In fact, Sasuke was already his friend in Naruto's heart. Because of my identity, I don’t usually have many friends at the ninja school, and having a personal bickering is one of the few pleasures.

A child is a child, and everything he thinks is shown on his face. Just pay attention to it, and it is not difficult to find the trace of loneliness on Naruto's face.

"Naruto, it's okay, I will be your friend from now on, really!" Zifeng looked at Naruto's eyes seriously, and smiled like a dragonfly at the corner of his mouth. Coupled with the already handsome face, it is easy to make people feel warm.

Sure enough, the corners of Naruto's eyes were already slightly flickering with tears. Fortunately, this is an independent private room, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing.

"Okay, let's eat. Otherwise, the noodles will be cold." Zifeng pushed the large-sized bowl of ramen with rich content on the table to Naruto's face, and he unceremoniously ate the classic Three-color balls, still the familiar taste.

Both of them were happy in their hearts and minds during this meal. After it was over, Zifeng planned to go to Ning Ci's house to explore his breath. This person's temper was not ordinary stubborn, but he didn't know how he would choose to open the curse seal in order to understand it?

It would be more interesting to help Shikamaru in practice obediently. Thinking about it, Zifeng couldn't help but fill up the scene when Neji was instructing Shikamaru in his mind, and it felt a bit unreal to think about it.

"Come out!" Since the school rooftop and Shikamaru went home separately, he spent the whole afternoon in this room with four walls, simply thinking about life!

"Ning Ci, Master let you find out on purpose, don't doubt Master's ability." Knowing that Ning Ci is in a dilemma at this time, Zi Feng still couldn't help but tease the little apprentice. They are all craftable materials, but they are a little too persistent on certain things, and he will slowly change them.

Of course, in fact, he also enjoys seeing Neji in a dilemma. After all, it’s still fun...

It is this kind of evil taste that makes a boring life a little worth seeing, isn't it?

"I'm thinking about it." Ning Ci stood up silently, looking like he had figured it out. However, he didn't tell Zifeng his plan, and to deal with such a person was to suspend his appetite.

"Huh?" Zi Feng asked. In fact, looking at Ning Ci's expression, he actually had a bottom in his heart. It's just that, let him speak out and acquiesce in himself, that would be two different feelings.

Pushing the door open, Ning Ci took a deep breath. Now that it's decided, let's do it. The curse seal, sooner or later, is a problem that can be solved, and there won't be so many worries since then.

"You kid." Zifeng smiled helplessly, knowing that Ning Ci would be so easy to be teased by him. Unexpectedly, he would not give him the face of the teacher so much. If you should say, you can die or not! ?

Along the way, Neji was teleporting at a speed that was indistinguishable from the naked eye. Zi Feng followed Ning Ci effortlessly, but there will be a good show later, how can someone like him miss it?

Ning Ci didn't mind, he still controlled his Chakra at a constant speed. It happened to arrive at Shikamaru's place within the time of his own budget, and Zifeng followed closely behind. It just hid his chakra a little bit, and then went into hiding quietly, and actually didn't do anything.

Suddenly he couldn't feel the Chakra of Hagaki Zifeng, Ning Ci quietly rolled his eyes and observed. Even knowing that it might be useless, but still can't help but want to try. I have never understood what kind of realm Zifeng's cultivation level has reached. I really want to get to the bottom when I have the opportunity.

At this time, Shikamaru was practicing his chakra in the backyard of his home. The length of the shadow is still not enough, this big shortcoming is a big problem when fighting. Shikamaru is very aware of his weaknesses, so as long as he has time, he will practice assiduously. Although I found that I can use the shadows of the surrounding things to extend the length of my shadow, in special circumstances...

"Shikamaru, I think we can help each other." Ning Ci didn't like to go around the corner either. The last time I just couldn't figure it out for a while. In fact, it's not a big deal. It's about face or something, but it's just a matter of emotion. Untie the curse seal is the kingly way.

Maybe it was because the practice was too concentrated, Shikamaru didn't notice Neji's approach. Or maybe it was because Neji deliberately used some ninjutsu to hide all his breath. After all, a genius in a higher grade was more than enough to deal with a student in a lower grade.

Shikamaru stared at this genius student who had been praised by his classmates earnestly. Because Neji didn't have black pupils, he couldn't feel at which point he focused. It seems that it is easy to have a sense of distance with people.

Shikamaru knew that their relationship was actually nothing more than a trading relationship. However, his own ninjutsu still hasn't made much progress so far, and it does need others to know. Zifeng is a good master, but the time to see him is indeed a bit outrageous.

Now, Neji was right in front of him. This opportunity can indeed be grasped, but this group. I am afraid that the trouble caused is not small. This matter is indeed to be weighed.

Zifeng leaned against one wall, watching them chat silently as an outsider. The ending is clear for a long time, Shikamaru will definitely help Neji, but it's just a matter of time. Of course, it depends on what excuse Ning Ci has enough to persuade him. This is the key to success.

"Shikamaru, if you are willing to help me, I will swear in the name of the family. I will not shirk anything you want me to help in the future." Ning Ci knew that Shikamaru would not easily agree to him, so he planned it long ago. What to do.

In Konoha Village, the reputation of Neji and his family is not built up. From another perspective, this is a guarantee of safety.

"Okay, but you must guarantee that my ninjutsu must advance by leaps and bounds within a month." During this period of time, it seems that my practice has been fruitless, and Shikamaru is actually quite anxious. Why not do this kind of best of both worlds.

"I promise." Now, he needs Shikamaru's Yin attribute Chakra, Shikamaru also needs him to improve his cultivation. As long as the seal is lifted, all the troubles will disappear with the wind.

"Tomorrow morning, see you at the back of the school." It's getting late today and it's no longer suitable for cultivation. Things are still in a hurry, as long as the negotiation is settled, everything is not a big problem.

Zifeng, who had been watching the show for a long time, finally couldn't help showing up. The kid Shikamaru agreed so easily, so he made things difficult for him anyway, didn't he? ! It's rare to see Nenz begging for help.

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