The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 8: Water Country Rebellion

Zifeng held his cheeks, watching Naruto really fight for him. The tendency of two people is probably to hit him as he talked. Hinata suddenly touched him lightly and whispered: "Hagi Please don't be angry, Uchiha-kun and everyone are like this."

Hinata said so much for the first time.

Zifeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately held a happy cheek in front of Hinata, "Don't call me Hagi-kun, so unfamiliar, we are classmates, just call me by name."

Hina's face turned into a red apple, "But, but Zifeng-kun, I, I can call you like this." She couldn't imagine herself calling a boy's name.

Zifeng blinked and said with a smile: "Of course, you can be happy, Hinata."

Although Naruto has the heart not to fear the supremacy of the school grass, but he has no such power. Sasuke easily fell down and a large number of female fans rushed to solve Naruto. After the KO, Sasuke gave a cold snort and changed the window to sit down. , But Zifeng discovered that he hesitated and took away the bento that Zifeng gave him. He also fancyed that the second young master hadn't been completely blackened.

The chaos in the morning ended in Zifeng’s observation.

In the afternoon, Zifeng was called to the Hokage office and jumped in from the window. Kakashi was already waiting in the office. The third generation of Hokage smiled at him kindly, "Come in."

Zifeng jumped in with one hand on the window sill, lazily saying: "What's the matter, there is a new task."

Master Naruto motioned to Zifeng to look at the scroll on the table. He picked it up and looked at it, and then his eyes drifted. The scroll actually showed the information of the brother and sister he saw in Sun City, but it was still water. The betrayal of Ninja, his sister is called Mercury, and his brother is called Mizukawa, both of which are at the upper level. The reason for betraying the Nation of Water is unknown.

"Although this matter originally had nothing to do with us." Hokage-sama slowly said: "But the two of them seem to plan to be stationed in the country of fire, and they have already obtained the status of a bounty hunter in the country of fire. The assassination mission of people with high status in the land of fire."

"So, am I going to solve them with Kakashi?" Zifeng scratched his chin, somewhat reluctant to hurt the girl.

Master Naruto exhaled and said: "It's not necessarily true. Our relationship with Water Country is still very embarrassing. Although their wanted warrants are sent here, it stands to reason that the rebels in each village should be treated equally, but as long as they are not provoked. It’s not that the interests of the country cannot be opened up on the Internet."

"Huh." Zifeng didn't understand too much, and turned to look at Kakashi.

Kakashi glanced at him, "Just contact and see. If there is danger, kill it on the spot. If not, drive out of the country of fire even if the mission is successful."

"That's it." Zifeng nodded, "When will it start?"

"The intelligence team has gone to investigate, and when we have the news, we will set off immediately." Naruto Master said humanely.

Leaving the Hokage office, Kakashi stopped after walking away, looking at Iwashan a little lost.

Zifeng blinked, tangled, and then suddenly turned over and squatted on the railing, staring at Kakashi, deliberately inattentively, smiling lightly, "I heard that bounty hunters make money quickly."

Kakashi said in an uneasy voice: "You also have a lot of rewards for this mission."

Zifeng tilted his head, "This is different." He sat on the railing, shook his legs, and shook his head and said: "The girl told me before that she and the city lord have hatred. It must be a lie to me. Now, pretty girls are really deceptive, and what my mother said is not bad."

Kakashi looked at Zifeng speechlessly, hearing him mention her mother for the first time, and couldn't help saying: "Your mother is also very beautiful, you inherited her purple hair." Back then, she was also one of Konoha's top ten beautiful women.

Zifeng looked at Kakashi with complicated eyes, hesitated for a while, then said: "Kakashi, you're not Oedipus, are you?"

Kakashi's forehead burst into blue veins, and rushed up to clamp Zifeng's neck desperately, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, you can go back quickly and catch up with the afternoon class at the Ninja School!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have taken a good leave!" Zifeng was very dissatisfied, and made a grimace for Kakashi before being pushed. All right."

Kakashi is crazy! Why didn't I find that Zifeng has the bad qualities of talking and maddening!

At the Ninja School, Shikamaru stared at Zifeng, "Didn't you take a leave of absence this afternoon? Why did you come back to watch the clouds with me?"

The two of them are now lying on the roof of the school, looking at the clouds in the sky in a very leisurely manner.

Zifeng said honestly: "I was driven over by the old lady at home. He has gray hair now. In order to avoid letting his hair fall out, I'd better be more obedient."

Shikamaru touched his nose, "You mean Shinobu who asked you for leave last time, the one with silver hair?"

"Yeah." Zifeng smiled, "Why do you know each other?"

"I've been to my house before." Shikamaru lazily said, "I know him when I look at the tooth."

Ya, I almost forgot, Kakashi's ninja dog was obtained from their house, Zifeng sat up, and had a new idea. It sounds very good to raise a ninja dog.

Although he skipped class, there was still a basic class about the world's geomorphology in the afternoon. Zifeng forced Shikamaru back to listen to this class. After all, he was not clear about the basic map of the world. He would subconsciously mention the geomorphology. Thinking of other worlds, I still have to keep up with the progress as soon as possible.

Shikamaru knew that Zifeng’s weakness was also mocked for a while, and then opened the textbook, and the two geniuses started high-speed tutoring. The lonely Naruto could not help lingering beside him because these two were the only people who could talk to him well. After a long time, he also joined in, but he was still ignorant and at a loss, and occasionally expressed that he hadn't understood a word, but once such a situation occurred, he was slapped on the head by Zifeng with a look that couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Listen to Shikamaru!"

Naruto smirked after rubbing his head in confusion.

School days are really interesting. Zifeng’s eyes narrowed into crescents. Iruka who was standing in class couldn’t help but sigh after seeing it. As expected, they were all children from the Hagi family, geniuses, and their personalities. Like it.

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