The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 102: Talks (Part 1)

"BOSS, that's how it happened."

Still in the bright hall with the bright red carpet, Mayin stood in the middle with his head low in shame, looking like a kid who did something wrong.

While sitting on the golden chair in the hall with her legs folded lazily, Nadetta did not show any expression of surprise. Instead, she nodded slightly, covering her head with a headache and said, "Is that true? Chitong and they all quit. The revolutionary army, but why does Taeko have?"

"I heard that Taeko and Chitong are from the same school, both cultivated from Senior Barbara, will they..."

Hearing Najeta's doubts, Lubbock quickly explained, but he didn't continue speaking in the middle of the sentence.

Lubbock’s explanation caused Nadette to contemplate. Although his suspicion is not impossible, she has been living with Taeko for a long time. During this time, Nadette has never been She didn't sense the kind of "contract" reaction from Chi Tong and others.

"It's weird. According to that kid's character, there should be no reason to let go of a beautiful woman like Taeko. Why am I... really strange..."


Just as Najeta was lost in thought, Brand's anxious urging sound called her back to God, and asked anxiously, "Now Chitong and the others have already withdrawn from the organization, our night attack strength is destined to be reduced by more than half. If this continues, the situation on the side of the revolutionary army will not be optimistic..."

"By the way, I almost forgot. Although the guy refused to join the revolutionary army, he only said that he would join us in the night raid, and the red pupils did not say that they would quit..."

After listening to Brand's words, Mayin seemed to have remembered something, and said with a pat on his head, but Mayin's words just finished, it caused a period of contemplation among Najeta and others.

"Don't join the revolutionary army, but join the night raid? Why is this?"

"Boss, does that guy want to take the opportunity to find out the location of our base and take the opportunity to kill us in one fell swoop?"

Lubbock asked with a frown, but his guess was rejected by Nadette as soon as his guess was spoken, and he rejected it very decisively.

"Impossible! Xiaofeng wouldn't be like this!"

Najeta's voice was very loud, and even seemed a bit harsh in this silent hall, and seeing Najeta's attitude, everyone present couldn't help but shrink their necks.

As for the expressions of the people, Najta also had a panoramic view. Knowing that she was a little gaffe, she quickly coughed and explained, "I mean this is impossible. If he really wants to annihilate us, he can go to Chi. Hitomi and the others asked about the location of our base. Similarly, they could follow Ma Yin all the way when she came back. I think with his skills, Ma Yin would not be aware of it even if he was tracked."

"The BOSS is right, that guy... his strength is too terrifying. The three members of the Red Scarf were turned into nothingness by one move, and there is no waste left..."

As he spoke, Ma Yin's pupils shrank sharply, as if he had seen some horrible scene. Although the scene of Zifeng's murder was gorgeous, the members of the Red Scarf of the Revolutionary Army were killed, and there were still three!

Although there are 4 levels above the Red Scarf, each of them is strong enough to be comparable to that of Tegu’s, and such existence does not even know how to die, and the body becomes nothingness, from here on It can be seen how far Zifeng's strength has reached.

"Is a move turned into nothingness... That guy, I haven't seen him for a year, his strength has reached this level, is it a monster..."

Ma Yin's words did not surprise Najetta in any way, but a hint of pride appeared on her face.

And Lubbock and Brand, even the natural dull girl Hill, who had been alone outside, squatting in the corner watching the "100 natural dull girl's treatments" couldn't help but shook their whole body, and their faces unanimously showed a trace. Serious expression.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid that guy's strength has reached the legendary realm..."

"But what makes me care is why the Red Scarf members appeared there and why they were killed by Xiaofeng!"

Najeta, who was originally a little complacent, found the point in a moment, and asked with a serious face.

The members of the Red Scarf belong to one of the five personal scarves of Geoffrey, the leader of the Revolutionary Army. The strength of the personal five scarves is divided into: red, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The members of the Red Scarf are the weakest and the largest in number, about 20, but they are all in the middle of the Rakshasa period. As for the strongest Purple Turban, there are only 2 people, heaven and earth twin ghosts. Generals do not distinguish between superiors and superiors.

It can be said that this is the trump card for the revolutionary army and the imperial capital to win the battle, but how can such a trump card have entanglements with Zifeng, which makes Najeta very incomprehensible.

When she heard Najeta’s question, Ma Yin couldn’t help but was taken aback, touching the back of her head awkwardly and explaining, “This... listen to what that guy meant, it seems that a member of the Red Scarf is going to assassinate him, but what is the specific situation, I just... …"

Before Ma Yin could utter the three words ‘unclear’, he was interrupted by Najta’s scream three levels higher than normal.

"What! Red Scarf members assassinated Xiaofeng? What does Jeffrey think? Is it a fen? Is his head flooded? It's okay to provoke him? I think my job is not difficult enough, and the enemy is not strong enough or what? Yeah? Or do you want me to get out of here just like Chitong and others?..."



At this time, Najetta has lost her reason, like a shrew cursing the street, all kinds of swear words blurted out, in a variety of ways, and there is no half of the repetition, as for seeing Najieta like Mo Yang's night attack, everyone is I couldn't help being speechless, he looked like he wanted to talk, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

In Brand and Hill’s impression, Najetta has always been a mature and stable leader with great leadership skills, and she has extraordinary skills. It is precisely because of these that they are willing to let her be the boss of the night attack. As for Rabo Ke, on the other hand, has always admired Najeta's figure and her careful, virtuous character (spit...) before joining the army with her, and then defected from the army with her and joined the revolutionary army.

At this moment, Najetta has completely destroyed the beautiful and solemn image in their hearts, and the destruction is so simple and complete...Charm

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