The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 117: Thousands of people rushed! Kill the Komora Tiger and Lion!


Although the Komora tiger lion escaped Ma Yin’s fatal blow, he was still angered by Ma Yin’s sneak attack. He roared immediately, and a pair of copper bell-sized eyes looked at where Ma Yin was hiding. Dao's blood-red laser flew out of the pupil instantly and shot straight towards Ma Yin.

The Komora Tiger and Lion's attack was completely abrupt, and everyone was not prepared. When the reaction came, the laser had already fired and came to Ma Yin.

"Do not!"

Seeing that Ma Yin was in danger, everyone let out a tearing howl. Although Ma Yin is usually very arrogant and often speaks badly to everyone, he has been together for so long and has experienced many big and small things. Emotionally speaking, it can be regarded as a life-and-death acquaintance.

At this moment, Ma Yin was in danger, and the hearts of everyone couldn't help but rise in a sense of grief and anger.

While Ma Yin looked at the beam of light that had come in front of her, her face was very calm, only a trace of dismay flashed in her eyes, and she said in her heart, "Is it the result of my being too venomous before? Goodbye, everyone, maybe You should all be very happy without my poisonous mouth..."

Thinking of this, Mayin closed his eyes as if appointed, waiting for the arrival of death.

"The Awakening of Sin!"

A voice like nine serenities sounded in the canyon, and then, a golden flash of light flashed across, faster than the two lasers released by the Komora tiger and lion, rushing to the front of Ma Yin’s hiding spot, ruthlessly He slammed Mayin's body into the air fiercely.


Almost the moment Ma Yin's body flew out, two laser beams blasted over, and suddenly a flaming mushroom cloud burst out.

"That's...Zifeng! Don't!"

Ma Yin, who was waiting for death, was suddenly pushed, and his eyes opened reflexively, but only a vague figure was seen. From the figure, Ma Yin could confirm that it was not someone else who pushed herself away. It was the purple wind that was still attracting the attention of the Komora Tigers and Lions just a moment ago.

Ma Yin didn't consider why Zifeng ran over so quickly at such a long distance, only knowing that Zifeng was in danger for saving herself, and after a feeble scream in her mouth, the whole person crashed all over. On the rock, he was completely unconscious.

Everything happened in an instant. In the eyes of everyone, Ma Yin flew out because of a golden light, which made the Komora tiger and lion's attack missed.

But after hearing the sorrow in Ma Yin's mouth, everyone was stunned, and then stared blankly at the burning cloud caused by the explosion, not even knowing that the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

"Hey, it's a lie, Ma Yin just... just said... that Jin Guang is... the captain? It's a lie, the captain should still be..."

Pony grabbed Cornelia’s shoulders a little bit and said, then looked at the place where Zifeng had attracted the Komora tiger and lion, but before she could finish her words, she found that the place was no longer there. Know when there is no one.

"Really...really a small breeze...really a small breeze..."

Cornelia looked in the direction Bonnie was pointing, and she seemed to have lost her soul, repeating a sentence constantly in her mouth.

Not only Pawnee and Cornelia, but the other Red Eyes and others also did the same, and they all seemed to have lost their souls.

But is Zifeng really so easy to die? Naturally impossible. Although it was only in desperation, Zifeng opened the'Emperor Realm' in time, and instantly isolated the two lasers fired by the Komora Tiger and Lion from the outside.

After the mushroom cloud dissipated, Zifeng didn't suffer much damage except for some strange purple marks on his face, and his stature was rather embarrassed.

"Bah..." Standing in the dirt pit, Zifeng spit out two mouthfuls of black mist, looked at the clothes on his body like a beggar, his face turned black for an instant, and said gloomily, "Damn beast. Congratulations. Angry me!"

As he spoke, Zifeng's figure flickered twice on the spot, and then lost its trace. When it reappeared, Zifeng had already reached the head of the Komora tiger lion, which had already turned into a strip of cloth because of the extreme speed. Moving and dancing with the wind.

"That's... the captain!"

"Great Xiaofeng/That guy is not dead!" x12

Seeing Zifeng's figure reappearing, everyone couldn't help but rejoice again. From extreme sadness to extreme surprise, the emotions were like riding a roller coaster, and even the first to know Zifeng's Chihitomi, Chikushi, Poni, Cornelia and The eyes of the five black pupils were already shining with tears.

But at this time Zifeng didn't have time to pay attention to the emotions of everyone, and he was very depressed and angry now! He needs to vent! And the goal of venting... is naturally the Komora tiger and lion.

Like a teleportation, after Zifeng’s figure came to the top of the Komora tiger lion’s head, his body suddenly rotated 180°. The huge rotation force made his legs kick out subconsciously and hit Komora fiercely. The eyebrows of the tiger and lion.


There was a dull loud noise and was attacked by the purple wind. The Komora Tiger Lion only felt that its forehead was hit by a big mountain, and its head hit the ground fiercely with the tremendous force.

"Damn it, this is the new dress I just bought! You bastard!"

Before speaking, Zifeng's body was still in the kicking posture, but after Zifeng's voice fell, Zifeng's figure suddenly split into countless numbers in the air.

"Foreign Department Impulse·Thousands of People Charge!"

Thousands of ‘Purple Wind’ clenched their fists one after another, glowing abruptly with a dazzling golden light, and then turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Komora tiger lion that fell on the ground.

Bang bang bang!

The dull slamming sound resounded throughout the valley, and every afterimage severely left a terrifying fist mark on the Komora tiger and lion.

At this moment, Zifeng thoroughly explained what is meant by strength, what is meant by... a punch to the flesh.

While Lubbock and others looked at such a brutal purple wind, an inexplicable chill rose in their hearts, and they all took a step back. At the same time, they secretly said in their hearts, "Sure enough, the blackened purple wind sauce is terrible. !"

As if feeling the thoughts of Lubbock and others, Zifeng floating in the air glanced at Lubbock and Brad without knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional. An inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes, which made the two of them. I only felt that the chrysanthemum flower was tight, and one fell on the ground inadvertently.

But the most bitter Komora tiger and lion did not even scream in the end, and died under the chaos of thousands of'Purple Wind', turning into a pile of rotten flesh.

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