The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 66: cut! The Three Brothers


With the last roar, in the center of the vortex, the purple ball of light suddenly flew out of two purple giant pythons composed of thunder and lightning. The purple giant pythons were very fast, falling from the sky and growing their mouths. Bar, exposing the two huge fangs in his mouth, bit them at the tiger face and leopard face brothers.

"Raising Snake!"

This is a trick that Zifeng named itself. Although Zifeng has reached the level of a general at this time, it is still very difficult to use this trick, but in terms of control, it is already very reluctant to let the thunder element form the shape of a giant python. .

However, although this trick is not yet mature, its power is amazing. The two Thunder Snakes slammed into the tiger face and the leopard face almost in the blink of an eye, and suddenly a purple lightning barrier was used by them. The position occupied is the origin, and it continuously spreads to the surroundings, forming a semicircle with a diameter of two meters, covering the two people in it.


In the thunder and lightning barrier, thunder was everywhere, most of the lightning strikes the tiger face and the leopard face very accurately, and the two of them were screaming, their bodies continued to collapse and turned into countless flying blacks. The dust finally disappeared invisible, leaving only a pair of sharp hooks.

Of course, the movement in the alley had already alarmed the residents in the entire imperial capital. The surrounding residential buildings suddenly lit up, and when someone felt the alley, they found that there was only one left in the alley. There was nothing more than a round scorched ground and a pile of scorched dust.

"The purple light just it the Emperor Gu's envoy? It's terrible!"

In the imperial general's mansion, Bron was in the study with his arms folded, and he looked at the slum area. Although it was a distance from the slum, Bron could clearly perceive the power of the purple light.

"Medical hall... This person must not be an enemy, otherwise the empire... will die!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Bron said in a calm voice, although there are people in the empire with the strength of two generals, he and Asdes, but Bron knows very well that even if he and Asdes are joined together, they may not be able to take over. With the attack just now, the kind of mighty power that seemed to destroy the world couldn't help but make Bron's body covered with cold sweat.

Not only Bron, but also the ministers in the palace, frantically tore the flesh in his hands, and said with a sullen face, "Damn... I didn't expect the strength of the strong in the medical hall to be so strong! I don't know Bronda. Can the general and General Esdes join forces to fight against them... if they can, they must definitely recruit into the empire, and even if they can’t, they can’t be enemies with them, **** Okaos, idiot..."

Having said this, the minister's face suddenly returned to calm, and he shouted at the door, "Come on, Grand Duke Okaos committed treason, go and arrest him immediately, behead him tomorrow, and hang his body on the third city gate. day!"

When speaking, the minister's face was very calm, as if the person who was going to kill was not his brother, but a certain little ant, cold-blooded.

Of course, the purple wind at this time is not clear about these things in the palace. After killing the tiger face and the leopard face, he picked up the blasting claws of the Emperor and Chelsea and Leonard. The two dashed back to the hospital together.

But when they first entered the medical hall, the mother stone on Zifeng's waist suddenly released a burst of blue light, and then Green's voice came out of the mother stone.

"Boss, a guy named Wolfmian came to assassinate Captain Sion today, but it has been solved by Nahasiu."

Hearing Green's report, Zifeng just nodded and said, "Well, I know, you two continue to protect Sion, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

After speaking, Zifeng quickly cut off the connection, and then stretched out, looked at Chelsea and Leo Nai helplessly and said, "Really, I can't rest well, or... the three of us? To do something interesting?"

"Interesting thing? What is it?"

After hearing Zi Feng's words, Chelsea and Leo Nai couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and at the same time, there was a sordid expression on the corners of their mouths.

"Robbery from the rich and help the poor! But... this time we have to call Seru."

"Hey, hey, what do you **** want to do, don't teach bad kids!"

Zifeng's words aroused Chelsea's protest in an instant, but Chelsea's words were immediately ridiculed by Leo Nai as soon as they were spoken.

"Child? I think someone is younger than a child..."


Leo Nai’s words left Chelsea speechless for a while, and in the end she just gave a cold snort, then turned her head to the side, and kept cursing in her heart, "Leo Nai, this big brainless stupid girl, I don’t know. What is she thinking about, such a good time to get along with that bastard, I have to add Seleu...It's so stupid!"

Zifeng naturally didn’t know Chelsea’s thoughts. He just rolled his eyes at her and said, "Okay, okay, take Seru with her. It's just to give her a long experience. Anyway, she is now It's our partner, you, don't complain."

With that, Zifeng looked at the crowd gathered outside the window through the window and said, "But it's not suitable for going out right now. There are too many people outside. We will be on the move after an hour. Now you two go take a good rest. "

"Okay, got it..."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Chelsea knew that he couldn't change Zifeng's mind, so she sighed helplessly and returned to the room with Leo Nai.

Looking at the two people leaving behind, Zifeng shrugged helplessly and walked towards his room, but when he walked to the door, he couldn't help but stop, and the whole person became vigilant again...

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