The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 70: Cohabitation (Part 1)

"That won't work!" X3

Zifeng’s words were only just spoken, and they immediately attracted strong opposition from the three Chelsea’s. They quickly blocked Zifeng behind her and looked at Esders and Najeta vigilantly, saying, “This kind of thing is absolutely absolute. no!"

"I said... what do you guys think, I will let the room out for the two of them to live in, and then I will live here!" With that, Zifeng rolled his eyes helplessly at Chelsea and the others, and pointed Pointed to the underground.

Hearing Zifeng's explanation, Leonai couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said with a dry smile, "Uh...Is that so... so it's like this, hahaha..."

Although the entire basement is very bright and the design is very subtle, it is indeed a good place for training, but living... is not a good choice at all, so after just a slight glance at the surrounding environment, Najie The tower frowned unbearably and said, "That's not good, although it's a good place for training, and the space is large... but it's too crowded to live..."

When he heard Najetta's words, Zifeng rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it just a house? That's it."

As he said, Zifeng squatted down abruptly, his right hand pressed the ground, and then the whole ground began to shake, and in front of Zifeng, a house built entirely of wood suddenly appeared.

"this is……"

Seeing Zifeng’s abrupt activation ability, Najeta couldn’t help showing a hint of shock in her eyes. Before that, she completely thought Zifeng was a child without any strength, but from the hand she showed just now, I’m afraid This is not the case, and Zifeng's strength is much higher than her, so that Najeta can't feel any breath at all.

"Why? Najeta, are you surprised? Even I can't match that guy's strength."

Seeing Najeta’s surprise, Esdes couldn’t help but explain, pointing to Zifeng and saying, “I think they said that the strong man who guards the medical hall should be him. Before we met in the snow field for the first time. Controlling the water and ice, now it's wood again. I think he sent out the purple thunder not long ago."

The conversation between the two did not cover up the slightest, so it was easily passed into Zifeng’s ears. Of course, instead of denying these speculations, Zifeng said very generously, "It’s true, not only that, Guang , Darkness, earth, wind, fire and gold I can create out of thin air and control it."

While talking, ten light clusters suddenly appeared around Zifeng, each of which represented a kind of element. This is the embodiment of Zifeng condensing the elements. For him with the strength of a general, do Up to this point is very easy.

These are not too big secrets. Zifeng is not afraid that Esders and Najeta will publicize them when they know about it. After all, Zifeng is only one-thousandth of the strength of the elemental attack. Zifeng is truly terrifying. These are not...

Looking at Zifeng being surrounded by these ten elements, Najeta showed a hint of curiosity in her eyes, and she couldn't help thinking, "Who is this little guy? Why is it so mysterious, magical medical skills, and incredible elemental control ability? ...What else hasn't been shown? What kind of experience does he...have, and why is he such an achievement at such an age..."

Such doubts instantly filled Nadeta’s brain, making Nadeta a little confused for a while, and seeing Nadeta’s appearance, Zifeng couldn’t help but a little amused and said, "Well... from now on, you are welcome to join us. The hospital is out, it's getting late, I'll go cook first, you three...continue to train!"

With that said, Zifeng turned and left the basement and walked towards the kitchen.

At this point, Esdes and Nadeta successfully moved into the hospital. Nadeta, who has a prying heart for Zifeng’s mystery, really wants to know Zifeng’s past, and often asks Chelsea and Chelsea. Leo Nai two people, hope to get any information from their two populations.

However, it is a pity that Chelsea and Leonay have never heard Zifeng mention his experience. Of course, neither of them cares about these at all, so Nadetta naturally did nothing. No beneficial information was obtained. Instead, her weird behavior attracted the attention of Chelsea and Leonai.

The days passed by. Since Esdes found Zifeng, he seemed to have no intention of leaving the clinic again. He stayed in the clinic all the time, watching Zifeng treating patients all day long, and Na Jetta also got vacation time because of this. Although he had to return to the hospital every night, he was exceptionally free during the day.

Of course, the arrival of Esther and Najta also solved a lot of trouble for the medical hall, at least no aristocrat dared to make trouble in the medical hall anymore.

After all, General Esdes’s notoriety is not just for fun, as long as she is upset, even if she is in the middle of the DPRK, she will dare to kill people directly. Besides, there is a high strength in the medical hall. The existence of human beings can't help but make those expensive and jealous.

Of course, because of the purple wind, the entire slum has basically become a forbidden place for the nobles. Although there are still many nobles in and out of the slum every day, compared with before, these nobles have a lot of peace.

"Well... what do you want to eat at noon today?"

After helping the last patient in the morning, Zifeng cleaned the lobby of the medical hall and asked Esther and Najeta who had been sitting in the lobby.


When they heard Zifeng’s question, their eyes lit up, and they answered without any thought. Hearing their answers, Zifeng couldn’t help but spit on his forehead with that piece of tofu. He couldn’t help but complain to himself, "Really. It’s not that they don’t know their food habits. Asking them this question is not asking them for nothing..."

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