"Huh? This is...where..."

Early in the morning, the sun shone through the window fragments into the room, and after a night of unconsciousness, Sha You was also awake. First, after sitting up and looking at the furnishings in the room in confusion, the **** picture of yesterday was gone. It emerged from memory again.

"In other words... Am I caught again..."

Thinking of this, Sha You's face instantly became embarrassed, and then she thought "I'm dead now, I don't know how that person will treat me..."

Just when Sha You was at a loss, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open. It was Chelsea who had rescued Sha You yesterday that came in from the door. Of course, regarding Chelsea’s rescue, Sha Whether you admit it in your heart is not known.

"Are you awake? Come down to eat, and you should be taken away from the imperial capital after dinner, lest you be abducted in the imperial capital again."

After Chelsea entered the room, she just said something to Sha You, who looked worried, then turned and left the room. When she heard Chelsea's words, Sha You couldn't help but think of "Uh... …It’s okay? Take me away? Is this true..."

Doubts appeared in Sha You’s mind one after another. For a while, Sha You’s head couldn’t turn around. Originally, I thought that Chelsea would be punished severely after taking him back this time, but I didn’t expect it to happen. He just left after saying such an uncharacteristic sentence.

Although not sure whether Chelsea’s words are true, Sha You’s stomach has already begun to protest at this time, so soon after Chelsea left the room, she threw the doubts in her mind aside and followed her. Chelsea walked towards the dining table together.

"Oh, are you awake? Just eat when you wake up. I was in a coma for a day yesterday. I should be very hungry. After eating, I asked Chelsea to send you away. Leone, Seleu, you two will continue yesterday. Training."

In the restaurant, Zifeng, who had just wiped out the last bun in front of him, saw Chelsea walking over with Sha You, but after a flat greeting, he put down his chopsticks and left the restaurant.

To be honest, Zi Feng is very disgusted by those who are so wrong about Sha You who are kind and like donkey liver and lungs, so it’s not like talking to her. But seeing Zi Feng’s cold attitude, Sai Liu couldn’t help being cold at Sha You. He snorted and said, "Huh, eat quickly, and leave as soon as you finish. We don't welcome you here."

After speaking, Sai Liu put down the little meat buns that he had only eaten halfway, and ran into the basement angrily. Seeing Sai Liu also left the dining table, Leonai also instantly lost his appetite, feeling a little helpless. Sha You rolled her eyes and said, "Really, forget it, there is nothing to say, hurry up and go, you can also see that you are no longer welcome here."

After Leonie finished speaking, he also got up and walked towards the basement. From the beginning to the end, Chelsea remained silent. Although Chelsea understood Sha You’s series of actions very well, I am afraid that she had encountered it instead. If you do this kind of thing, you would do something like this.

But to understand, to be honest, Chelsea was also a little angry at Sha You’s behavior, so after coldly glanced at Sha You who was standing behind him, she didn’t say a word and started eating at the table. breakfast.

And seeing everyone being so indifferent to herself, Sha You couldn't help but feel a little grievance in her heart, her lips narrowed and she thought, "Why... I don't need your welcome..."

"Why are you standing there? Why don't you want to leave?"

Chelsea couldn’t help but urged Sha You, who was still aggrieved and stunned, and when she heard Chelsea’s voice, Sha You’s heart trembled, and the **** scene of yesterday resurfaced in her mind, and then quickly walked to the dining table. Had breakfast before.

Perhaps it was because of the extreme hunger that Shayou had a very delicious meal. She can swear that she had never been late for such a delicious breakfast. After filling her stomach, Shayou ignored the greasy hands and patted it directly. I patted my slightly raised belly, revealing a touch of enjoyment on his face.

"It's delicious, so full..."

"Since you're full, don't grind, it's time to set off."

With that, Chelsea walked towards the outside of the hospital without looking back, and after hearing Chelsea's words, Sha You only hesitated slightly for a while, and quickly followed her footsteps.

The gate of the imperial capital in the slum where Zifeng lives is not too far away. Chelsea and Shayou have successfully walked out of the imperial capital after only about an hour’s walk, standing on the dirt road, Chelsea pointed He said to Xiaolu, "Okay, now that I have left the imperial capital, you are free."

With that, Chelsea threw a cloth bag hung around her waist into Sha You’s hand and continued, “These 20 gold coins and 50 silver coins are your travel expenses to go home. From now on, your life and death have nothing to do with us. , Be careful yourself, I don’t guarantee that someone will save you like us when I’ve been deceived by others.”

After speaking, Chelsea turned around and walked back to the road when she came, and Shayou felt the heavy bag in her hand, and looked at Chelsea's gradually moving away from her back. For a time, her heart was mixed, and she couldn't help thinking of "I ...Is it really done something wrong... She has sent me away from the imperial capital, but next... what should I do? How should I go back? Will anyone come to rescue me like this if I encounter a liar again?"

A series of doubts surfaced in her mind one after another. For a while, Sha You became confused again, and since childhood, Sha You has always stayed in the village and has never been far away, so at this time, she didn’t even know what she should be. How to return home to reunite with family.

Although Chelsea left her with 20 gold coins and 50 silver coins before leaving, the money has been enough for her to live alone for several months, but what should I do if she hasn't found her way home after that? What if I was abducted again?

These thoughts flashed in Sha You's mind one by one, which made her feel regretful in her heart. Looking at Chelsea, who had not yet gone far, Sha You bit her lip severely.

"Instead of being deceived again, it's better to stay there... after I find my way home and bid farewell, and I did something wrong, I have to apologize to them..."

Thinking of this, Sha leaped forward and chased Chelsea very fast, without any hesitation in her heart.

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