When Chelsea ran a full lap and returned to the starting point, Zifeng's mouth suddenly evoked a nasty smile, and at this moment, Chelsea suddenly felt an invisible gravity press on her. One inadvertently bent his legs and almost fell to the ground.

"This...what's going on!"

Although this gravity was not a big problem for Chelsea, her heart still couldn't help but wonder, she turned her head to look at the purple wind, and she suddenly understood the wicked smile on his mouth.

"Damn bastard, wait for this lady...huh, isn't it just a little bit of gravity..."

Thinking of this, Chelsea gritted her teeth and raised her speed again like before. With just a dozen breaths, Chelsea returned to the starting point again.


Similarly, Chelsea, who had just returned to the starting point, felt that the pressure on her body suddenly increased again, and a person who did not pay attention to the center of gravity of her body was not well controlled, and fell directly to the ground.

"Oh oh oh, what's the matter, Chelsea, can't you stand it after only two laps? That's not okay."

Seeing Chelsea falling to the ground, Zi Fengqiang suppressed a smile and said aloud. At the same time, he glanced at a sphere hanging above his head that illuminates the entire space, and thought, "Well, this smart The weight-bearing instrument works really well."

When she heard Zifeng's words, Chelsea stubbornly got up from the ground, looked at Zifeng with dissatisfaction and said, "It's obviously you, the bad guy who did the trick..."

Seeing Chelsea’s stubborn appearance, Zifeng couldn’t help rubbing her head with a headache, then walked to Chelsea’s side and stroked her head lightly and explained, “It’s just a load, I’ve said it before. Although your current strength barely meets my minimum requirements, you did not improve it by yourself after all, so you have a very lack of control over your strength. This training is only aimed at your control over your strength."

"Huh...I see..."

Feeling the temperature on her head, Chelsea's small face turned red, and then quickly let go of Zifeng's hand and let out a cold snort, and then ran again.

Just after running a dozen laps, Chelsea is already out of breath, but through the test of these dozens of laps, Chelsea has gradually figured out the law of increase in weight. Whenever she runs a lap, it is invisible. The gravity changes back to an increase of 0.5 times.

Chelsea now only feels a tearing pain in her lungs. At the same time, because of the invisible gravity on her body, even if she moves her arm, she will feel a soreness, but Chelsea is still holding on, although at this time she She can no longer call it running, but even if she is walking, even if she is climbing, she has to stick to these 20 laps.

"Damn badass... asshole..."

She was constantly cursing Zifeng in her heart, Chelsea moved step by step. She was very wise in her heart. Although she always quarreled with Zifeng, but only on the issue of her own strength, Zifeng would not There is the slightest relaxation.

In just 20 laps, it took Chelsea nearly two hours to complete the race. Lying on the ground and breathing the fresh air, Chelsea felt for the first time what it was like to be able to lie down so quietly. Happy things.

"Well, it's not bad. After 20 laps, I persevered. I thought you would be clamoring to give up."

Looking at Chelsea lying on the ground, Zifeng’s face showed a satisfied smile, then walked to her side and squatted down, gently supported her up, and took out one from the storage space. The towel began to wipe the sweat off Chelsea’s face.

"Cut, bastard..."

Lying in Zifeng’s arms and letting Zifeng wipe her sweat, Chelsea could not help but let out a cold snort, and then closed her eyes to enjoy Zifeng’s service, but after that, a smell of food came from the tip of her nose. .

"Guru... Guru..."

Chelsea, who asked about the fragrance, immediately began to protest. Originally yesterday, Chelsea did not eat except for breakfast. This morning, she was dragged out by Zifeng to train before she woke up. Chelsea had already felt it. My stomach protested, so I quickly opened my eyes.

"Asshole, I...I'm hungry."

Chelsea was clutching her belly and looking at Zifeng with a blushing face. When she heard Chelsea's words, Zifeng just raised her eyebrows, shook the lunch box in her right hand in front of her eyes and said, "I'm already ready. Now, eat..."

As soon as Zifeng finished speaking, Chelsea immediately took it out of his arms, snatched the lunch box over, and began to gobble it up.

I have to say that although Chelsea always likes to mock and slander Zifeng, she never mocks Zifeng in terms of cooking.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you!"

Seeing Chelsea gorging himself, Zifeng couldn't help rolling her eyes fiercely, then took out the tea cup and teapot from the storage space and put them on the ground and continued, "I will put the water here, now I’m resting. In two hours, I will regain my strength, and I will come back in two hours to arrange the next training task for you."

After speaking, Zifeng stood up, patted the dust on his body, and walked out of the basement.

"Hey, Nahasiu, the identities of the two of us weren't revealed yesterday, right?"

In the garrison, Green and Nahaxiu walked down the aisle wearing white martial arts uniforms. During this week, after consideration, the two finally decided to work in the garrison. Although they were young, The strength is very strong, so the staff of the Garrison Department also admitted the two of them exceptionally.

Of course, due to the freshmen training of the Garrison, the two cannot return home even after get off work. They can only live in the freshman dormitory of the Garrison. But fortunately, before the two enter the Garrison’s studio, Zifeng is just a precaution. In case, a stone was given to each of them to facilitate contact.

And because of the completed assassination, Green couldn’t help but worry about his identity exposure, but compared with Green, Nahasio was extraordinarily calm and whispered, “Relax, no one will find out. I left yesterday. Used a small amount of drugs in the dormitory."

"Is that so? That's fine!"

Nahasiu's words quickly calmed Green, and walked towards the freshman training room as if there was nothing wrong with him.

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