The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 49: Training

For Chelsea, Zifeng has an indescribable pity, maybe it is deeply influenced by the memories of previous lives, in short, he loves the girl who died in the tragedy in the original book very much, so I took it when I first met Brought it back, so I spared no effort to improve her strength.

"Be stronger, from now on, your destiny will change..."

Looking at Chelsea, who was sleeping peacefully in the bucket, Zifeng gently exited the kitchen.

The volatilization of medicinal power is destined to be a long process. After several days of continuous drinking, Chelsea has accumulated a lot of energy in the body. As long as these energy volatilize, Zifeng can guarantee that Chelsea's strength will be reached. The third-level non-commissioned officer, if he was absorbing the potion effect of the invading, it would not be a problem to reach the fourth-level one hundred people.

After sitting back in the lobby, Zifeng looked at the street outside with some sluggish eyes and thought, "We should let those two guys move around. It's been a week..."

Thinking about it, Zifeng turned the blue spar in his hand slightly, and said as if to himself, "It’s time for the mission, the target person, Marquis of Tathris, action time, two o’clock in the morning, swift hands and feet, don’t expose Identity."

"I know, I know, really. Although we are still newbies, we shouldn't worry you so much. Don't worry, we will be beautiful...Ouch..."

Zifeng had just finished speaking, and Green's voice came from the blue crystal in his hand, but in the same way, he screamed before he finished speaking.

One day passed quickly. After dinner, Zifeng had just returned to his place, but Chelsea's screams suddenly came out from the kitchen.

"Oh... I almost forgot about this..."

Hearing the scream, Zifeng couldn't help patting his head, then picked a looser coat and walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Chelsea, who was still squatting in the bucket, saw Zifeng coming in from the door, and couldn't help but squatted down quickly, yelling, " bastard, go out soon..."

"Cut, rest assured, I'm not interested in flat breasts, I'm not interested in your undeveloped children. I don't dare to be interested. I just see the time is almost up and I will give you clothes."

Seeing Chelsea's flustered expression, Zifeng couldn't help rolling his eyes, put the jacket in his hand on the table and then turned and walked out of the kitchen, but when he just walked to the kitchen door, he seemed to remember something suddenly. He paused and said, "Oh, yes, the effects of those decoctions have already worked, and the strength is barely able to keep up. The only thing you lack now is to control these strengths. Starting tomorrow, your training will have to It's back to normal."

After speaking, Zifeng walked back to her room without even knowing her head. Chelsea couldn't help feeling a little anxious as she watched Zifeng's leaving back. Can not help showing a deeply shocked expression.

"Damn bastard, is this lady so unattractive...what is not interested in flat breasts, what is an underdeveloped child. Girl, hey!"

Women...No, female creatures are so strange. When others look at themselves, they will call others a pervert, but when others directly ignore themselves, they wonder if their charm is not enough.

However, Chelsea didn't complain about how long it took to discover the abnormality of her body. Her skin became matte and softer, her strength became a lot stronger, her vision became wider, her sense of hearing and smell were much more sensitive than before.

"That bad guy...what did he do, feels really good."

Although I don’t know what the reason for her change was, Chelsea knew that all of this was done by Zifeng, so she didn’t feel any panic. She just jumped slightly and wanted to get out of the bucket, but she didn’t expect it. Without controlling his strength, his head came into close contact with the ceiling.

"Hmm... Sure enough, as the bad guy said, you have to learn to control your own power as soon as possible."

Chelsea squatted on the ground rubbing her head, thinking in her heart, and then put on the coat on the table and walked out of the kitchen like a thief.

The next day, when the sky was just bright, in a bright space, Chelsea looked at Zifeng standing in front of her with a vicious look.

Although yesterday due to the effect of the medicine, I did not wake up until night, but in the process of improving strength, the spirit was really exhausted. After returning to the room, Chelsea soon fell asleep, but unexpectedly, the sky was not there yet. When it was bright, he was dragged out of the room by Zifeng using a strong means.

"You big villain, you dragged me over at the dawn of the genius, what the **** are you doing, you must know that lack of sleep is my natural enemy!"

"Training, this basement is 5,000 square meters in total, but it took me a lot of effort to dig it out. Starting today, you must come here on time for training at this time every morning. Now start your first project running."

In the face of Chelsea’s fierce gaze, Zi Feng was not afraid, and still said unhurriedly, “Running around this basement for almost 300 meters, as a warm-up training, so there are not many requirements...”

Speaking of this, Zifeng paused deliberately, and seeing that Zifeng was so appetizing, Chelsea couldn't help pouting her mouth in dissatisfaction and asked, "Isn't it a lot?"

"Um... let's run 20 laps first."

"Cut, 20 laps, what's so great."

Although she was very unwilling in her heart, Chelsea still started to run according to Zifeng’s request. To be honest, it was only 6000 meters. Even before Chelsea could run the full distance very easily, so I couldn’t help but think of "No". Is it 20 laps? See if this lady can finish it easily!"

Thinking of this, Chelsea's movements couldn't help speeding up. After yesterday's improvement in the efficacy of the medicine, Chelsea, who had already reached the level of a hundred people, ran with all his strength, and the speed should not be underestimated, just a dozen breaths and a lap. It is over.

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