As the saying goes, people are afraid of famous pigs and strong, and even drinking cold water when they are bad luck. It just so happens that these two sentences have been verified by Zifeng.

"This is really... I didn't want her to come, but she did come!"

Looking at Esders, who was holding his arms with a haughty smile on his face, Zi Feng felt like a thousand heads of grass in his heart. mud. The horse rushed past and thought to himself, "You. Sister, I only received the news in the morning, why did she come to the door in the afternoon! This is unscientific!"

Of course, along with her were also Bronn, who was also a general with her in the Imperial Capital, and Najeta, the adjutant of Asides.

Originally, Esdes received the order of the Minister Ornest to go to the medical hall with Bron to find out how the mysterious people in the medical hall had an attitude towards the imperial capital. It can be said that this matter has become O'Neill in the past month. Since Zifeng sent out the terrifying thunder, Ornest was all very worried, for fear that one day Zifeng was unhappy, and ran to his house and threw him into scum.

Although I asked Esther to put down everything in his hands and rush back to the imperial capital as soon as possible to deal with this matter, it made Esther feel a little dissatisfied, but he did not resist, and returned to the imperial capital very quickly, with Najetta and Bud. After Long converged, he immediately came to the hospital.

But when I entered the gate of the hospital, I was surprised when I saw Zifeng who was seeing a patient in the hospital. As for the fact that Zifeng was a child prodigy doctor, Esders had no idea. And at the beginning, she completely excluded this without any verification.

Similarly, Zifeng was particularly surprised when Esdes arrived. At that time, seeing Esdes's expression was like swallowing a fly alive, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

"Hmm... Xiaofeng, I finally found you! I won't let you run away this time!"

Sitting on a chair adjacent to Zifeng, Esther's right hand firmly grasped Zifeng's left hand, and then took out a slightly yellowed one from his arms, but it was still very much preserved. The complete paper says, "Observe the agreement, you are my person now!"

"You caught it so fast this time, I don't think I can run away, but... you can't make a mistake."

With that, after Zifeng raised his eyebrows at Esthers, his left hand exerted a slight force, and he pulled Esthers into his arms and whispered, "It’s not that I am your person, but you are now. my people!"

"Uh... so to speak... that is... do you agree with me?"

Zifeng's words not only made Esides a little disbelief. After checking one side repeatedly, she found that Zifeng's face didn't mean any jokes. The pretty face couldn't help but blush, and she lay down in Zifeng's arms very obediently. .

To be honest, Esther has always asked others to obey her and follow her arrangements, but this time he was declared to belong to him by Zifeng with such a strong attitude, and he didn't feel any disgust in his heart, on the contrary. There was also a very peculiar feeling, as if shy and sweet...

How many people have seen Esther's shy appearance? I don't think there are any at all so far, even people like them can't even imagine that Esders will have such a performance as a young daughter.

However, this side was truly revealed in the eyes of Bron and Nadeta, and it really surprised both of them. Both of them opened their mouths in a daze, not knowing what to say. Even the real purpose of coming here is completely forgotten.

"Ahem...this, it turns out that Doctor Prodigy and General Asdes know each other..."

After being shocked for a long time, Bron finally remembered what was going on. After a slightly embarrassing cough, he interrupted the two of them for a long time, but apparently, Bron's voice was very untimely, making Esdes frowned in disgust. Eyebrow.

As for this, Zi Feng didn't care at all, just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, indeed, I knew each other a long time ago. By the way, I don't know what is the cause of General Bron's visit to my humble house today? "

"This, Guigan dare not take it, just received your majesty's order, I hope you can serve as the empire's military commander, this position is only under your majesty, above ten thousand people..."

"No, I'm not interested in these." Bloom was interrupted by Zifeng before he finished speaking. He looked at Bloom with disdain and said, "I think you guys came to test me this time. Attitude, but to be honest, I really hate the current empire."

"Wh..." Zifeng's words made Brom's heart startled, and he stood up quickly, and Esdes in his arms frowned unconsciously, watching Zifeng hesitate to say something.

But as soon as Bron’s words were spoken, Zifeng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, “Of course, it’s just annoying. Regardless of you, of course...I also hate that kind of interrogation hobby, and I also hate blood..."

The first half sentence of Zifeng was addressed to Bloom. After hearing Zifeng’s words, Bloom felt relieved in his heart, but the latter half was completely addressed to Esdes. After all, he planned to accept Ai. Sides, then Zifeng would have to make every effort to make Asides change.

Although Zifeng doesn't hate the queen attribute of Esders, it doesn't mean that Zifeng can accept the cruel interrogation method and the very brutal blood.

Although Esdes is very warlike, it doesn't mean she is stupid. On the contrary, she is very smart. She understood the meaning of Zifeng's words at a glance, and her face couldn't help showing a hint of embarrassment.

"If you obey him, don't you touch the interrogation and change yourself? Or resist all this and let Zifeng accept yourself with a tough attitude?"

At this moment, these two choices began to linger in Esther's heart. To be honest, Esther had her pride. She didn't want anyone to give in, but again, she didn't want to accept it with difficulty. His own Zifeng hated himself immediately.

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