The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 43: : The curse seal is lifted

I didn't have to watch the good show, Zifeng went back to his bachelor apartment. Even if Shikamaru was willing to help Neji lift the seal, it would not succeed in a short time. Everything still needs time...

Everything seemed to calm down again, and the occasional tasks were just A and B grades. Dispelling the rebellion and stealing the scrolls have done a lot of things, and Zifeng is already about to get comfortable with it, just as natural as eating and sleeping.

This flash, two years have passed unconsciously. Many of the senior ninjas in the Ninja School have been assigned to work in Anbe, and everything seems so natural.

Spring is warm and blooming, in such a vibrant season. It was when everything was full of vitality, Naruto Uzumaki, who had been regarded as a troublemaker by Mr. Iruka, of course would not spend this rare holiday so peacefully.

"Zifeng, when will you teach me swordsmanship?" After these two years of getting along, the relationship between Zifeng and Naruto is under his shameless stalking, and the two have reached the point where they can talk about nothing. Now, in Konoha Village, Zifeng is already one of Naruto’s few friends.

Of course, this also means that Zifeng will be "disturbed" by Naruto from time to time from now on. When can this active guy be free?

In the past two years, Zifeng has continuously received assassination missions from the Thunder Country, and he is well-known there. As long as the task is given to him, there is nothing impossible. All the names that appear on the list will be wiped out on the stage of history.

In Leizhi Nation, the name Qimu Zifeng was gradually spread by the people there. From an unknown little ninja, to a hidden figure who is frightened by everyone in the country of Thunder. Among them, Zifeng also took a lot of risks in it.

How many times the people from the Thunder Kingdom wanted to send someone to assassinate them, but they were all seen through by Zifeng. In order to end the troubles, he had to cut the grass and remove the roots. He doesn't have a good impression of Thunder Country, and now the kindness on both sides is not clear in a few words. But in view of Zifeng's unfathomable strength, Lei Zhiguo has yet to come up with a one-size-fits-all solution.

After all, Zifeng is still in Konoha Village now, once a ninja from another country approaches Konoha's border. She will soon be discovered by the guard at the border, and if she wants to sneak into the village quietly, she really needs a ninja with a certain level of strength to do it.

The only chance is for Zifeng to prepare for a sneak attack when he is out on a mission. It's just that, after many failed attempts and a lot of Shinobu was compromised, Lei Zhiguo didn't dare to rush to send a ninja to make unnecessary sacrifices.

The two sides were in a stalemate like this, and Zifeng was at ease. It's okay to take a task or something, among which he is most happy to receive all the tasks related to the kingdom of thunder. He wants to let the people of Thunder Country know that even if others are in their country, they can't do anything to him. This kind of perverted pleasure is also the joy of life. Otherwise, life is not too boring.

For Naruto's question, Zifeng did not answer directly. After all, Naruto is still just a child. The nine tails in his body have not yet been awakened. When one day he knew the secret hidden in his body, what kind of swordsmanship was not worth mentioning to him.

"Naruto, I will teach you when I have time. Now, you should first teach you the skills of Teacher Iruka." Zifeng knows everything about Naruto's school, after all, they are all in the same class. student. Even though Zifeng would occasionally go out to perform special tasks, he still didn't pull down all the things he should know.

Naruto embarrassedly stretched out his hand and wiped off his blond hair. It seems that what Mr. Iruka taught himself was not very good. I really don't know how the guy Sasuke learns, what he teaches, and Naruto is not convinced when he thinks of it.

"Naruto, I have a task later. See you next time." He reached out and wiped Naruto's blond hair, and Zi Feng disappeared into the school in a flash. Later, I will go to the Anbu to discuss how to allocate the next tasks, and there is no time to chat for the time being.

In the past two years, Shikamaru has been under the careful guidance of Neji. Ninjutsu is no longer the same.

Today, in the grassland outside Shikamaru's home, there are as always two familiar figures. Ningci and Shikamaru, today is the big day when things happen, Ningci can't help but stretch out his hand and wipe the bandage on his head, wanting to just pull it off like this!

On the way to Anbu, Zifeng happened to see these two boys just cultivating. He wanted to join in the fun and see what level of Shikamaru's cultivation had reached. But seeing Neji's solemn expression, I already guessed that today is the day to lift the curse seal. Forget it with the wrench, it seems it's almost the same.

Ning Ci can bear it. It has been two years, and now he is thinking about lifting the seal. In fact, it was clearest that he wanted to get rid of the Sealed Purple Wind as soon as possible. So, as much as possible. He will teach Neji some more practical ninjutsu, such as his best swordsmanship or illusion that Neji can't see through.

The fruit is finally ripe.

"Shikamaru, your Yin Chakra is almost there. Are you willing to give it a try now?" Neji still politely asked Kamaru for permission. Do your best to help him.

For so long, Shikamaru has actually regarded Neji as his teacher. Of course, there will be no unwillingness to say this, but he is worried that his ability is still lacking, and Ning Ci's disappointed expression at that time is what he does not want to see.

Knowing Shikamaru's concerns, Neji stretched out his hand and patted Shikamaru firmly on the shoulder. "It's okay, just do your best." Then his eyes signaled that Shikamaru is ready and can start at any time.

The way to lift the seal is simple, but also very complicated. Shikamaru needs to condense the Yin Chakra into a thread and inject it into the curse mark on his forehead, and then reach a pattern, and the sealing technique can be considered successful. This control and quality of Chakra's energy requires precise grasp of time and division, and both of them may be harmed if they are slightly worse.

Shikamaru is a smart man who knows what to do when. Ning Ci had no doubt about it, this time. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent! In Ning Ci's mind, it was inevitable.

Zifeng used the invisibility technique generally by outsiders, and gradually approached this direction. I plan to stay quiet and watch the show! Shikamaru is now able to make a one-handed seal. "Well, it's not bad!" Zi Feng silently admired him. Ningci closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the grassland, waiting for the baptism of Shikamaru’s Yin attribute Chakra

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