The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 67: Seleu's "Justice"

"Strange, the door to my room should be closed, why now..."

Looking at the vacant door, Zi Feng's eyes released a palpitating divine light, but then, a choke of status suddenly passed into Zifeng's ears from the room.

"It's thunder... It's terrible... Brother Zifeng, Chelsea, Leonie... Where have you all been..."

"This voice is from... Sai Liu?" After hearing the voice, Zi Feng couldn't help but let go of his vigilance, raised his eyebrows slightly and thought, "It's a girl anyway, did the voice just scare her..."

Thinking of this, the corner of Zifeng's mouth showed a wry smile, and then he opened the door and walked in. After hearing the door opened, Sai Liu, who was on the corner of the bed, raised his teary eyes and found that Zifeng had walked outside the door. After entering, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he hurriedly flew into Zifeng’s arms, firmly grasped Zifeng’s collar with both hands and said, “Brother Zifeng...Where did you go just now... Afraid……"

"Uh... this, sorry, I just went out to do something a while ago."

Feeling Jiao trembling with fear in her arms. Soft body, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Zifeng's face, and he reached out and stroked Sai Liu's head to comfort him, "Okay, now I am back, there is nothing to worry about."

"Well, Brother Zifeng is here, Seleu is not afraid, and after Seleu, he must become stronger, just like Dad, to defend justice!"

After hearing Zi Feng's words, Sai Liu wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, showing a rare strength on his face. To be honest, during this period of time, apart from training, Sai Liu's performance is completely a weak loli. He doesn't have the slightest hard-line attitude, nor is it as cruel as in the original work, and at the same time is not strong at all, and will cry after being bullied.

This kind of Seleu completely subverted Zifeng's cognition of Seleu in the original work. Sometimes when she saw Seleu's hazy and cute state of teary eyes, she would unconsciously arouse a desire for protection in her heart. see.

Of course, the same goes for Chelsea and Leo Nai. Since they first cried Sai Liu, they never dared to make her cry again. That kind of lethality is too great, even as The two of them of the same **** couldn't resist either.

"Justice? Seleu, do you know what justice is?"

Hearing Sai Liu's words, Zi Feng couldn't help but slightly jumped his eyebrows, and a ridiculous smile appeared on his face. However, it was clear that Zi Feng's problem made Seriu a little bit difficult. Although he was influenced by Saien, Sai Liu always He likes to put the word'justice' on his lips, and at the same time, he also longs for his own strength to defend justice, but he is completely unclear about the meaning of justice.

"Justice...justice..." Sai Liu kept his head low and kept muttering in his mouth, but he didn't come up with a justice explanation for a long time. He shook his head in frustration and said, "I don't know, nah. Na... Brother Zifeng, do you know what justice is?"

With that said, Sailu looked at Zifeng with doubts, obviously hoping that Zifeng would tell her her understanding of justice, and to this, Zifeng just shrugged helplessly and said, "Justice, this is really hard to tell. , Justice...should be to defend what you think is right, and what you think is wrong must be suppressed or even eliminated, just like this."

"Protect what I think is right? Is that so..." Sai Liu nodded somewhat faintly when he heard Zifeng's words, and then said with a pure smile at Zifeng, "Then my justice is Maintain Brother Zifeng and destroy all the enemies of Brother Zifeng!"


Sai Liu couldn't help showing a trace of sorrow on Zi Feng's face. Before that, the things that Zi Feng had been most worried about were now solved so easily. In fact, what Zi Feng didn't know was that even though Sai Liu was eleven or twelve years old, But the pure-minded, she is just like a newborn baby. Although it is easy to be misled, she is also easily influenced by other people's words.

And Zifeng was originally her benefactor, and after this time of getting along, Sailiu has developed a sense of dependence on Zifeng, and it is precisely because of this reason that Zifeng’s words are very easy to be used by Sailiu. Accepted.

Seeing Sai Liu with a serious face in his arms, Zi Feng didn't know what to say for a while, but smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, but before defending justice, Sai Liu can work hard to change. Be strong."

"Well, Seleu will come on!"

With Zifeng's encouragement, Sai Liu seemed to have forgotten the fear he had before, and said with a fist full of enthusiasm, looking unspeakably cute.

One month is enough time for many things to happen, and the biggest change is Seriu. In this month, after seeing the corruption of the imperial capital and nobles, Seriu has worked harder in training.

Of course, Grand Duke Okaos, who was the mastermind of the attack on Zifeng and others, was also captured that night, and his head was hung at the gate of the imperial capital the next day. Zifeng just curled his lips in disdain for this result. , And did not pay too much attention.

And Sion's life is relatively easier. He is usually protected by Green and Nahasiu, and his safety is guaranteed to a certain extent. This makes him relieved.

Daily life continues, Zifeng is still treating many patients with diseases every day, while Seleu, Chelsea and Leo Nai continue to maintain their own training plans, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

But just today, Zifeng suddenly received news from Green, "The Witch Isdes, is back!" ’.

Esdes is still the same as the original book. She only likes war, but has no interest in government affairs. Since the emperor did not find anyone from Zifeng, she couldn't stand her temper, and began to take the troops to the outskirts of the empire. In a new round of conquest, so far, she has not returned to the Imperial Capital for four months.

According to Green’s news, Esders was summoned by the minister. There should be something that needs her to deal with. Zifeng didn’t care about this news at all, but just shrugged and thought, “Anyway, as long as that annoying person Don't come to me, your girl!"

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