The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 15 Chapter 55: :Ganoderma Lucidum

Shi Xin sat on the ground with a tired **** and took out a Ganoderma lucidum-like elixir. He knew that this kind of ganoderma was called Longxue Ganoderma lucidum. This kind of Ganoderma lucidum was different from other Ganoderma lucidum. It is only possible to grow in places with strong spiritual power for hundreds of years. At this moment, Shixin can be said to be rich and powerful. It should be kept in normal times. Such a Ganoderma lucidum is cut into small pieces and he is reluctant to eat it and slowly refine it. Now this Ganoderma lucidum feels almost like eating steamed buns in peacetime. After eating a Dragon Beard Ganoderma lucidum, he immediately took out an emperor fruit. Just like that, Shi Xin ate several elixir in one breath, and suddenly felt a burst of heat in his stomach. Although the elixir is good, it can’t be eaten as a meal. Otherwise, it can only be done by Xiang Shixin, because some of the elixir contained in the elixir can improve the cultivation base, some can strengthen the body, and some can even improve the body. People are rescued from a state of life hanging by a thread. And eating like Shixin, waste is still a trivial matter, it is very likely that he will burst into death because of too much spiritual power at once.

But now it’s useless to say anything. Shi Xin immediately began to practice the dark sunset. This quasi-earth-level exercise was extremely consuming spiritual power. As soon as the dark sunset began to operate, Shi Xin felt a lot more comfortable in his body, and the spiritual power in his body It was quickly compressed and changed into dark power. As soon as the spiritual power in the body was transformed, spiritual power was immediately replenished. Gradually, a dynamic balance was formed. Shi Xin hadn't come and was delighted, but suddenly found a problem, that is, although The space occupied by the compression of the spiritual power is small, but also, the dark power is generated. Although the dark power is less than the original spiritual power, it still occupies the space. With the continuous increase of the spiritual power, the dark power has also increased. Terrible. To be honest, the current Shixin can completely rely on using the skills in the dark sunset, so that the spiritual power in the body will be quickly consumed, but Shixin does not want to do that, because in that case, a large amount of elixir will inevitably be destroyed. Suddenly Shixin thought of a bold idea, which was to build a foundation.

This idea seems trivial, but if a cultivator listens to it, it will feel crazy. Because the foundation is to expand one's dantian so that the dantian can accommodate more spiritual power, in fact, the only difference between the foundation-building period and the refining period is the amount of dantian capacity and the physical strength. The common method of foundation building in the cultivation world is to use the foundation pill. Basically, the cultivator in the Qi refining period will report to the sect after reaching the ninth stage of the qi training period. The monks who are not available will generally choose to grab or do some dangerous work to win rewards. Few people are stupid enough to build the foundation by themselves. Of course, this does not mean that it is not feasible to build the foundation by themselves. On the contrary, the cultivator who builds the foundation by himself should be the strongest of. But the success rate of self-building the foundation is extremely low, and the degree of pain is absolutely appalling, so for most people, it is tantamount to looking for death, and almost no one will take the risk to build the foundation by themselves. But now Shixin has no choice. He really can’t destroy everything in front of him, not to mention the importance of this to him, but since these lives have grown for so many years, he can’t bear to destroy them all. Immortal cultivator What is important is to stay a thread in everything. Even the best elixir can only take one away if there are two, and one must be left behind. Therefore, Shixin chose to build the foundation by himself. This opportunity and danger are the same. On the road.

Shi Xin gritted his teeth and put two good medicines into his mouth. At this moment, he was really broken, and he became benevolent if he didn't succeed. Massive spiritual power rushed into the dantian, quickly filling the entire dantian, followed by the pain of tearing, small holes in the dantian cracked, Shi Xin was busy blocking the holes with dark power, and just stabilized and was supported. Broken, countless cracks spread throughout the pubic area. Finally, Dan Tian began to expand a little bit under the constant impact of spiritual power.

Puff, finally, a huge crack appeared on the dantian, and the dark power quickly wrapped the crack and leaked out the spiritual power from time to time. I don’t know how many times the dantian was broken, how many times it was repaired, or how much spiritual power was lost. Shixin’s dantian finally calmed down. Shixin smiled comfortingly, and then passed out, and the dark power in his body began. Repair the damaged pubic area by yourself.

It has been many days since Shi Xin woke up again, and when he woke up intuitively and relaxed, the pain before and the joy at the moment seemed nothing compared to him. I hurriedly tried to get the spiritual power, and suddenly felt that the dantian was still a little painful. It may be that the injury of the dantian was not completely cured, but this could not affect Shi Xin's mood at all. At this moment, Shixin is also conceited to be a master among the younger generation, and he feels passionate about the young generation competition that will be held soon.

What Shixin didn't know was that at the same time, Qingshu faction.

"Sect Master, you have to be the master for me, the elder connivates his son to hurt others, and he is inferior to someone who is injured by my apprentice, so he will kill my apprentice and force my apprentice down the ghost stream. Isn't this deceiving too much." The face of the sovereign yelled this loudly.

"Hmph, did you say that it was me who forced your apprentice to death? Who can prove that you want to spit out blood." Although the elder was guilty, he couldn't show it on the surface, not to mention the cruelty to the same sect. If he said it, It doesn't matter if he forced it. The world speaks by strength, and if he is already dead, no one will do justice for the dead. The important thing is that the big elder can't hold back his face. An elder can hurt his son and run away in front of him. This will seriously affect his image. For him, face is as important as life. ,, ..

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