The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 69: Live together?

"What to do... Damn, what on earth to do..."

Esdes, who had always been calm and composed, began to feel a little anxious. Feeling the domineering aura emanating from him in Zifeng's arms, Esdes could not help sighing deeply, revealing a trace of deepness in his eyes. The faint resentment whispered, "Damn bastard, I have never succumbed to anyone, except you..."

If Zifeng's strength is not as good as Esdes at this time, perhaps Esdes will use tough means to make Zifeng her person, whether it is Zifeng willing or unwilling, but the problem does pass. Perceived, Zifeng's strength is like the vast sea, unfathomable, so Esders can only obey Zifeng's requirements.

The main purpose of Bloom’s visit this time was to explore Zifeng’s attitude. Now that he knew Zifeng’s attitude, Bron didn’t intend to stay any longer. He quickly said "goodbye" to Zifeng. Walked towards the palace, ready to report all this to the little emperor.

And Esthers had no desire to leave at all. He looked at this slightly rudimentary medical clinic and said, "From now on, this is my home!"

"General...Is this not good, this position..."

Esdes’s words made Najta’s heart startled. As Esd’s adjutant, Najta had to be by her side at any time. In other words, if Esd’s lived here, Najay would Ta must also move in, but living with a man is something that Najeta, who is still in love, is unwilling.

And the purple wind on the side also nodded and said, "Yes, Esther, although I really want you to live here, but... it is too small, and there are already three girls who have already left me next door. My room is full, and I can’t accommodate you anymore."

"It's okay, I sleep in the same room with you, anyway you admit it, I am yours!"

Ignoring Najeta's astonishment at all, Esthers spoke this sentence very naturally. This kind of straightforward and candid remarks not only caused Zifeng and Najeta to be shocked.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to change what Esdes decided to change back. Najeta knew this very well, and she couldn't help but shook her head and sighed before looking at Zifeng with warning eyes.

After receiving Najta’s warning eyes, Zifeng just shrugged helplessly and said, “Esdes, don’t you think about your adjutant at all...”

"It's okay, it's a big deal, you take her together, I don't mind, anyway, I'm the palace!"

Esdes's words that seemed to be totally indifferent not only made Zifeng stunned, she looked at Najta with innocent eyes, and Najta was already standing still, her thin lips slightly opened. , A look of consternation suddenly appeared on her pretty little face.

Speaking of which, Najetta is still very good-looking at this time. She is seventeen or eighteen years old. She has a slightly tall figure. Although she is wearing armor at this time, she does not cover up her bumpy figure and her delicate features. And the white and tender skin like a baby, not only makes people have an urge to take a bite, but the sassy silver short makes her a heroic spirit.

"Really... whatever you want, since you want to live with me, then my room will be given to you. I live in the basement."

Seeing Esdes, who hadn’t changed his mind, a trace of helplessness appeared on Zifeng’s face, but when he heard Zifeng’s words, both Esdes and Najeta showed doubts on their faces, looking towards Zifeng asked, "The basement? Is there a basement in the medical hall?"

"Of course, let's go, just to get to know the three girls." With that, Zifeng closed the door of the medical hall, and then walked to the side room.

Following Zifeng all the way to the basement, looking at the brightly illuminated basement like a training ground, both Esther and Najeta showed a trace of consternation in their eyes, especially when they saw the scene The shock in the eyes of the three loli in training cannot be concealed.

Although Najeta is not as strong as Esdes, she is also an emperor. She is in the late Rakshasa stage, and it is easy to see the strength of Chelsea and others.

"Two little girls in the early days of Raksha! God! What happened to this world!"

This is what Najeta had in her heart at this time, and Esders wanted to behave a lot more often, but he glanced at Zifeng a little unexpectedly and said, "You guy, where on earth are you looking for these talented girls?"

"Well... don't be so surprised. That cherry-haired girl is Chelsea, and the blond girl is Leo Nai. The two of them I met two years ago. It's no surprise that the strength reached the early stage of Rakshasa. As for that girl with a ponytail The brown-haired girl came to me a month ago, but the talent is really good, and she will soon break through to the third-level non-commissioned officer in more than a month."

"Wh...what! Two early Raksha strong men were cultivated in two years! How crazy is this world!"

Zifeng’s words shocked Nadetta severely. At this time, the three people who were training on the side also noticed the arrival of Zifeng and others. They stopped their movements and ran in front of Zifeng, looking suspiciously. Najeta and Esther asked, "Hey, bastard, who are these two women?"

"Esdes and Najeta, one is the general and the other is the adjutant..."

Zifeng hadn’t finished speaking, Chelsea, Leonai, and Seleu had already shown a trace of vigilance, and seeing such nervous three people, Zifeng just waved his hands indifferently, slightly a headache. Said "Don't be so nervous, the two of them are not enemies. From now on, they will live with us. They are new members of our medical clinic."

"Cohabiting with...cohabiting? Wait, bastard, we can't live in our room at all!"

After listening to Zifeng's words, Leo Nai revealed a trace of anxiety, and quickly said, to be honest, in Leo Nai's heart, she didn't want to live with Esther and Najeta. After all, they were both in the imperial capital. With all of them in important positions, Leonai was still somewhat resistant.

And as if seeing Leo Nai's thoughts, Zifeng just reached out and rubbed her head and said, "Relax, the two of them won't be like those nobles, and they live in my room."

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