The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 90: Rescued again

" are you! Why are you here!"

She naturally remembered the appearance of Chelsea, so she couldn't help asking after she was shocked, and at the same time she thought "she won't come to catch me back. This is bad, if I get caught back..."

"Huh, what are you thinking, idiot, I have been deceived several times in a row, and I don't even have a lot of memory."

Seeing Sha You's appearance, Chelsea naturally knew what she was thinking, and she couldn't help but feel angry. Then she pointed to the black tea that Mrs. Ivey had just drunk and said, "This cup is specially prepared for you by Mrs. Ivey. , As long as you drink it, you will think like this..."

Having said this, Chelsea kicked her two feet fiercely and fainted on the sofa. Mrs. Ivey continued, "Sleeping like a dead pig, then she will sell you to a slave exchange or brothel. "

"How come, Mrs. Ivey, she is obviously... so good, so gentle..."

Hearing Chelsea’s words, Sha You’s face clearly showed unbelief, and for Sha You’s doubts, Chelsea just rolled her eyes and said, “Gentle? It’s funny... I know what you’re doing. What do you do underneath?” Is it a sofa? Use your hands to feel for yourself!"

"Uh... sofa?"

Although I don’t know why Chelsea let herself do this, Shayo still keeps her curiosity and stretches her hand across the sofa. The touch of this sofa gives people a very strange feeling. Although it is a leather sofa, she doesn’t want to Like the rest of the leather sofa, it is very smooth when sliding over, as if...sliding over a person's body.

"Human body...wait...this...this shouldn't be..."

Thinking of this, Sha You’s pupils began to shrink violently, and then screamed, and quickly got up and pointed to the sofa, confirming to Chelsea that "this...this"

"Cut, haven't you stupid enough yet? Yes, it's a human leather sofa. The position you just made is probably someone's back. These nobles, just for their own interests, can completely ignore the life and death of the poor. It seems to be very kind, but there are not a few good things behind the scenes."

With that, Chelsea showed a trace of disdain, and continued, "If you still want any evidence, I can find out for you. For this nobleman, we have long wanted to do it, but it has always been They are all helping to gather some information."

"Do it? What...what do you mean?"

Hearing Chelsea’s words, Sha You couldn’t help showing a trace of confusion and horror, but when he heard Sha You’s doubts, Chelsea only showed a sneer on her face and said, "What do you mean? Of course it means literally, like this Scum, they are not worthy to live in the world, even dangerous species have a conscience better than them..."

With that said, Chelsea flew a kick and hit Madam Ivey on the sofa fiercely. As a Raksha-level powerhouse, how powerful is Chelsea's kick, just seemingly random With one foot, Mrs. Ivey’s body was like an off-string bow and arrow, slammed against the wall aside, and the head hit the wall and burst like a watermelon. The red and white flowed in an instant. One place.

Such a scene is not a big deal for Chelsea, it's just a bit too bloody, but Shayoco is different. He has never killed anyone. He who has seen blood can not withstand the thrill of this **** scene. Suddenly all the bread that I had just eaten came out.

"It's really useless, I have the same experience, but the difference between you and me is too big, so it makes you vomit like this, it's useless!"

Seeing Sha You who was bending over and vomiting constantly, Chelsea couldn't help but curl her lips. Then, after looking at the sky outside the window, she murmured, "Forget it, it's getting late, it's getting dark soon, so hurry up. You send it out of the city, otherwise you won’t be able to eat that bad guy’s dinner if it’s late."

With that said, Chelsea, regardless of any objections, clamped her to her waist, broke the window in an instant, and fled the living room. Naturally, the movement in the living room was quickly discovered by the soldiers on patrol, but when they arrived After that, only the corpse of Mrs. Ivey with only half of his head left in the living room and broken violent fragments.

As the Earl of the Empire, the floor area of ​​the villa of Rudolph's house can be said to be the smallest, but even so, Chelsea ran with Sha You all the way and ran for more than ten minutes before leaving the villa.

After the **** scene of stimulation, Chelsea was caught between her waist and kept bumping for more than ten minutes. Sha You, who was weak in physique, couldn't bear such tossing at all and passed out into a coma.

"Sure enough, it's really useless. Now it's okay. That bad guy's task is to let me send you out of the city. Now you are dizzy. You can't leave the Imperial Capital if you send you away..."

Chelsea looked at Shayou, who had passed out of a coma with a distressed look, and thought, and then sighed and said, "Forget it, let's take you back first. Anyway, it's just another day off. It will be the same if you are sent out of the city tomorrow. ."

After making the decision, Chelsea showed a smug look on her face, and then once again flew towards the hospital with Sha You.

As a Raksha-level Chelsea, how fast she can run with all her strength, even Chelsea doesn’t know this. It took less than an hour from Earl Rudolph’s house to the hospital. .

"Bad guy, I'm back!"

As soon as he entered the hospital, Chelsea hurriedly shouted at Zifeng who was sitting beside him before he could put Sha You down on her waist, for fear that he could not see herself.

When she heard Chelsea’s yelling, Zifeng raised her eyebrows slightly, and then after seeing Sha You who was unconscious on her waist, she said in disgust, “Why did you bring her back? Are you out of town?"

"This... various reasons..."

With that said, Chelsea told herself what happened in Count Rudolph’s house, and looked at Sha You, who was still in a coma, with some disappointment. Let’s rest here for one night and wait till tomorrow..."

Hearing what Chelsea said, Zifeng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and nodded helplessly, "Well, what else can I say after you have said that, you take her to rest."

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