The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 78: Plum Blossom Three Lanes

"Good night..." At night, Zifeng lay on Chuang. After Leo Nai and Sai Jue said hello to Chelsea lying beside him weakly, they closed their eyes very honestly, and the four of them were the same as Chuang. , And among them Zifeng is still a boy, which can not help but make Chelsea and Leonard some inexplicable expectations. As for Seleu, it is because of the existence of Chelsea and Leonay beside him. Appearing a little shy, he put his head firmly in his being.

In short, Chelsea, Leo Nai and Seru had their own minds at this time, and they had not heard Zi Feng's "good night". On the contrary, Zi Feng had felt it when she slept with Seru before. It's very difficult to sleep. What's more, now, I feel the **** in my heart soaring. Not long after closing my eyes, I suddenly sat up and said helplessly, "How can I sleep..."

"Um... ah? Bastard, you... what do you want to do?"

Zifeng's actions successfully disturbed Chelsea, who was immersed in her own world, but she still didn't hear what Zifeng said, but after seeing Zifeng doing it, she unconsciously showed a trace of panic on her face. .

Seeing the expression on Chelsea's face, Zifeng naturally knew that she wanted to be crooked, but she rolled her eyes reluctantly and said, "What else can you do, you three...Sleep here well, I'll go out to get some breath!" "

After speaking madly, Zifeng put on a coat and left the room. Looking at the leaving figure, Chelsea, Leo Nai and Seru couldn't help but stare at each other.

"Really, sleeping with the three of them, how can you sleep peacefully..."

After Zifeng left the room, he went straight to the top of the building, looking at the stars in the sky, not only was thinking depressed in his heart, and then stretched out his right hand, a jade flute full of turquoise suddenly appeared in his hand.

"The last time I played was when I was with Chitong and the others, I don't know how they are now..."

Thinking of this, Zifeng put the jade flute to his mouth and began to play it. The sound of the flute was clear and long, and the sound of the flute was clear and long, and the ears could not help but the mind was washed away.

When the flute sound passed into Chelsea and the others' ears through the window, they couldn't help being stunned, and then a scene of the night and the moon appeared in front of them, and they couldn't help feeling a moment of peace of mind.

With the turning of the flute, in the picture of the creeks, mountains and moonlit night in front of Chelsea and others, a plum tree suddenly appeared, and at the same time, the sky was also inexplicably light snow.

One lane is called the moon, and the sound enters Taixia; the second lane penetrates the cloud, and the sound enters the cloud, with the sound of the flute becoming stronger and stronger, this beautiful rhythm seems to only penetrate the air and reach the stars, and the picture in front of Chelsea and others At that moment, the plum tree standing proudly in the snow also suddenly bloomed.

The flute sounds one after another quickly spread in this quiet night sky and spread to every household in the slum. Whether it is a sleeper or a waking resident, a pair of in the snow can’t help but appear in their minds. The picture of plum blossoms blooming in Zhong Aoran, although I have never seen this kind of plant, but the noble appearance of plum blossoms, Aoxue Lingshuang has been deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

Three lanes Hengjiang, and a long sigh across the river. The tune played by Zifeng this time is the famous Han guqin song of "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms". A masterpiece of plum blossoms in traditional art. This song was first played by Huan Yi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

When the flute sound fell, Zifeng retracted the jade flute into the storage space again, then turned around and returned to the room, and as the purple bagpipe sound fell, the beautiful picture in the minds of countless residents in the slum also followed Disappearing, as if sighing, and sighing together at this moment as if regretting.

"Just now... were we dreaming?"

After sighing, Leo Nai looked at Chelsea next to him in confusion and asked. Chelsea was also very puzzled about Leo Nai's doubts. After nodding very uncertain, he shook her head quickly. With a bitter expression on his face, he said, "This...I don't know, but that music is really good!"

"Ah...Although I still want to listen to it, why...I feel that after listening to that tune...I will sleepy..."

Listening to the conversation between Chelsea and Leo Nai, Seleu couldn't help yawning, and said weakly. He closed his eyes and fell asleep just after speaking.

Seleu's words seemed to have caused a chain reaction. Just after she fell asleep, the eyelids of Chelsea and Leo Nai couldn't help but start fighting, and finally couldn't bear the sleepiness and fell to Chuang. Go to sleep.

As for Zifeng, after returning to the room, looking at the three young girls who had fallen asleep, there was an inexplicable smile on their faces, and she couldn't help but feel complacent, "Sure enough, using music to hypnotize them, the effect is still very good. but……"

Thinking of this, Zifeng's expression became bitter again, and he muttered, "I have hypnotized them, how should I fall asleep by myself..."

After sighing, Zifeng threw his coat aside, crawled into the middle of the three and lay down.

"Ah... asshole, pervert, hen state (tai)! Give me death a hundred times!"

In the early morning, a scream suddenly came from the purple wind room, and then only heard the explosion of'bang'. A big hole in the room of purple wind was completely blown out, and purple wind hid beside the hole and looked straight. Chelsea, who was punching, then glanced at the hole beside her, instantly hitting Zifeng's back with cold sweat.

"Hey hey hey... what are you doing? Murder?"

After being frightened, there was a trace of dissatisfaction on Zifeng's face, and when she heard Zifeng's words, Chelsea couldn't help but froze. Recalling the experience of yesterday, she couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment on her face, and said with embarrassment on her face. "Uh... this... sorry, I forgot..."

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