"Nonsense!" Nagasawa Ono's face is grim, and the unknown Chakra lingers around him, "Master Oshemaru takes me very seriously! I have completed the task he gave me! The decaying and sad Konoha will eventually be there. One day, Lord Oshemaru will come back and destroy you!"

"Unfortunately, you must not be able to see it." Zifeng stared at him indifferently, "A failed product, I can guess what you look like." If this curse seal is used, I am afraid it will die soon.

"Shut up! What a kid knows!" Nagasawa Ono's expression became distorted, and his hands were imprinted without hesitation. This time, the speed seemed to stimulate the potential, and the art of fireball suddenly took shape.

"Fairy Tail quickly go away!" Asma yelled, her hands sealed, "Wind Escape•Breakthrough!"

The wind blade and the fireball quickly moved closer in the same straight line. Zifeng tugged at the corner of his mouth, and a purple shadow flashed across the spot. After he disappeared in the same place, the two ninjutsu had a huge collision. Under the huge dusty pit, The unknown chakra finally broke out, Nagasawa Ono also lost the appearance of a human at all, and the terrifying face slowly flashed out of the dust.

"I don't think I can ask him much at all. I should bring my head back and let the people from the mountain family solve it." Kakashi also gave the order and began to join the battle.

But Zifeng standing on a tree branch not far away, his gaze flicked over the package that Nagasawa Ono had thrown on the ground after transforming. There were scrolls of Hyuga, Uchiha and even Morite clan, and it happened to have a writing wheel eye. Kakashi, Neji Hyuga, who has white eyes, needs these.

"Then prepare to end it." It's just a small character. Zi Feng raised his lips, holding the long knife in his hand. The powerful purple blade is no longer concealed, like a long dragon, rushing toward the center of the battlefield fiercely. Sai and Asma quickly dodged, the dust carried by the blade light was several times more agitated than the previous explosion.

Kakashi made a seal on both hands, "The art of shuriken shadow clone!" The concealed weapon exuding cold light smashed into the dust like a rain of hair.

The next moment, a purple figure flew over, and Nagasawa Ono, who was still roaring loudly, was cut off in an instant, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

The three figures also quickly came to Zifeng’s side. Sai looked at the corpse on the ground, his eyes fluctuated slightly, "I took back what I said before...you are very strong, but I will definitely defeat you in the future. Now, you are The opponent I want to challenge the most!"

Zifeng glanced at him and smiled, "I thought it would be Kakashi."

"It was originally." Sai closed his mouth after speaking, and went back to pick up the package that Nagasawa Ono had thrown on the ground.

Kakashi also used a shuriken to chop off Nagasawa Ono's head and threw it into Asma's hands. Although the head was hideous and smelly, he seemed to be accustomed to it. He wrapped it in cloth and subconsciously. He asked, "Is it possible for this person to go to the country of Tian..."

"Senior!" Sajing said suddenly: "There are two fewer scrolls here!"

Zifeng tilted his head slightly and looked over, holding a scroll with Mori's name in Sai's hand. Mori is a powerful family with super vitality chakras, but it is fundamental to Zifeng who has a writing wheel. It's not worth mentioning, he wasn't interested at all, so he didn't touch the scroll when he took advantage of the chaos just now.

"How come." Kakashi's expression also changed slightly. He took the scroll in Sai's hand, looked at the package, and then looked around for a while before he said in a deep voice: "The scroll is not to be lost, we dispersed. Come look around and gather here in an hour!"


There was a strong miasma in the evening in the woods. Zifeng sat on the lush canopy and took out the two scrolls he had just got. He was only on a whim, but he didn't expect that Nagasawa Ono is a bit capable, and he got no scrolls. Moisture content is very detailed and important, the advantages and disadvantages of the Hyuga family's white eyes and the records of ninjutsu, the records of the Uchiha clan writing round eyes, and the use of writing round eyes.

It's a pity that Zifeng didn't see the eye-opening method of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes in it. It seems that the people of this tribe are quite careful to cover up this secret.

As for Hyuga, Zifeng opened the scroll and saw a detailed description of the Hyuga family curse.

"Hyuga Neji is lucky." He smiled and looked up to the sky. He happened to see the moon hiding in the clouds. The silver strands swept across the clouds. The next moment, Zifeng's figure disappeared. .

After one disappears, return to the same place to gather.

Sai held the scroll of the Hyuga clan in his hand. Asma found the scroll of the Uchiha clan. It was Zifeng spent some time to find them separately, secretly using illusion to make the illusion, after all, as the son of Lord Naruto , The confidant of the veteran Tuan Zang, it was the somewhat embarrassing identity of Bi Kakashi and Zifeng that made the people in the village trust a little, and also saved most of the trouble.

Kakashi also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and after detailed inquiries, he began to decide on the battle plan for the next mission.

This assassination mission was near the border of the Thunder Country. A group of Yunyin Village secretly stationed there was discovered by Konoha Anbe. It was stationed in the Fire Country, even if it was near the Thunder Country. , The three major Narutos immediately launched a major assassination mission, and this small team must be killed in one fell swoop, and the people in Yunyin Village could not be caught, silently and quickly!

They arrived at the mission location when the silver light was scattered on the ground just after sunrise.

"Destroying the corpse, it should be better to use fire-attribute ninjutsu and water-attribute ninjutsu." Kakashi touched his chin in a lazy tone, but the eyes inside looked very sharp, "but don’t be careless, absolutely No one should be allowed to escape, nor should they be allowed to leave any distress signals or information that reveals our identity."


After assigning the task of division of labor, Zifeng was too lazy to detour, holding his own long knife, simply turned over and jumped off the high wall of this simple house, followed the path of the compound, all the way to the training ground, he could feel The breath of this place, a small team is not to say that it is a small group of people, but a total of four groups of people, I don't know what moth Yunyin village intends to plant, so many people ambush in this place.

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