The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 77: Changes in Seleu

Although Sai Liu was in a coma, her hands firmly grasped Zi Feng's sleeves. Zi Feng couldn't get out for a while, so after a helpless smile, he carried Sai Liu into the room to accompany him. Lie down with her.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone, I will stay with you."

Seeing Seleu's frowning and painful look, Zifeng couldn't help replaying Seleu's words when she choked just now, and comforted with an extremely soft voice, but miraculously, after Zifeng finished speaking, Seleu The pain on his face suddenly disappeared, and a sweet smile appeared on his white face.

Before she knew it, Zi Feng, who had been with Seleu, also felt tired. She wrapped Seleu and fell asleep on the bed without the slightest vigilance, while Chelsea and Leonai, who had been outside the room. Looking at the two people sleeping in the bed, people couldn't help biting their silver teeth, and said with a sullen face, "Damn...They...Who are they together!"

"This time it was the cheap girl, but in the future... I will never let this happen again!"

With that, the two of them walked towards the basement angrily. It was obvious that they both went to the basement not for training, but to vent.

Because of the need to take care of Seleu, Zifeng opened her eyes before she slept long, but when Zifeng was looking at her eyes, she found that Seleu was looking at herself with large, water-like eyes in her arms.

"Brother Zifeng, are you awake?"

After being in a coma, Seru seemed to be completely back to normal, and even his voice was full of vitality, but even so, Zi Feng did not relax at all. After taking a serious look at Seru, he nodded and said. "Yeah, sorry, I fell asleep without knowing it."

"It's okay, Brother Zifeng is really comfortable in his arms..." Sai Liu quickly shook his head when he heard Zifeng's words, but then looked at Zifeng with a hesitant expression, and said, "That... Brother Zifeng, I... can I... sleep in the same bed with you in the future?"

"Um... sleep with me in the same bed? No..." Sai Liu's words made Zi Feng's face a moment of astonishment, but when he was about to refuse, he saw the dim look on Sai Liu's face again. With an expression, I couldn't help but sighed slightly and thought, "Sean's death has hit this girl too much. If you refuse her, I'm afraid it will make you feel uncomfortable..."

Thinking of this, Zifeng couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Sai Liu and said, "Well, as long as you don't dislike my snoring, then you can sleep with me in the same bed."

"Really...really? That's great! I won't dislike Brother Zifeng's snoring loudly. Besides, Brother Zifeng will not snore when he sleeps, so I know it's a lie."

Saying that, after making a face at Zifeng, Sai Liu jumped off the bed, clutching his stomach and said, "Brother Zifeng, I...I'm hungry."

"Just know, don't worry, the food is ready."

Seeing Sai Liu's pitiful appearance, Zi Feng couldn't help but gently scratched her small white jade-like bridge of nose, and then took out the food that had been prepared long ago from the storage space and put it in Sai Liu's. before.

In the next few days, Sion’s death didn’t seem to have any effect on Seleucid, but the careful Zifeng was able to discover that during training, Seleucid desperately, for this reason, Zifeng Also specifically forcibly reduced the amount of training in Sai Liu.

After all, there is a lot of relaxation in the practice. If you train too hard, exploding all the potential of your body now, which will cause a lot of trouble to your future cultivation, and it is likely that your strength will not improve at all.

Although Sai Liu didn't understand Zi Feng's approach, but after seeing Zi Feng's tough attitude, he could only obediently obey.

Of course, the changes in Seriu are more than this. After Sien's death, Seriu is obviously more sticky than Ica’s Zifeng. Basically, except for not being with Zifeng during training, the rest of the time, even if it’s on Zifeng. She also had to go with her to the toilet, even if she opened her eyes in the morning and found that Zifeng was not by her side, she would be anxious.

"Really, bastard, do you really let that girl Sai Liu sleep with you all the time?"

During the lunch break, Chelsea and Leo Nai looked at Zifeng sitting in front of them with seriousness and asked, but when they heard their question, Zifeng looked a little helplessly and fell asleep. Sai Liu said, "You don't know the current situation. As long as she opens her eyes and doesn't see me, she will cry and make trouble..."

"But... then you can't always sleep with you, you are a boy, she is a girl..."

Zifeng's words couldn't help but make Chelsea a little anxious, and said frantically, and seeing Chelsea who was already frantic, Zifeng couldn't help showing a wry smile on her face.

"What do you do, do you have a way to keep her from crying or making trouble."

", but in case you are a bird. What if the beast plots against her? Anyway, you can't let you and her live in a separate room at night anyway."

As he said, Leonai pouted, not so much that he was afraid of Zifeng's plot, but that Zifeng's treatment of Seleuc had already made Chelsea and Leonie envious and hated.

After all, in terms of time, Chelsea and Leonay are going to live in the hospital for two years in the morning, but so far they have not slept in the same bed with Zifeng, but they are now the last to join the hospital. Liu was ahead, which not only made Chelsea and Leonai anxious.

Especially Chelsea, because she also knows that there are 6 girls who have an extraordinary relationship with Zifeng, but now because of her practice, she is not by Zifeng's side. If they come back, she and Leo The two of Chennai had no chance.

But Zifeng didn't know the intentions of Chelsea and Leonard. After hearing Leonard's words, he rolled his eyes and said, "What do you two want to do?"

"Sleep with you! Anyway, you can't let that girl sleep in a bed alone with you!" X2

Hearing Zifeng’s question, Chelsea and Leo Nai replied in unison. While talking, a blush unconsciously appeared on their faces...

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