The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 48: Time to take medicine!

The slums of the Imperial Capital, although not as prosperous as the noble areas, are still very lively. Both sides of the passing streets are filled with various fruit stalls or food stalls. At night, there are many selling masks, wreaths, etc. Booths for cheap decorations were set up.

And although life in the slums is bitter, the faces of the people living here are somewhat radiant, unlike ordinary people living in the noble areas, who are often suppressed by the nobles, and there is no look on their faces, just like walking corpses. generally.

"I said, badass, it's been a few days since the hospital opened, why hasn't anyone come yet."

Chelsea lay down on the table listlessly, looking at the crowd outside the door, and couldn't help but complain to Zifeng. In a blink of an eye, Zifeng and others have been living in the imperial capital for nearly a week. From the second day Zifeng entered the imperial capital, the medical hall opened. Although Zifeng has become acquainted with the neighboring neighbourhood in the past few days, From beginning to end, there was no patient patronizing Zifeng’s medical hall.

Hearing Chelsea's complaint, Zifeng couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "It's someone else's business or not, but you, it's time to take the medicine."

With that said, Zifeng took out a bowl of dark purple liquid with green gas from somewhere. The body was placed in front of Chelsea.

Although in the past few days, Zifeng did not allow Chelsea to continue his previous training because he had just settled in the imperial capital, he made a kind of medicinal soup and had to drink four bowls a day, which was stipulated by Zifeng. , But the taste of this medicinal soup...makes people vomiting, don't mention drinking it.

Of course, Chelsea is naturally reluctant to drink this medicinal soup, but until today, Chelsea has thought of many ways to avoid drinking this medicinal soup, but none of them succeeded, and every time it was combined with the medicinal soup At that time, it was forced by Zifeng.

So when Chelsea heard the words'take medicine' that Zifeng said, she couldn't help showing a trace of panic on her face. She looked at Zifeng with a pitiful expression and said, "Hey...this, Zifengni Jiang, today's...can you not drink it?"

Although Zifeng enjoyed the "Zifengni sauce" that Chelsea called very much, but knowing Chelsea's purpose and nature, Zifeng did not have the slightest softheartedness. He just raised his eyebrows and asked, "You said Woolen cloth?"

"You... you bastard, devil, today... today you don't want to force me to drink that medicine."

The slightly ridiculous appearance of Zifeng could not help but make Chelsea a little anxious, and then there were a few more cosmetics in his hand. This is Chelsea’s imperial equipment that Chelsea obtained in the prefectural palace and turned it into a free [Gaia foundation], a cosmetic emperor. A tool that allows users to transform into anything according to their own wishes.

"Oh, I remember you seemed to be playing transformation the day before yesterday, why, do you want to come again?"

"You...huh, drink as you go, what's so great about..."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Chelsea couldn't help but stop, and a trace of tears flowed from her eyes, and after taking back the emperor, she snatched the medicinal soup from Zifeng's hand.

"Guru... I die, it's just ugly... and it won't let me die... This little bastard, wait for this young lady, wait until this young lady's strength surpasses you, see if this young lady won't kill you..."

Thinking like this, Chelsea swallowed fiercely, then closed his eyes, and poured the soup in a brave manner. bitter. After drinking the soup in the bowl, Chelsea only felt the whole tongue, the whole throat and even the whole stomach. The bitterness could not help but make Chelsea's tears flow. come out.

"Well, I did a good job, I thought I would have to'feed' this last time I took the medicine, but... it should almost work."

Seeing Chelsea’s performance, Zifeng couldn’t help but nodded in satisfaction, and as soon as Zifeng’s voice fell, Chelsea only felt that every cell in her body began to become active, and at the same time, the pores all over her body began to become very active. Regular contraction.

"Um...what's going on...this feeling..."

Looking at Zifeng suspiciously, there was a trace of doubt in Chelsea's eyes, and at this moment, Chelsea suddenly limp on the chair, as if losing strength, even if she moved her fingers, she felt extremely difficult.

"Well, the effect of the medicine accumulated in the body has begun to evaporate these days, don't panic, now you can sleep well, and it will be fine after the effect of the medicine has evaporated."

Zifeng’s voice was exceptionally soft, as if it had magical powers. After hearing Zifeng’s words, Chelsea only felt a burst of fatigue, her eyelids getting darker and darker, and her consciousness getting more and more blurred. In the end... , I don't know anything anymore.

"The effect is not bad, now the water in the kitchen should also be boiled..."

Seeing Chelsea, who had fallen asleep, a gentle smile was awakened at the corner of Zifeng's mouth, and then she picked her up and walked to the kitchen.

The kitchen facilities are very simple, except for a stove, a cupboard for holding tableware, a wooden table, and a huge wooden barrel filled with water placed in the middle, there is nothing left.

"Chelsea, I'm sorry... in order to let the effect of the medicine evaporate, don't blame me."

Regardless of whether Chelsea could hear her, Zifeng whispered in her ear and quickly took off her clothes, and then threw her into a wooden barrel.

"Acerola, Lingyu grass, potential fruit..."

Zi Feng muttered a word, did not say the name of an object, and the corresponding object appeared in his hand. Then he threw it into the bucket. Although Zi Feng's face did not change at all from the beginning to the end, his heart was early. It has already started to drip blood.

Although there are not many redemption points for these medicinal materials, the total number of zero points is calculated, and there are no less than 50 kinds of medicinal materials put into the Zifengxiang wooden barrel, which cost nearly 10W points of redemption points.

Slowly, after Zifeng put all the medicinal materials into the wooden barrel, whoever was clear in the wooden barrel suddenly changed color, constantly changing among the four colors of blue, blue, red and orange.

"Huh... That's it. After all the effects of the medicine in the water are absorbed by this Nizi, the effects of the medicine will be almost volatilized."

Seeing Chelsea lying naked in the bucket, Zifeng couldn't help but gently rubbed her head...

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