The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 9: Short book street

If you ignore the different characteristics of Xiaoqiang, these children are only the age of elementary school students, and they are still very immature. With the warm afternoon sun, Zifeng lay on the table, and soon became sleepy. I felt that time passed unconsciously, and his instinctive vigilance made him sober for a moment and looked out the window.

A silver hair flashed across the treetops.

Zifeng looked at the podium. With encouraging eyes, Iluka wanted to let the quiet Hinata fully express his opinions. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly put one hand on the table. , A backflip, leap out of the window lightly.

Following the principle of showing his strength in front of Kakashi, Zifeng accurately captured Kakashi waiting for him on the rooftop in a flash, "How is the information coming out?"

Kakashi nodded to him, and then told him about the information about this mission. Most of the most active bounty hunters in the country of fire are active in the fourth of the short book street, so the brother and sister are not surprised to find there. In order to prevent them from moving in time, Kakashi and Zifeng may have to rush over overnight.

But on the short book street, Zifeng thought for a few seconds for a few seconds, and was not sure whether he could meet Tsunade there, so he had to suppress the matter first, and followed Kakashi back to prepare all the equipment for the mission.

Junliang pills, detonating talisman, shuriken, kunai, and many seal scrolls in Kakashi's hands, when the night enveloped the village, the two of them set off overnight.

This time the mission may welcome a real battle. Kakashi didn’t hesitate to start analyzing his own combat power with Zifeng. As a partner, he knew the opponent’s skills and expertise and then used his brain power to lay out. This is his role as the captain. Duties, after all, Zifeng is a newcomer, he can only explain by setting an example.

Zifeng asked in his eyes, "So you are almighty?"

"I can show you Chidori." Kakashi said.

Zifeng's eyes flickered. Kakashi's Chidori is a high-level ninjutsu with Chakra's high-strength compression and rotation, which is very similar to Helix Maru. Chidori also includes a step higher Lei Chi, which is more lethal than Helix Maru. It's one level higher.

With a few simple prints, a dazzling white light appeared in Kakashi’s palm, and then it shone with countless blue and white lights, which continued to expand. The dazzling light seemed to tear the space of his palm, like a thousand birds. The sound of the chirping also exploded in this space, making people stand upright, but the sound can get enough shock.

Zifeng watched Kakashi gradually withdraw Chakra, before showing a smile, "Since you are so sincere, then I will reveal a little more about me."

Kakashi rolled his eyes at Zifeng, originally intending to explain it in detail. Besides, the mood of writing round eyes has also faded, "Well, what are you good at besides swordsman, I have found that you seem to be unfamiliar with ninjutsu. Haven't studied."

"That's right." Zifeng tilted his head slightly and smiled lightly: "Like my swordsmanship, I am also good at illusionism." Although Kakashi said he didn't know much about ninjutsu, he learned it in the world of death. Breaking Dao and Bin Dao can completely replace the role of ninjutsu, but his mastery of God-level firearms is not necessary in this world.

Kakashi looked at Zifeng deeply. He who possesses the writing wheel is logically the best at illusion. "How far can your illusion be?"

Zifeng explained: "My illusion is not the same as the ninja's conventional illusion. You can and can treat it as a newly created illusion, composed of domains. In this domain, I can illusion everything I want. , In the illusion, I kill the enemy, if the enemy really thinks he was killed by the den, then all this becomes real."

The truth and laws of the high-level, but these may be too horrible to say, it is better not to tell Kakashi.

The two people basically understood each other’s combat power, so they didn’t stop and rushed to the short book street as quickly as possible. People who have read comics on the short book street are well known to all. This is a gambling resort, but they never expected to reward After handing over the basic information with the intelligence personnel stationed in Short Street Street where the Golden Hunter activities frequently occur.

Kakashi spread out the map and pointed to a tavern on Short Street, "This is the area where bounty hunters are active."

Zifeng curled his lips, "Tavern, I thought it was a public toilet." After thinking about it, he could only say, "Then shall we go now?"

Kakashi looked at the map for a while before saying: "Be prepared for the transformation technique, let's pretend to go in and see if they stay there."

Early the next morning, in a tavern on Duocai Street, Zifeng saw the gathering place of bounty hunters in the Land of Fire.

A girl who is about fifteen or sixteen years old, with long blue hair, looks gentle at first glance, but every time she raises her head to face the bounty hunter, her decent smile on her face will change instantly. Cheng glared fiercely, and his voice was irritable, "Didn't you emphasize it many times? You must take a complete head to receive the bounty. How can we recognize him if you beat him like this?"

What surprised Zifeng was that the wicked bounty hunter didn't have the intention to defend it at all. Only Wei Nuonuo took the head and left. It seemed that this girl was not simple either.

"She is the person in charge here." Kakashi explained in a low voice, "Called the floating water plants, the water-attribute ninjutsu is very superb. The people who turned out to be the country of water escaped in the Second World War. The country joined the Bounty Hunter Guild, and then it has been stationed here."

Zifeng raised her eyebrows, "That means she may be familiar with those two people at all."

Kakashi naturally nodded in agreement, "We are sitting over there."

Naturally, Kakashi ordered two bottles of sake, but they put them on his side, staring at Zifeng not allowing him to drink secretly. Zifeng shrugged helplessly, and asked the waiter again. Some barbecues can only be eaten with concentration. Although the task is important, the enjoyment can't be relaxed!

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