familiar with the distribution of the imperial capital. However, what made Zifeng surprised was that there seemed to be no medical halls and blacksmith shops in the imperial capital.

After some understanding, Zifeng knew that because of the order of the little emperor, a blacksmith shop could not be opened in the imperial capital, and weapons could not be sold. If he wanted to forge weapons, he had to join the imperial capital army or the private army of the nobles.

There is no explicit stipulation that the medical hall is not allowed to open, but there is a large hospital in the imperial capital. There are many famous doctors in the hospital, so most aristocrats usually go there to see a doctor. Of course, the treatment in that hospital is also very generous. , So it is precisely because of this that many doctors have invested in it.

"The hospital... But in the end, it's only for the princes and nobles, so that's the decision! Open a medical clinic in the imperial capital, the location... use the house that Green and the others bought in the slums later. "

As he said, Zifeng closed his eyes and sensed the positions of Green and Nahasiu, and then took Chelsea’s hand and ran towards them, but when he saw Zifeng’s excited look, Chelsea But he couldn't help but slapped, "Isn't it... You guy is going to open a medical clinic? Don't be kidding, you won't put people to death, right?"

"Yes, yes, I really hope to see the day I put people to death..."

Hearing Chelsea’s words, Zifeng just rolled her eyes indifferently, but because of Zifeng’s appearance, Chelsea was so angry that she just snorted and turned her head away. I stopped paying attention to Zifeng, and at the same time thought to myself, "Damn bastard, when you really have the day, let's see how this lady taunts you..."

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