Cornelia's arbitrary decision not only made Xue, Linghu, and the boss shocked, but even Chitong and the others were a little surprised.

Of course, the most anxious person was Ma Yin. After hearing Cornelia's choice, he couldn't help but screamed out, "Nelia, are you crazy? Just listen to this bastard's just..."

"Enough, Ma Yin, I believe in the wind and everything about him, he has no reason to deceive us!"

Ma Yin was cut off by Cornelia before he finished speaking, and then looked at Xue with a deadly gaze. Linghu and the boss three said with disdain, "Besides, the facts are already in front of them. , These three guys are all members of the Revolutionary Army, the Red Scarf!"


Cornelia’s words made Ma Yin's words choppy for a while, and when the others saw Cornelia so decisive, they couldn’t help showing a trace of shame on their faces. The point where they had lived with Zifeng unconsciously appeared in their brains. Bit by bit, followed by a touch of firmness on his face.

"I also quit!"

"Me too!"


"You... how do you..."

Seeing that Chitong and others were leaving the revolutionary army one by one, Ma Yin was like an ant in a hot pot, and even tears began to roll in his eyes.

As for this situation, Zifeng did not show any surprised expressions, everything was as expected by Zifeng, but raised his eyebrows at the only Taeko who hadn't spoken yet and said, "Taeko sauce, are we? Should the promise be fulfilled?"

"Uh... promise? What... what promise?"

Hearing Zi Feng's words, Taeko couldn't help but was taken aback, but then she seemed to remember something suddenly, her small face turned red as if congested, and he said stammically, "This...this...this..."

"Why, it's too late to regret now." Seeing Taeko's appearance, Zi Feng raised his eyebrows, revealing a bad smile.

But Xue, Linghu, and the three bosses saw Zifeng molesting the girls like no one else, as if they had completely forgotten them, and a vicious glance flashed in their eyes.

This... is their only chance. At this time, the three of them know very well that with Zifeng’s strength, even if they run away at this time, they will definitely be killed by Zifeng before they leave the capital. He didn't have any precautions. They killed him by a sneak attack, and they had a chance to survive.

"Never miss it!"

After looking at each other, the three of them all saw the meaning in each other's eyes, and then moved their gazes to Zifeng who was still talking and laughing with everyone.

"It's now!"

The three of them seemed to have a sharp heart, and turned into an afterimage that instantly struck Zifeng.

Near... Near... Almost succeeding!

Seeing their weapons getting closer and closer to Zifeng, the trio couldn't help showing the joy of victory, as if the tragic death of Zifeng could already be foreseen.

"Puff puff……"

The weapons of the three of them pierced Zifeng’s body one after another. At this time, their faces were already showing a hint of hideousness and a hint of relaxation...

"God! Finally killed this monster!"

"Alive, we are not dead!"

"that is really good!"

When Chi Tong and the others saw Xue, Linghu and the boss made a sneak attack, their pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly, and for a while, they all stood in place. it really as they thought it was? Of course... impossible. I saw the body of Zifeng stabbed by the snow, the spirit fox and the boss suddenly exploded, turning into countless blobs of blue light of various sizes floating in the air, and then, from the side wall Suddenly Zifeng's indifferent voice came from above.

"Oh, three cute little mice, what are you happy about?"

The abnormal appearance that had originally rushed in has made the expressions of the three people stiff on their faces. Now after hearing Zifeng's voice, the three people's faces are as gray as they are. Looking at Zifeng's figure, there is a hint of resentment in their eyes. .

"It's really hateful, the mission hasn't been completed... However, the leader will avenge us!"

"It's a pity, is this your last last words... Hey..."

Hearing what the boss said, Zifeng couldn't help but said with regret, then snapped his fingers in the air.


The blue light clusters floating in the sky that looked like stars in the sky seemed to have been ordered, and they turned back and forth quickly, almost just a blink of an eye. Everyone had not yet come to react, and all the blue light clusters had been integrated into the snow. , Linghu, the body of the boss three.

"No feeling, no pain, disappear with the breeze..."

As the voice of the purple wind fell, Xue, Linghu, and the boss stiffened for a while, then turned into countless blisters and disappeared in place.


Seeing such a weird scene, Ma Yin and Taeko couldn't help but their eyes widened, killing people. For people like them, they have long been accustomed to it. It is basically a commonplace thing, but such a beautiful and gorgeous killing. It was the first time I saw the scene.

The Chi Tong and others on the side weren't surprised at all. Instead, they looked at Zi Feng with a vague expression of resentment. The soaring resentment caused Zi Feng to shudder involuntarily.

"Ahem...Well, okay, since you have all quit, you don't have to go back. I will tell her tomorrow, sister, besides..."

Seeing the grievances on the faces of the women, Zifeng quickly coughed and changed the subject, and then said with a serious face, "In addition, I am willing to join the Night Strike Organization!"

"Uh...what?" X7, Zifeng's words made everyone present in shock, with a trace of confusion on his face.

"Captain, didn't you say you won't join the revolutionary army, why..."

Finally, Bonnie could not bear the doubts in his heart and asked out loud, and in response to Bonnie’s question, Zifeng just rolled his eyes reluctantly and said, "Yes, I did say that. I just joined the night. Just attacking this organization does not mean that I want to join the revolutionary army! Mayin, right, can you please take my meaning back and tell my sister... Uh, your boss, and tell her, Chitong and the others are there. I spent the night here."


Ma Yin, who was in the dimness, couldn't help but screamed in surprise when he heard Zifeng's words, but after seeing the faces of Chitong and the others did not mean to leave at all, she could only helplessly nod her head and said, "Okay, you If it is, I will take it back, so I will withdraw first." Charm

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