The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 31: Deal with treason

The picture freezes at this moment ahead.

The human skin became a monster-like green crusty with folds, and the limbs were covered with scales. The sharp and hard nails of beasts replaced the fragile nails of humans. This Nagasawa Ono became monster-like, and his stature increased to four. At five meters, his eyes were full of violence and bloodthirsty. When he walked to the border of the country of fire, he seemed to be unable to restrain his body and turned into this appearance. The surrounding woods were all traces of his destruction.

Kakashi found him easily.

"It has become this kind of brutal, destructive monster, and it seems to be able to eat people." Sai stated: "It seems that this kind of human experiment can only be related to Dashemaru. He ran to this place. The goal may also be to get to Dashemaru, an S-class wanted criminal, do we want to..."

"Hey, don't think of going to strange places." Kakashi waved his hand weakly, "We still have a lot of tasks to do. As for the other rebel, we still have to go back and ask Naruto Talent for advice."

"Sorry, senior, I passed." The standard smile on Sai's face hung up again. Kakashi looked at him with a chill. Probably he didn't expect that in another ten years, this guy would become his lovely student. A member of, but now with the wings of a butterfly named Zifeng, everything is still possible.

"Have you been chased...?"

Nagasawa Ono opened his mouth wide, and slowly walked towards Zifeng and the others. The viscous saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, which looked really horrible.

Zifeng glanced at this monster up and down, probably stimulating all its potential, and it looked like it had reached the level of an artifact. He held the handle of the knife again, and Kakashi next to him had already spoken prophetically: "Be careful. , Let’s focus on temptation first!” As soon as the voice fell, Zi Feng’s figure rushed out like an arrow from the string.

"Well, that's it!" Asma hung her cigarette and took out the shuriken from her pocket.

Sai also took out his paintbrush, and shouted in a low voice: "Ninfa super beast pseudo-painting!" A slender snake appeared out of thin air. This ink color became so three-dimensional, it made Kakashido take a look. The secret method really means that talents with roots will be cultivated at a high price. This Sai should have gone through a lot of selection before he has reached the present level.

"It really is the Anbe." Nagasawa Ono yelled, "Come on, just let me try my current instrument, hahaha!"

Just rely on this small role to talk about the measure.

Zifeng tilted his head slightly, and the blade swept in front of the opponent's eyes in an instant. His moves were always extremely fast, and this monster didn't use anything like anything, just raised his hand slightly, and sent out a kind of metal impact. Sounds, ordinary swords can't seem to hurt his body at all.

Originally intended to let this monster live longer, to see if it might have something to do with Dashemaru, Zifeng grinned, with a slightly interesting smile, and injected a little magic element into the long knife. The figure flashed by, very relaxed and fast. Rotating around this guy.

The neck, stomach, heart, and limbs were pierced with scales everywhere, exposing the white flesh inside.

Nagasawa Ono screamed in pain, and the moves of Asma and Sai also deceived themselves. Neither the shuriken nor the bite of the serpent caused any damage to the monster. Both people were surprised to different degrees.

Standing on the top of the tree, Kakashi looked at Nagasawa Ono thoughtfully. He saw a lot of weird people. This level of weirdness stimulated the human body's potential, but it also spreads some on the surface of the human body. Changes, such changes should have side effects that are not weak.

Life wasting? Or chakra?

Kakashi thought for a while, and revealed the writing wheel.

While holding a long knife and deciding to cook, Zifeng, who usually cuts this monster, quickly discovered the side effect of Nagasawa Ono. This side effect is undoubtedly an element of life, because the other party can easily use a lot of chakras. Advanced ninjutsu, such as the art of ninjutsu, the art of fire dragon, and the art of phoenix sparks and so on.

After a few rounds, Asma and Sai joined the ring, Zifeng jumped out, and looked at Nagasawa Ono’s neck with great interest. He hadn’t seen it clearly just now because there were scales blocking him. This is not Oshemaru’s. Is it a classic mantra? It should be the curse of the earth...

Kakashi jumped to the side of Zifeng and whispered: "His Chakra is black."

As if to confuse Kakashi, Zifeng took out the shuriken from his pocket and threw it easily to the curse mark on Nagasawa Ono's neck. By the way, he also helped Asma and Sai who were almost caught by their paws. Up around.

"This curse is..." Kakashi is absolutely no stranger. After all, there are still red beans in Konoha Village. It seems that this mission has something to do with Oshemaru, and Oshemaru defected from the village for only two years. In the past, there was no intelligence news in the past two years. Coupled with the extermination of the Uchiha clan, a lot of Anbe's manpower was sent to the security team.

No one knows his condition, but Konoha's people also know that there must be a lot of Oshemaru's partisans in Konoha, and this cannot be eliminated at all.

It's like a pharmacist's pocket.

Zifeng instantly thought of this silver-haired fox like Kakashi. He hooked his lips with a sense of interest. A flash of cold light flashed like a lightning. The sword light knocked Nagasawa Ono down and damaged many big trees one after another. , He put the blade on the monster's jaw and chuckled softly: "Even creatures with scales must have weaknesses. This is your weakness."

Nagasawa Ono stared at him unwillingly. What Zifeng wanted was his unwillingness, because he saw that the curse mark on Nagasawa Ono's neck had begun to work.

"Curse seal, you and Dashemaru...Oh, yes, you stole the Konoha family secret method and dedicated it to Dashemaru, right?" Zifeng said with a smile: "It seems that you haven't become him yet. He’s subordinate, otherwise he would have taken you with him when he rebelled against the village. Are you afraid that he would not accept you so that he would find a way to obtain the sacrifice?"

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