The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 116: Komora Tiger Lion

In the gorge, blood was flowing into a river, and the smell of blood spread everywhere, even if Najetta and others stood on a peak of tens of meters at this time, they couldn't help but frown when they smelled the smell of blood.

"That's it. I believe that blood will be smelled in that super dangerous head soon."

Zifeng looked at his masterpiece, nodded his head very satisfied, and at the same time glanced at his exchange point inadvertently from the corner of his eyes, and his face suddenly showed joy.

"Sure enough, killing is the fastest way to obtain exchange points!" Seeing that the value has become 1738200 exchange points, Zi Feng couldn't help feeling that, just now, he only spent a blood berry worth 3,000 exchange points to give him. Bringing so many benefits, this was beyond Zifeng's expectations.

"Well, hurry up and rest, there will be a bitter battle waiting for us later!"

In the Night Assault organization, Najta still has a very high right to speak, so after she finished speaking, although everyone was shocked by Zifeng's performance, they still suppressed the surprise in their hearts and began to rest.

Time passed quickly, and an afternoon was spent in the rest of the crowd, but no one relaxed their vigilance.

The sky gradually dimmed. In the gorge, unlike the scenery during the day, the gorge at night was very quiet, quiet and terrifying. Coupled with the strong **** smell at the foot of the mountain, the whole gorge looked more terrifying.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a dull voice came from far and near, and at the same time the rubble on the ground began to vibrate. The purple wind that first discovered the abnormal shape immediately became vigilant. A pair of silver-white alchemical steel has become A pair of swords.

"Come on, that big guy!"

It was Ma Yin who said this. At this time, there was a little bit of arrogance on her face, and a touch of dignity and rigor was added to her face. She held the Emperor's romantic fort in both hands, and the muzzle pointed at the entrance to the south of the canyon.

"As expected of Mayin, has he touched the edge of the unity of man and gun."

Zifeng felt the unique spiritual coercion emanating from Mayin's body, and couldn't help but pick it up, with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

In spear art, the combination of man and spear is a very special skill, and everyone who can comprehend is a genius with extremely high attainments in spear art.

However, the signs of this skill radiated from a seemingly fourteen or five-year-old Lolita. If anyone finds out, he will definitely commit suicide in shame.

Everyone already knew Ma Yin's strength very well, so there was not much surprise in his heart, but Shen Ning asked, "Has it appeared? How far is the target?"

"It's just south, 3.3 kilometers away, and it's an absolute big guy, moving...very fast."

Tsukushi had just finished speaking. A monster with a height of 50 meters and a body like a tiger, with double horns on the head, and a hideous eye appeared in everyone's sight, and the distance was constantly getting closer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just the blink of an eye, this huge monster has arrived at the entrance to the south side of the canyon.

"This is troublesome, this guy is the Komora Tiger Lion, a super dangerous species known for speed!"

After seeing what the monster looked like, Lubbock couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath and said in surprise.

"It must be kept, and it must not be allowed to escape, otherwise the village of Barrow will suffer unwarranted disaster!"

Najeta said solemnly, and then moved her gaze to Zifeng's body.

Zifeng couldn't refute what Najeta said, and didn't want to refute it, so she shrugged helplessly, and said very tiredly, "It's really troublesome, don't worry, I won't let it escape."

With that, the sword in Zifeng's right hand flashed with a silver light, and the blade turned into countless golden threads, wrapped around the head of the Komora tiger and lion.

Zifeng's attack was not concealed at all, it was very straightforward, and the Komora Tiger Lion could naturally find that the front hooves were bent, and the figure suddenly fell for the most part, and it easily escaped the countless golden threads.

However, Zifeng had expected this, and was not surprised. Holding the right hand of the alchemical steel handle that changed into countless golden threads, his wrist twisted slightly. Although the movement was very small, the miraculous thing was that the silk thread that had been shot straight out suddenly There was a wave of shock, as if he had a chaser, again thinking about the Komora tiger and lion's neck wrapped around, and quickly, ordinary people can only see a golden flash of light.


For Zifeng repeatedly and repeatedly wanted to restrain himself with silk threads, the Komora Tiger Lion was finally angered, and his head raised his hair with a terrifying roar, and the invisible sound wave suddenly spread.

The golden silk thread was affected by the invisible sound wave and was completely set in the air, and could no longer get close to the inch step.

"Although it is a super dangerous species, it is still an unwise beast!" Zifeng saw his attack again invisible, and was not angry, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And Najeta and others by his side had already disappeared at this time, apparently had been away for a long time.


There was a scream, which was a sonic boom that was left too fast. An orange light shot from a distance to the Komora tiger lion, rubbed the hair on his head and shot it past, and finally dissipated into the sky.

Obviously, it was Mayin’s romantic fort that made such an attack, but it made Mayin a little annoyed when he did not hit the target. You must know that as a genius shooter, she has always been able to shoot without any bullets and has a hit rate. Up an astonishing 100%.

But I didn't expect that the bullet that was originally aimed at the right eye of the Komora Tiger and Lion was shot. It was empty, which made Ma Yin feel very humiliated.

However, despite being annoyed, Ma Yin has nothing to do. After all, the speed of the Komora Tiger Lion is not only reflected in the movement, but also very sensitive in reflection, although it was attracted most of the attention by the golden silk thread of the purple wind just now. , But when the bullet was fired, it still reflected it and shifted its head away, so that it could avoid the bullet fired by Mayin dangerously and dangerously.

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